
The Sun clan.

I woke up with a start. I breathing was deep and ragged. Sweat was covering my whole body as the morning light illuminated my room. I walked towards the bathroom to take a bath.

I had the weirdest dream of my life. I was part of a clan of cultivators that practice dual cultivation. So much so that the clan secluded themselves and practiced dual cultivation among their own families.

Genetic defects plague the clan and drove it to near extinction. Until they discovered they could get rid of their genetic defects by completing the first 20 levels of cultivation, which focuses on remaking the body.

So the clan imposed the rule of only having children after completing the first 20 levels of cultivation. Not that everyone obliged though.

I watched the clan from its founding until the day I was born into it. That's when the dream became even weirder.

The clan had made the matter of choosing a dual cultivation partner into a system of sort. Where the most compatible people would cultivate with each other.

This meant that if there was someone with a Yin body constitution, they would be pair with a partner with either the same constitution or with a Yang body constitution.

This is where things got all sorts of complicated.

I was born with a Yin and Yang body constitution, making the best dual cultivation partner for any member of the clan. And when I mean anyone, I mean anyone. Even people of the same sex as me.

The clan way of dual cultivation already went beyond the drawback of incest. So the clan didn't really care about the gender of an individual.

Though I was safe when my sister was born a year after my birth. She had the same Yin and Yang body constitution as me.

So it was decided she would become my cultivation partner.

It wasn't until she was 16 that we began to cultivate together. Then, just four years later, the clan was destroyed. Leaving me and my sister as the only survivors.

The dream continued with me and my sister going through the years looking for revenge. We became ruthless cultivators.

We did everything cultivators from eastern fantasy stories did. And I hated those stories.

It took me a long time to realize how big of a hypocrite I've become. But it was too late. I had accomplished my revenge with my sister. Only to lose it all. All because I forgot where I came from and let the cultivation world make me into a ruthless killing machine.

I burned bridges and built walls. I destroyed clans for the smallest of things and raped to further my cultivation.

It shouldn't have surprised me when someone filled with hatred against me knocked on my door and destroyed everything I've built with my sister.

The only thing I could feel in the end was regret and shame.

I've become what I hated the most. I betrayed what I believed in and let the world shape me instead of shaping the world as my idols did.

I looked at my reflection on the surface of the water I was bathing in.

My brown skin, black hair and bright golden eyes greeted me.

Then my heart dropped as I murmured, "Bright golden eyes."

I jumped out of the water and ran outside. I fell down on the ground with tears dripping like broken water pipes out from my eyes.

I cried as I saw the people which had the same bright golden eyes as me walked around. I cried as I recognized some of the people who rushed at me when they saw me crying naked on the ground.

I cried as a girl younger than me who resembled me in every way came running towards me from the crowd. I cried as I realized that what dreamt wasn't a dream. I cried at the realization that I was brought to another world.

I cried as I realized I lived the life as the worst sort of scum and ended dying like one.

I cried as I swore to the four winds that I would never walk a path like that again. I'll even fight the Heavens if they try to force such path upon me.

And as if someone from the Heavens heard my declaration, thunder broke the skies as lightning struck me, making the people surrounding me back off.

I went unconscious soon after.


"Sun Wukong!" A voice thundered all over a gold city. The inhabitants were scared out of their minds

In a cell inside the deepest dungeon of the golden city, where the light of day never shine. The soul inhabitant drowned himself in laughter.

"You screwed up, old man!" Only his bright golden eyes could be seen through the darkness.

A green light illuminated the darkness, showing a red haired young man chained to a wall from his hands and feet.

"How could you meddle with the lower realm when I have you restrained!?" The green light took the form of middle age man. He had the same voice which was heard throughout the golden city.

"You thought I would do nothing while you mind raped one of my descendants? Dream on!" The red haired young man tried to attack the light construct of the middle aged man. Only to fall short due to the chains restraining him.

A red tail shot from behind the red haired man's, scratching the light construct. "Got you." Was the only thing the young man said.

The middle aged man was enraged. A large green boulder construct flattened the young man to the ground.

