
I know what is brewing between you two

The moment he heard Aana's trembling voice, Yohan halted his movement and turned back to get a proper look at her face, her eyes were red and she was about to break into tears, seeing her like that yohan took a deep sigh.

"Whatever, I need an extra hand to build a place, but remember one thing if you try to do anything funny, I am not going to be generous next time, you got that"yohan approached aana and he said those words while looking into her eyes, hearing yohan she looked towards Evelyn who was in yohan's arms, she is looking somewhat different after coming to this place,aana nodded her head and then she shifted her gaze towards yohan.

"I promise I am not going to make any trouble for you, just don't leave me here alone," Aana said as she looked at yohan.