
Dungeon Raider System

The Mayan ceremonial dagger had an inscription in the ancient language that read: "Offer thy heart". It's obviously an instruction left by the past inhabitants of this forgotten place, but who would be stupid enough to stab himself in the heart with a rusty old knife found inside a tombstone? After activating my battery pack the dagger shimmers brightly in a cyan light, the creatures are coming, I can hear their steps. 'It's do or die.'

NanaiSensei · Urban
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809 Chs

The dungeon of Te Pito Te Nua Part 2

After the last message, it was as though the dungeon became alive. Light was made seemingly out of nowhere and distant noise of stone gears announced an entrance had opened somewhere. Then, Uriel was able to finally see his surroundings and realized it was some sort of terrarium. The room was open and filled with vegetation, it looked like a perfect habitat for a creature such as the tortoise that, unfortunately, didn't make it after the air was sucked out. However, it was also clear it wasn't a natural ecosystem, snice the walls were made of glass, though it was impossible to see what lied beyond it because it was stained.

Uriel attempted to clean it, but his efforts didn't pay out and he turned his attention to the, now dead, tortoise next to him. It was a heavy looking creature, its skin was wrinkled, dry and old, but its face didn't look distressed in the slightest. It was as though the creature passed away peacefully in its sleep.