"You still dare to rebel against me, Sun Wukong!?" The middle aged man couldn't keep his cool.

"It's a shame I don't have more time. It took a lot out of me to reverse time and claim all my descendants." Sun Wukong murmured to himself. "I'll do them one last service as an apology for being such a bad ancestor."

Sun Wukong's body began to shine brightly with red light.

"You crazy monkey!" The middle aged man construct disappeared, followed by the opening of a green portal from where the middle aged man in the flesh jumped out of, charging at Sun Wukong.

"Too late!" Sun Wukong exploded, engulfing the golden city with a red light.


"Sun Wukong has immolated himself." A monkey with a red horse bottom stated.

"We are the last two of the four spiritual primates." A tall monkey with long arms spoke while looking over the void they found themselves.

"They might have give up theirs immortality, but they aren't truly dead. They live on inside their descendants." The red horse bottom monkey stated. "I'll look over the descendant of Sun Wukong as they have abilities with the Yin and Yang."

"Then I'll look over the others. They can see through time, but it's a shame they can't control space." The long armed monkey disappeared after stating what he'll do.

"You know as well as me that nothing goes inside the six eared monkey's domain without his knowing." The red horse bottom monkey added before walking away through the void.


I awoke at some point in the afternoon. Taking in my surroundings, I noticed I was back in my room. And just beside me, a red haired teen girl sat on a chair while she lied face down on my bed.

It took me a while to recognize that red haired was my sister.

"Ella, wake up." I shook my sister awake.

She groggily stood up, then opened her eyes wide and said, "Ethan, you won't believe what happened to the clan!"

"Does it has anything to do with you red hair?" I stated.

"Yes!" Ella yelled. She calmed down a few seconds later and stated, "The clan was claimed, Ethan. Whatever you did this morning made our ancestor claim us as their descendants. We were even given a surname."

Ella was excited. Rightly so. Our clan never had a name nor the clan members had a surname. 'It seems some things are changing from what I remembered.'

"Now our surname is Sun!~ Our clan is now named the Sun clan!~" Ella sang.

That made me think of something right away. 'Our martial arts centers around a staff. We forge our own staves after we begin cultivation. We use a secret technique to create a shape changing cloud we use for flying. And we build magic gourds.'

I had a bad feeling, so I grabbed Ella into the bed and checked for a tail. I sighed after no finding any. It seems my guess was wrong.

"What are you doing, Ethan?" Ella asked.

"Err, sorry. I thought you'd have a monkey tail." I stated with a wryly smile.

"Oh, like the one you have?" Ella inquired.

"What!?" I jumped out of bed with surprise and inspected my body.

Just like Ella said, there was a red furred monkey tail coming out of my tail bone on my back.

It moved around naturally, as if I've had it all my life. I tried to make it reach my head and it stretched, as in It became longer. I wrapped it around my abdomen and it kept stretching until it looked as if I had monkey tail bandages.

I unwrapped my tail from my abdomen and wrapped it around Ella.

"What are you doing?" Ella asked with a worried tone.

I completely restrained her with my tail and lifted her off the ground. She waited nothing. 'Seems like my tail is stronger than I thought. Maybe it is strong enough to lift my body.'

I wanted to test my guess, so I release Ella on my bed and wrapped my tail around one of the support beams. I was able to easily lift myself up.

Inspected my tail and noticed it was mostly muscles and few bones, though there was a think concentration of bone at the tip. Seems like I could use it to cause a lot of damage.

Getting my fill of playing with my tail, I wrapped it around my waist like a belt after shrinking it a little. That's when I noticed my lack of clothes

I just shrugged and went to get some clothes. Ella had left my room after I started to play around with my tail

After careful deliberation and accounting my tail, I chose to wear a skirt made of fluffy leopard skin. Yellow with black spots. I even made a small hole for my tail. The leopard fur made it comfortable.

I made my way to the outside as today was Ella's 16th birthday.

As the bad author that I am, here is another story! ?

Nerserkercreators' thoughts