
Prologue (1) - My mistake, my responsiblity.

In the middle of the day, Kane and his companion were walking upward a paved road.

They usually ride carriages to move around but this area was rocky and the paved road was very small to fit a small-sized carriage, at best all they can do was ride horses but the leader horse was sick so they have to give up on that and decided to walk.

"Hanz! Are we there yet?" A spiky red-haired guy named Ralts wiped the sweat on his forehead while breathing heavily.

Ralts focus was on a tall guy with a shiny head who was carrying a greatsword on his back.

"We're here." As soon as Hanz said that a white portal appeared in front of him.

"Finally." I said while putting my backpack down on the ground and stretched out my back.

"A hidden dungeon..." I caught a glimpse of a light-haired girl who moved in front of me and that girl, Anesia creepily laughed as she took out a notebook from her backpack and begun to write something.

"The daughter of a famous alchemist huh..." I thought to myself while stretching.

Hanz who was staring at the white portal turned around and looked at everyone. "Everyone go and set up the camp, before nighttime." Everyone was already moving even if Hanz did not say anything, they have been together for years and something like this is common.

"Ralts, go get some wooden logs." I said while taking out my cooking utensils.

"Alright, in return cook me a juicy steak!" He grabbed the spear from his back and went to the forest to get wood.

"Anesia, stop writing and help us set up the camp too!" Hanz's shout interrupted the laughing girl Anesia and the latter immediately scowled.

"Shut up baldie! Don't tell me what to do!" Anesia gripped her notebook and turned to look at Hanz who was making an angry face.

"What did you said to me? You spoiled brat!" Hanz rebuked at Anesia and said what Anesia hated the most which was being called a spoiled brat.

"You!" Anesia charged up to Hanz and attack him with a knife that was easily deflected by Hanz's hands.

While Hanz and Anesia were arguing, I was preparing to cook for dinner. "Ostla." A magic circle materialized on top of my finger and used it to start a fire.


After finishing cooking, I sat at the wooden logs that Ralts made and said. "Stop fighting you two! It's time to eat!" and said to Ralts. "And, here's your steak." Ralts happily received the steak he ordered and ate it happily with a smile.

"I wanna go home~..." I thought to myself while looking at the two people arguing. Anesia and Hanz arguing were common to see and Anesia is always the one causing it. Anesia was a noble, was and now she is a lowly commoner. Her father has grown tired of his daughter's spoiled attitude and kicked Anesia out of the house to experience hardship, of course, the father is worried about his daughter's safety and requested his best friend Hanz to protect her until she becomes mature.

Ralts is also a noble and got kicked out of his house but unlike Anesia's situation, he was kicked out of the house because he was stupid and couldn't handle watching his family fight for the head sit.

I sighed and looked at Ralts who was younger than me. "Ralts, have you ever thought what you're going to do in the future?"

"What this about Master Kane?" Ralts looked at me and I said. "Nothing, just asking, so what are you planning in the future?"

"Well... ever since I was kicked out of my house I have been wandering mindlessly until I met you guys and ever since then what I wanted to do in the future is to become a strong hunter and create the strongest Hunter Guild in history." Ralts said that full of determination and I said. "I see... you're very ambitious, I'll be supporting you in the sidelines then." Ralts said. "Thanks, Master Kane."

"Hopefully your dream won't end up like mine." I thought to myself and looked up at the dark sky.

I'm not good at writing and there might be grammatical errors so please tell me when there's an error

NyTxAcreators' thoughts