
Dungeon Corporation

Monika was a money-driven businesswoman. Nothing changes in the new world. The spendthrift warlady will garner the world's riches to strengthen her dungeon and wreak havoc. Need supplies to fend off a pesky neighboring barony? Our dwarven smiths forge the finest weaponry. No soldiers? Our elven warriors will selflessly protect your lands. Fear not! Can’t afford it? That is the least of your concerns. We offer loans of ten thousand life stones. I will double it just for you. Yep, same rates. The Goblin Bank? Their terms make trolls look generous. Haven’t heard the rumors? Oh, your daughter wants a slimey? Any preferred breeds? Is that so!? Glitters, you say? They’re my favorites too! My heart? It’s priceless. But perhaps~... *Amoral goal-oriented lead *All the warnings imaginable

_ISKANDAR2_ · Fantasie
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31 Chs

Nuclear Armageddon

Monika blankly watched Sona.Sona blankly watched at Monika."Pft," she suddenly jolted."Yahahaha!" Monika slapped on his lap in amusement. "30 years! Long time no see, friend. Why did you stop appearing in my dreams after I got the message from Destruction?"Sona remained silent."You were my only friend! I knew you were just brainwashing me. I knew you had some incentive. So, what is it? Why did you work as my personal therapist throughout my second life before I got my memories?" Monika downed the coffee. "You've shaped my mind even if I forgot about you whenever I woke up. It hugely impacted my childhood and, hence, me."Sona still remained still."Wow! To think that I've caught the eyes of two Demon Lords! I'm really curious. I'm curious as to what you two find in me. How great must I be for you to endure twenty years of a child's nagging?" Monika puffed on her cigar so hard she coughed.Suddenly, the cigar disappeared."Coffee with nicotine is bad," Sona finally muttered.Monika's smile froze. "Fuck you."She conjured up another cigar. "So? You know what I want to ask. You can read my mind in this space, after all." Monika tapped his knee with the cap of her cigar.Sona leaned back on the bench. "So you're from the future…" he sighed. "Judging from your memories, I've failed and succeeded.""In what way?" Monika downed the second cup of coffee. "Didn't have this shit in hours. How do people even live without coffee?"Sona pointed at her. "My disappointment is immeasurable. To think that I've spent so much effort raising you, and you became a whore. Even if I first talked to you with the intent of manipulating you, you've become like a daughter to me."Monika sighed. "I know, I know. You're the closest thing I have to family, even if I forget about you whenever I wake up. I'm really sorry, alright? No, truly, I'm sorry." She conjured up one more cup. "But hey, it's a reunion. Perhaps not for you, but I haven't seen your face in over 30 years. So tell me, what are you so proud of? No, more importantly, tell me, what the fuck is happening?""I suspect you're in a dream. Did you forget? You've used the Talisman of Sin a few hours ago. All you do is recklessness." Sona summoned a cup of coffee for himself, brought it into his voided face, and drank it. "What you see is not reality and won't affect it in any way. The me you see is not real either. This is all just a part of your dream.""But how do you have intelligence, then? If you're from the past, won't my talking to you breach the space-time continuum? " Monika pondered aloud. "Oh!" She raised her finger as her eyes widened. "Right. You're the Demon Lord of Nonexistence, after all. I bet my chastity it's some power of yours. I get it. Not really. But I get it. This is all just a part of my dream.""I've already said it…""Shut it." Monika then materialized a gun and pointed it at Garry.She shot a bullet that pierced through the animal's head. "I'm an honest to God businesswoman. I always fulfill my promises."Sona was frozen in his place."Sorry," Monika puffed at the gun tip as she threw it away. "So, onto the good news. Continue."Sona sat silently for a moment."So serious out of nowhere. What happened?" Monika asked.He then tilted his head toward Monika."You didn't destroy the world in this timeline," Sona said calmly.Monika spat out her coffee. "What!? Do you mean to tell me I've opted to destroy it in the previous timelines?""Just as I say."Sona weaved his pale hand through the air as the forest dissolved and reconstructed.Monika shook as the space shook.Suddenly, they were standing inside a bustling city."Isn't this Earth!?" Monika exclaimed in surprise.Sona nodded. "Indeed."The chirping birds were replaced by chirping traffic and the chatter of urban life.Standing on the sidewalk, Sona pointed toward a young man emerging from the entrance of a tall building. The young man's face was set straight ahead as he walked with a briefcase swinging by his side.Javier, 23 years old, was a recent graduate from a top university in Madrid. He was very happy to have been