
Dual Cultivation Simulator

Dual Cultivation It was the fastest cultivation method. The connection between two bodies, revealing the pleasure of being a man or a woman, this method had caught the eyes of several cultivators. But for someone who only had his eyes on something else, it was supposed to be nothing but a mere tool of progression. While others would add their dual cultivation partner to their harem, he only wanted to use them for his benefit. So, what would be better than giving him a simulation? An unknown system that carries the simulation for dual cultivation. It has met several people who couldn't walk on the path of dual cultivation and ended up losing themselves. But now, it had finally met a Host who was made for dual cultivation. A host who could separate reality from the simulation, a host who wouldn't lose himself in the pleasure of dual cultivation, and a host who despite having the benefits of the simulation would rely on himself to get stronger. This is the story of a young man who sees his dreams far greater than others. Even if he had no means to fulfill it. But, what if he did? What if he was granted the means to fulfill his dream? When granted the chance, he dived into the path of Dual Cultivation in Simulation without any hesitation. ####### While this story is focused on dual cultivation, it would focus more on the real world since that's where the story truly progresses. The simulation would be similar to the storytelling and it will slowly progress. Note- Don't read this book if you are not into mc dual cultivating with others' women. In short, netori. ******* If you like this book, then support me with all the support you can give. Thank you for reading!

Sabin_Subedi_Fei · Fantasie
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114 Chs

Status Explained Part 2

[Constitution- Lightning God Body

Grade- Transcendence

Creator- Lightning Emperor

History- It was a body derived from Nine Heavens Lightning Body. It was created in order to properly utilize the powers of Nine Heavens Lightning Bloodline and thus, named Lightning God Body after its extraordinary power.

Description- This body holds the power to control the different powers of lightning. Lightning itself has the power of speed, strength, destruction, paralysis, and life. All these spectrums of powers can be controlled through Lightning God's Body.

Active Ability- Lightning Summon

Passive Ability- Lightning Energy]

[Constitution- Berserk Demon Body

Grade- Top

Creator- Lord of the Demon Realm

History- A long time ago, Demon Lord was trapped within the territory of his enemy. He had to face ten million soldiers within ten days and reach his home before his enemy invades his home. During this time, he created a constitution that allowed him to increase his powers by several folds.

Description- This body allows the user to increase his powers by several folds. But, the side effects would be dangerous as well. Once this constitution is used, the user won't be able to recognize his relatives or friends and kill everyone.

Active Ability- Berserk Mode

Passive Ability- Bloodlust]

"This crazy. One constitution is so good that I am thankful for it, but the other is extremely dangerous." Tyler was terrified just by reading the introduction.

He was grateful that he got a chance to read the destruction before using this ability. Otherwise, it would be a catastrophe for him.

[But Host, if you were stuck in that similar situation, this body could also be helpful to you. Not to mention, there can be some methods to counter this ability.]

Tyler scratched his head and asked.


[First, you have a God's Tree Branch as your right hand. You can use it to forcefully change your target during the battle. You can also train your sword intent to do so. After all, once Sword Intent receives the spiritual consciousness, they can do much more than just attack someone.]

Hearing her words, Tyler was surprised for a moment.

"Now that you mentioned it, I did receive this information from the previous inheritor. In his memory, once I awaken Sword Soul, I can infuse part of my sword soul into my sword intent and bring the sentient life to it."

Tyler heavily sighed when he realized what he said just.

"But, that's too far away. I need to reach Sword Intent first. Now, let's check more of these. I don't need to go through those cultivation techniques, Grand Lightning Seal and Lightning Spiritual Roots. But, I do want to know what that Demon God's Eyes are."

"I never got to a chance to see its history or description."

[Talent- Demon God's Eyes

Grade- Transcendence

Creator- Demon Ancestor

History- When the Demon Ancestor of Spirit World realized that he wasn't using the full potential of Demon God Bloodline, he decided to create something that will help him utilize this power. So, he created Demon God's Eyes.

Description- These eyes can only be activated with Chaos Demon Energy. These eyes bring lust, sin, chaos, anger, and depression to a person's soul. It also allows users to control the emotions of other people.

Abilities- Tempering with Emotions, Peeking through memories, and controlling the demons.]

'Interesting! I was able to see through people's memories using these eyes but I never thought I was able to control the demons as well. It didn't explain to me so I never dig through it.'

'More importantly, I can also temper someone's emotions. That can be important if I ever need it.'

After that, he started clicking through bloodline abilities. He opened all of those bloodline abilities at once.

[Bloodline Ability- Devour

Grade- Top

Creator- 3D Bloodline

Description- It allows users to devour any kind of energy and transform it into their own. There is no limitation to devouring the types of energy but it can't devour energy that has powerful spiritual consciousness unless its powers are pushed to its limit.]

[Bloodline Ability- Pride of a King

Grade- None

Creator- 3D Bloodline

Description- This is a passive ability and as long as the bloodline exists within the user, it will force the user to be more prideful. Nobody is allowed to stomp on the user's pride. This ability can force the user to do reckless things if the situation asks for it.]

[Bloodline Ability- Chaotic Force

Grade- Top

Creator- Tyler Carlos (Host)

Description- It was created by merging four different kinds of energies together. This force can increase the user's physical and elemental strength to a whole new level just by utilizing it.

Note- This force is equivalent to Cosmic Force for its effectiveness.]

[Bloodline Ability- Chaos Demon Energy

Grade- Top

Creator- Lord of Demon Realm

Description- It also has the ability to increase the talent of a person but also comes with the side effect of turning them into mindless ones.]

[Bloodline Ability- Red Demon Energy

Grade- Top

Creator- Demon Ancestor

Description- It has the power to increase the strength of a user for a short amount of time. This ability can't be used continuously or it will slowly bring the user to a state of madness.

Note- Its powers are similar to Chaotic Force but with side effects.]

[Bloodline Ability- Blue Demon Energy

Grade- Top

Creator- Demon Ancestor

Description- It allows the Host to poison others. As long as this energy stays inside one's body for over six months, it will poison them and turn them into users' puppets.

Note- A person can easily detect this energy unless it is kept deep inside their bodies.]

[Bloodline Ability- Demonic Gaze

Grade- Top

Creator- Demon Ancestor

Description- To use the Demon God's eyes, one needs to activate this ability. Only Demonic Gaze allows a user to utilize the power of Demon God Bloodline as Demon God Eyes were meant to use it.]

[Bloodline Ability- True Lightning

Grade- Transcendence

Creator- Lightning Emperor

Description- This ability allows a person to control the true lightning around the user. This ability can't be used unless the user has True Lightning around him.

Note- This ability was meant to work with Lightning Summon.]

[Bloodline Ability- Lightning Resistance

Grade- Transcendence

Description- This ability creates a powerful resistance towards any kind of lightning. Unless the power of lightning is many times over the user's powers or if its power surpasses Transcendence Grade, it won't be able to hurt the user.]

After reading the entire description of all ablates, Tyler was stuck on one thing."

"Tylice, I was able to use Demon God Eyes before without using Demonic Gaze or any other abilities. So, why do I need to use Demonic Gaze now?"