
Purple Qilin

After Su Yang left the place, Lord Xie also returned to the city. However, upon reaching the gates, he was greeted by many curious people who were ordered to stay within the city by the guards.

"Y-Your Majesty! Is everything okay?! Are you hurt?" The guards immediately asked him.

"I am fine. The cause of the phenomenon just now has already concluded. It's nothing to be worried about," said Lord Xie.

"Your Majesty, if I may ask, what caused the phenomenon?"

The curious people asked him.

"It was just a little quarrel between two experts; it's nothing worth mentioning."

"Just a little quarrel?"

The people were dumbfounded by the unexpected answer. How could a little quarrel lead to something this chaotic? They thought it was a war between two powerful factions!

"I will apologize in place of those troublemakers if their quarrel had caused any inconveniences," said Lord Xie.