
Dungeon vanquisher

what will you do when your loving one dies? maybe one will grieve in her memories or someone will move on. but what happens when someone tells you if you can save your dead loved one? "I will definitely save her" this novel is going through a world where the hero is created. where normal people become heroes. and the only way of becoming to save his loving one is to conquer the dungeons and become the dungeon conqueror. Kagen protagonist of the story lost his loved ones in an accident and found, that wasn't an accident. the GOD gave him the chance to save her loved one once more. but god placed some conditions on it. TO BECOME THE DUNGEON VANQUISHER. AUTHORS REMARK 1. THIS IS A SLOW-PROGRESS NOVEL AND I HOPE YOU GUYS WILL STICK WITH IT. 2. THE NOVEL COVER ISNT MINE. IF SOMEONE HAVE ANY QUARRY ABOUT IT PLEASE CONTACT ME. 3. THIS WORK IS PARTICIPATING IN WPC COMPETITION HOPE YOU WILL GIVE POWER STONES.

DRone · Fantasie
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6 Chs


"Almighty GOD?"

"No, not that one"

Kagen clenched and bite his lips to suppress his anger. He thought another one was making fun of him.

Kagen asked, frustrated. "than who you are? Say without any more dilemma."

Another one lowered his thighs and gave a hand to Kagen and said, "I am a kind of Demi-god, I guess"

"Demigod! What is that?" Kagen asked while holding his hand and another one pulled Kagen to stand back as normal.

"Let's see….." after thinking for a short moment another one said, "I am an artificial god. I was once a human a long time ago. But I wasn't a normal human."

"I was a Hero."

"The one who inherited one of the infinite skills of GOD. "

Surprised, Kagen asked, "then what happened?"

"Well…, many things happened, and I became a demigod, a part of GOD. "

"Hmm…, then how you became a Demi-god?"

"A Demi-god is the part of God who inherited the skill of GOD and helps in universes' peace"

"So, how can I believe you?"

"You… humans can't understand a thing without proof."

"Well, look," another one said and guided Kagen through his right hand to a certain place.

When Kagen looked at that place, he found the same that he saw when he came here, the black-purple round objects. They were still repelling each other, but now with more pressure.

Another one said, "look, that's a black hole."

Kagen was shocked and said, "…... black hole?"

"Now don't ask me to prove that is a black hole."

"I won't do that, so why do you show me this?"

"Wait for some moments and focus on that black hole."

As he said that, Kagen focused on that thing, and after some time, a small white sphere appeared. Within an eye blink, two black holes got eaten by that white sphere.

"Woooooh, that's some crazy things," Kagen said.

He was excitedly watching that, sawing him like that. Another one replied, "That was GOD and a Demi-god. A Demi-god isn't GOD. But GOD is everything."

"Ok, I believe you now, but why did you call me here?"

"I want you to do simple work for me"

As soon as Kagen heard those words, he moved back and started to walk toward the cosmic sea.

"Stoo…pp, my Kagen"

"I am not yours"

Kagen stopped and said, "you know what happened to me right? You are Demi-god, you know."

Another one didn't say anything and just nodded his head.

Kagen continued, "after what happened with my family, my only purpose in life my Sunao died in the car accident. And after that, I found out that I have diagnosed with chronic cancer in the last stage. It wasn't curable."

"You want me to return to that world, never in a million chances I will return."

"And What if I said to you that your girlfriend Sunao didn't die by accident but was murdered?"

Kagen turned around and came running toward another one. By holding his clothes tightly, he asked, "who was that?"

"Are you saying the truth?"

"Yes, of course. Why would I lie to you?"

"But I will tell you in one condition and can give a chance to save her."

Without any thought, Kagen replied, "yes, I will definitely. If it can save my Sunao, I will do it."

"Ok then listen, when I was a hero after defeating the demon lord, I created a prototype world to train normal humans to become powerful and fight as a hero."

"Ok…, so what do you want me to do?"

"I want you to train there and save a SSS alert world by defeating the demon lord."

"But why do I have to train there if I want to destroy that?"

"Because you have to train there first to become a hero by exploring dungeons."

"But why don't you go destroy that?"

"Well, I distribute my skills and weapons in that prototype world and I also make a wish to GOD after defeating the demon lord that GOD will not interfere In that prototype world."

"But why do you want to destroy that? You created and yet you are saying that"

"My world, which I created, was totally different. I created prototypes of dungeons."

Dungeons are the term used for dark, usually underground prisons. But in reality, it has more than a hundred levels in it.

It has traps and monsters in it. In the end, by defeating the boss, one gets the skills and weapons. In another one's world, he created dungeon prototypes, not the real ones.

He just created a simulation of real dungeons.

"I instructed the first hero batch there. I thought that after the first batch I will close that. But due to my lack of power and strong opposition from the other heroes, they kicked me out from there."

"But I already destroyed three dungeons there before getting kicked"

"But why did they oppose the one who taught them?"

"They wanted to give their experience and hard training to normal humans to become heroes and as a result, they created machine humans who have no sign of emotions, sympathy, and kindness."

"Their only motive is to destroy the demon lord. As soon as I realized their perspective, I opposed that, but as you can see now, I am here."

"Please, young Kagen, save that world for me. As a creator, I have my responsibility to destroy my creation when danger comes. Please,"

After hearing his words, Kagen stayed stiff and, breaking his silence, he said, "I don't care what happened to your world"

Or prototype universe"

"But if it will give me a chance to save my only love, I can save thousands and millions of worlds like that"

"I accept the offer"

"So get ready"

"But before that, as you explained that I am going to fight with ex-heroes there, but how can I defeat them? I can't use magic."

Another one replied, "don't worry, that's why I am here. I will give that to you. I just have to unlock that in you."

Another one whispered a mantra, and a weapon appeared out of nowhere and by giving it to Kagen he said "I will give this one sword and my favorite one that I have, but promise me you aren't going to use him (referred to the sword) in my prototype world before defeating the demon lord."

Kagen said, "I give my promise to never use this sword in your prototype world before defeating the demon lord."

"But where can I save it?"

Another one became angry and said "it? He is him."

"His name is PINAKI."

"Never ever repeat that"

Terrified, Kagen drank his own saliva with the fear and answered "ok I get it, sorry PINAKI"

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