
Dungeon World Survival

One day, the whole world has been suddenly teleported to another world. They were separated from a massive multidimensional dungeon, which they have to find a way to escape. Without knowing the reason how they were teleported and why they were here, every people from Earth will try and survive in this world where danger lurks everywhere. Can they truly escape in this world and find a way back on their own world? Will they help each other, or fight each other? Find out as the MC, Will Bright, goes around this weird world that acts like a game, but a single mistake will cost them their lives.

Yeye0900 · Fantasie
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10 Chs

Grinding For Strength

He started to look for more monsters, preferably those who are not made of wood. He have encountered some plastic men which he quickly disposed of.

There is one wooden man that he met and he quickly ran away before it comes to him.

He didn't want to fight it using a lot of effort. It is much more efficient to kill ten plastic men than killing a single wooden man.

So he goes around the place looking for plastic men.


[Level Up]


It's been an hour since he started hunting for more moving humanoid plastics. He acquired enough EXP to level up.


Will Bright ~ Level 12

(Next : 0%)

MP : 0/0

SP : 220/220

MP Regen : 0/sec

SP Regen : 0.0022/sec

STR : 0 (+)

VIT : 22 (+)

AGI : 0 (+)

DEX : 0 (+)

MAG : 0 (+)

WIS : 0 (+)

CHA : 0 (+)

LCK : 0 (+)

Status Points : 2


Growth Promotion (Level 1)

He quickly decided to pick his Strength status. Now his status looks like this.


Will Bright ~ Level 12

(Next : 0%)

MP : 0/0

SP : 220/220

MP Regen : 0/sec

SP Regen : 0.0022/sec

STR : 2

VIT : 22

AGI : 0

DEX : 0

MAG : 0

WIS : 0

CHA : 0

LCK : 0

Status Points : 0


Growth Promotion (Level 1)

"Great! Now I think I can barely fight those wooden guys?"

With hope in his heart, he decided to go back to the room where he found a lone wooden monster.


Moving through the empty halls of this catacombs, he arrives at a door which he opens to enter it.

It is once again a simple room and within is a wooden man. It seems like it didn't felt his presence so he quickly rushes at it, making a surprise attack.

He don't want to do a sneak attack. He knows he is not good at that so just rushing and getting closer to the enemy a lot quicker is preferable.


He raises his knife and stabs the monster on the head, then he kicks it out while gripping the knife.

Unlike the first one when he didn't manage to yank the knife out of the monster's body, this time he easily managed to grip it strongly that even by kicking the wooden man away, it easily latches off by it's head.

He didn't notice it for now as he was focused on his enemy.

"This time, I won't be troubled by this!"

The wooden man tries to take a step forward with it's hands raised, but it is too slow. He quickly manages to get besides it and stabs it's head once more. Then he yanks the knife off before stabbing it on the torso.

Seeing it going to punch him, he ducks before taking the knife out of it's torso. Then he rams the wooden monster to the wall, hugging it with his arms with his other hand changing the grip of his sword into a backhanded grip.

He manages to slam the monster to the wall and in a state of adrenaline, his hand has quickly taken to stabbing at it's side repeatedly.

The wooden man tries to slam it's wooden hand on his back, which he only grunted due to a slight sting that he felt. It seems like even with it's wooden hands, it didn't affect him that much anymore.

Though it is also not stopping, trying to let him out of his hug by using it's fist to his back. As for him, he is still trying to kill it by repeatedly stabbing it on it's chest and torso.

Shit! It's not working at all!

Thinking like that, he finally decided to disengage by changing the way he holds the monster. After he manages to put his hand on it's belly, hs pushes himself out of it, pressing it to the wall while he manages to get on a distance for a bit.

He hissed as he felt a stinging pain on his back. It seems like even when he didn't feel it's strike, repeatedly being beaten by it's wooden hands will still accumulate the pain.

"Dammit, am I really forced to break your head or something?"

A normal person should have died by being repeatedly stabbed on the torso and the chest. Though this monster is totally made of wood, and it's physiology doesn't follow the human standards.

He decided to just do what he did on the wooden monster that he defeated awhile ago. He once again charges at this monster and grabs it's face.

Then he tries to yank it's head off, which only took a bit of an effort before he did so.

With a sound of something breaking, the head of the monster has been separated form it's body. It's body slowly fell to the ground unmoving. It's head gripped tightly by his hands, and his fingers is slightly piercing through it.

[You got 20 EXP!]

He throws the head away before looking around.

"Phew.... so in the end, I just have to take off their head. That's a bit hard, though it seems like I became strong enough that it only took me a little effort."

He felt satisfied with this. Now he didn't need to feel so threatened when facing with those wooden monsters.

No. I still have to be careful. I'll still get hurt if I get repeatedly clobbered by those wooden monsters.

He retracted his thoughts and decided to be more cautious from now on. He didn't want to get careless, now that he is in another world. He wanted to enjoy his life in this world after he gets out of this dungeon.

"I wonder where is the exit's at?"

He once again moves on, going through the dungeon and finding more monsters.

Even if he is looking for an exit, he also wanted to grind enough levels so he can become strong.

He looks around for the room first and seeing that nothing interesting is in there, he left the room and look for another place to grind for more EXP.