
11. Cursed voyage

The sun hung low over the horizon, casting a fiery orange glow across the waves as the pirate ship sailed on. The tranquil scene was shattered by an unexpected mishap.

Pegleg Pete, propped against the mast and savoring a hard-earned break after swabbing the deck, was rudely interrupted when a seagull swooped down and snatched the last bite of his hardtack biscuit right from his hand.

"Oi! Ye scurvy bird! That was me supper, ye feathered thief!" His voice cracked with indignation as he shook his fist at the offending bird, which squawked triumphantly and flew away.

The crew burst into raucous laughter. Nearby, Squinty Sam, engrossed in polishing his cutlass, had almost finished when his rag slipped, sending the gleaming blade skidding across the deck—directly in front of the captain's boots.

Captain with a thick pirate drawl, "Arrr, Sammy, what's this? Ye tryin' to give me a pedicure with that blade? Next time, aim for somethin' less vital—like Pegleg's pride, Yahaha!"

"Aye-Aye, cap'n," Sammy stammered, his face flushed with embarrassment as he scrambled to retrieve his sword.

Pegleg Pete grumbled, "Ain't no need to drag me into it, Cap'n."

As Sam retrieved his sword with an awkward grin, a sudden, fierce gust of wind snatched the captain's prized hat—a large, feathered tricorn—from his head and sent it soaring into the sky like a wayward pirate's dream.

Captain clutching his head in horror, "Nooooo! Me beloved hat! I paid three gold pieces for that beauty!"

"Cap'n, don't forget ye looted that store the same night," Pegleg Pete pointed out, watching as the hat floated down onto the ocean's surface.

Captain with his eye twitching with fury "Someone jump in there and fetch it, or I'll be handing out extra swim lessons with the sharks!"

The crew scrambled to volunteer, diving into the churning water after the hat. Meanwhile, the captain stormed off toward the helm, muttering darkly.

"First me hat, now me patience. I swear, if I lose me last good boot next, I'll be walkin' the plank meself!"

As he reached the wheel, a loud twang echoed through the ship. The ropes holding up one of the sails snapped, sending the sail flapping down like a soggy blanket. It flapped wildly, smacking pirates left and right.

Toothy Tom, entangled in the flapping ropes, spun helplessly. "Ahoy! Who tied these ropes, me granny? I'm gettin' seasick just standin' here!"

"Argh, what's next? A sea creature of misfortune?" The captain roared, his voice echoing with frustration and rage as he threw his arms up in exasperation.

To make matters worse, the ship's wheel jammed suddenly, causing the vessel to veer wildly off course. The captain yanked on the wheel with a growl that echoed his frustration.

"Come on, ye stubborn piece o' driftwood! Turn, or I'll turn ye into firewood!"

The ship groaned in protest but slowly corrected itself. Meanwhile, down in the galley, Biscuit Bob, the ship's cook, was in the middle of serving a dubious stew. As he tripped over a loose board, the entire pot of boiling liquid flew through the air, splattering across the deck in a messy cascade of brown sludge.

"Ah, well, looks like stew's off the menu, lads. Hope ye fancy dried biscuits and old fish!"

Back on deck, the captain stood with his hands on his hips, surveying the chaos around him. Pegleg Pete argued with a seagull perched on the railing, Toothy Tom remained tangled in ropes, and Squinty Sam continued sharpening his cutlass with the same rag he'd dropped on the floor.

The crew gathered around the captain, "This ain't no ordinary bad luck, lads. Feels like we've angered the sea gods themselves! Or maybe it's that cursed cargo we picked up last week—who knows! But I swear, we'll weather this storm, and when we do, we'll be lounging on a sun-drenched beach, rum in hand and surrounded by the finest company!" His voice rang with unyielding determination.

Pegleg Pete rolled his eyes and muttered under his breath, "Cap'n, don't be sayin' that! Ye'll jinx us for sure!"

Just as he finished, a loud creak echoed through the ship. The crew froze, a tense silence settling over the deck.

Captain sighed heavily, "Well… there it is. Bring me a barrel of rum," he ordered, and with that, he stomped off below deck.

In the dimly lit confines of the ship's hold, Elliot blinked his eyes open. His vision was hazy, his body aching with a dull throb. He tried to sit up, only to find himself bound in cuffs. Typical. Despite the pain from his injuries, he was relieved to find he wasn't dead.

As his eyes adjusted, he noticed a skinny boy, no older than twelve, sitting across from him and casually tossing a coin into the air.

"Ah, great," Elliot muttered. "I'm alive... and still in chains. What's next, a surprise party?"

The kid snorted, not looking up. "Pirate ship. Surprise parties cost extra."

Elliot squinted. "Well, thanks for the tip... uh, who are you?"

The boy lazily caught the coin and shrugged. "Name's Billy. Been stuck here a while. Got caught pickpocketing. Pirates don't appreciate that much." He finally glanced up at Elliot with a smirk. "And you? What's your sob story? Deliver the wrong letter?"

Elliot sighed, "Actually, yeah. Something like that."

Billy raises an eyebrow, "Seriously?"

Elliot shifted uncomfortably, "Nope, nailed it right into the coffin."

Billy shook his head, flipping the coin with a smirk. "Wow, you're in worse shape than I figured, but hey, it's an improvement over being dead, right?"

Elliot chuckled despite himself. "Yeah, sounds about right. Just another day in my life." He rubbed his wrists, feeling the lingering soreness but noting the reduced pain from his previous injuries. "So, what exactly happened to me? The last thing I remember is bleeding out."

Billy leaned back, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. "Oh, you were about to croak for sure. But then, out of nowhere, this woman shows up."

Elliot frowned, "A woman?"

Billy nodded, "Yeah. She was all mysterious and spooky, like somethin' out of a ghost story. Didn't talk to anyone, just knelt next to you and did some magic mumbo-jumbo."

Elliot raised an eyebrow, "Magic? Seriously?"

Billy nodded enthusiastically, "Yep. Waved her hand, and your wounds started closing up. It was pretty wild." He paused for dramatic effect, then added with a sly grin, "And then she gave you the princess rescue."

Elliot's eyes widened, "What? Did she kiss me or something!"

Billy chuckled, clearly enjoying himself. "Yep. Right on the lips. Like she was tryin' to suck out your soul or somethin'."

"Romantic, huh? You were out cold for it, though. Tragic."

Elliot groaned, "Great, I got molested when I was asleep."

Billy shrugged, "Eh, better than nothin'. If I were you, I'd send her a thank-you card. You'd be fish food if it weren't for her."

Elliot rubbed his forehead, trying to process the bizarre turn of events. "So, she healed me and vanished?"

"Like smoke. Real creepy stuff. But hey, you're alive, and that's what counts."

Elliot sighed, "Yeah, and now I'm stuck here with you. Not exactly the rescue I had in mind."

Elliot shook his head, still not entirely sure what to make of it. "Yeah, well, next time, I'd prefer a normal rescue, thanks."

Billy chuckled. "Good luck with that around here, buddy."

Elliot leaned back against the wall, feeling the ship sway beneath him. One thing was certain—his life had officially gone off the rails. Again.

Hey everyone! I’ve updated this chapter to fix some inconsistencies in the writing. I hope you enjoy the revised version!

po_ver_tycreators' thoughts