
i will look after her

"You are talking about that cursed weapon which yohan used inside the hundred poison valley while confronting Nicholas,don't tell me that frightening sword is related to the imperial family" kana looked in the direction of Leon and asked with a surprised gaze.

"yes that weapon is originally belonged to the imperial family and passed down from generation to generation but hundreds years ago that thing fall into elder song's hands, I don't know the detail but he did some good thing for the previous emperor and he repaid him with that swords, but later when yohan initiated soul bond with that weapon everything changed, elder song has no other choice but to let yohan use that sword after all that weapon is not mean to a normal individual, any normal human would dare to touch that sword bound to die and elder song realized that very well and somehow he convinced that sword to mean for yohan" Leon responded to kana and explain everything.