accepted by the company he did an internship with—as a full-time employee with a decent salary at that.At last—no more cramped dormitory. At last, no more graduate-level classes. At last! A chance to pay back the student loans and repay his parents. Just as his life was about to take a turn for the better, akin to a clap of thunder in a daylight sky, jolting news struck him, leaving him stunned in its wake.Nuclear Armageddon! The world was ending!Was the effort of going through the studies and all the hardships for naught? Why did this have to happen when it was finally time to enjoy the fruits of his labor? Forget about that. What about his family and friends, his dreams and aspirations? Before he could swallow and digest it, he was blown to smithereens.Voices whispered into Monika's head.She lowered her gaze. After all, this was definitely her doing.Sona watched her as he waved his hand once again.The city scene dissolved into a serene island landscape. Waves lapped at the shore as a cool breeze carried the scent of saltwater and blooming flowers. A rustic chapel stood with its white walls gleaming under the sun.Inside the chapel was a frail and elderly woman who knelt in prayer. Her weathered hands were clasped tightly together as her eyes were closed in deep concentration. The humble wooden pews and the wooden candles added to the sense of devotion.Nana, 74, was an old lady who resided in Hawaii. She prayed in silence. She was worried for her children who were scattered across the globe. Having lived a long and bountiful life, she had no concerns for her own well-being."Lord, forgive me for the times I have fallen short of your glory…Lord, I lift up my children to you. I pray for forgiveness for any wrongdoings they may have committed…Almighty Father, as we face the end times, we turn to you, our refuge and strength…In the name of Jesus, our Redeemer and Savior, Amen."Just as she finished her prayer, she was swept away by a giant tsunami.Sona motioned again. The peaceful island vanished and was replaced as they reappeared inside a cold bunker. The walls were lined with steel. Monika could smell the machinery and sweat. A middle-aged man stood in the midst of a heated argument in a conflict over provisions.Liu Xing, 42 years – A corrupt official in the prefecture of Guangdong. Having keen insight, he mustered up all his energy, even over a small portion of canned goods.Whatever the upcoming future was, it would surely not be a pleasant one. What of pride? What of justice? He had to look after his ill wife and weak little daughter. Despite being an avid gourmet, he had even started a diet to the point of starving.Suddenly, the walls started to quiver. The argument came to a sudden halt contrary to its intensity.Liu rushed toward his family.Throughout his life, the man suffered many hardships. He made it from a restaurant manager to a prominent political figure. With hard work and resolve, enduring the many challenges of life, he got to this very point. At the time, only less than one percent of the entire pre-attack population remained.'Thankfully, this bunker is designed to withstand seismic forces.'"Father!"As he entered the room, a little girl with a teddy bear in one hand and a cotton doll in the other strode toward him. The wife, with a frail body weakened by a disease, remained in her cot. She was just as frightened as her daughter, yet the past week had been so daunting that it had drained her vitality.Unfortunately for them, there was no hope. The Earth left its orbit. No amount of nuclear weaponry could have accomplished this. So how?In their final moments, the Liu family clung to each other. Then, the world fell silent. Not just for them but for the whole of humanity…Sona brought them back to the forest. The familiar sights of Neverland reemerged.Monika looked at Sona.Sona looked back at her."I'm really curious to meet you in the future," he said. "Why did you refrain from destroying Earth in this timeline? Perhaps the regressor was right. You are the key to saving this world."Monika gazed at the miniature sun. "Why, indeed?"I've founded the Black Rock company,Amassed the riches no other human ever had.Amassed a political power no other human ever had.An unquestionable authority. All for what?All for one sole purpose.To end it all.Ultimately, my goal was a reach away, yet I abstained.Afterward, the incurable disease took over and killed me.Why did I not destroy the world?Perhaps the answer to understanding myself lies therein…But do I care? Do I need an answer?Sigh…For starters, let's conquer the labyrinth and amass its resources."Sona, I have lots of questions. But I'll save them up to ask the real you. I'll meet you whenever I go to sleep, correct?"He nods. "That's right. Though the real me will not have the memories of meeting you now.""Good."I wondered.I wandered.Yet I no longer wonder.I only wander.I wander the wonderland.I conjure a gun.Good night, Monica.Time to wake the fuck up.Bang