
(Fanfic) Unwilling Bystander Prolouge

A young man sits on the edge of a cliff looking around in apparent confusion. "This is definitely a strange dream for sure," he murmurs to himself, he looks ahead at a small confined area on the opposing side of the cliff. The man quickly comes to find out he can only look ahead of him, he simply can't turn around no matter how hard he struggles, it feels like something has bound him in place. Unfortunately, The bindings, which he assumes he is wrapped in, are too low on his body, and he can't move his neck to look at whatever has bound him. Though as the man struggles to see what has bound him, he feels an eerie chill run down his back, a feeling he has quickly attributed to what he feels when someone is staring at him. He begins to struggle even harder to try and see who is watching him, though he quickly stops when he sees the thing watching him from the other side of the cliff.

The thing that he sees looks like something trying to impersonate a human form, it does look quite similar to a human but as the man studies it more and more he finds many features of the thing simply aren't human.. As the thing notices the man staring back it begins to smile,but this smile is much too large to fit on any person's face. The man can only sparsely see the thing sitting opposite him not being able to notice too many defining features, but the most noticeable thing are the creature's yellow eyes that haven't blinked, or even twitched for that matter, the entire time the man has studied it. Their eyes meet and it feels like their eyes have been locked for hours. The man is about to hesitantly call out to the creatures, when he feels a hand press on to this. Even through his clothes he can feel that the hand is much too cold to be normal,the man laughs lightly to himself being reminded of the cold hand of death.

Though he can't think about the hand on his back too much when it applies a seemingly unnatural amount of strength and easily pushes him off the cliff. He finally can move his body, but the timing is just a bit late, he muses to himself in his head followed by a small audible laugh. Though the man's sense of humor slowly starts to disappear when he doesn't wake, and the dream slowly becomes more realistic. He begins to feel the wind whip across his face, and he smells a strange metallic-like scent which he realizes with a flinch is an incredibly familiar scent. The scent he recognized as blood begins to overwhelm him and the man unwillingly begins to scream as he feels his body fall closer and closer to the ground. As his face is about to impact the floor he jumps out of bed hastily, he breathes heavily to himself but laughs the experience away shortly after. He stretches lightly to get the kinks from his sleep away, he laughs lightly and thinks that he feels better than ever. As he walks past in a mirror in a place he didn't remember it being he stops with a start. He slowly walks back to the mirror and with a light gasp he whispers "What th-," he stops as the reflection follows his movement.

"That'-" he pauses and takes a breath, "that's definitely not my face, I don't look anywhere near that young." He seems to stare at the mirror for a while longer trying to figure out what's going on. "Seriously what is this," he questions as he touches his face seemingly dazed, and is even more surprised by the still soft skin, unlike his normal rough skin. As he is continually questioning what is happening a sudden voice shocks him. [Greetings,] a voice seemingly coming from nowhere suddenly says, the man realizes with a gasp it's coming from his own head. The man, still not over the seemingly new body, suddenly stops and everything turns dark in his vision as he falls to the ground unconscious.

This is the first of (hopefully) many short stories I make becuase I am far to indecisive to make full length stories. Feel free to give any feedback you think I should know.

RandomDudeGuycreators' thoughts