
Dual Cores: Mage's Conquest

One moment, I'm just lying in a hospital bed on good old Earth, dealing with the usual illness. The next thing I know, I'm not Blake anymore – I'm Prince Nathan Von Vladyr, smack in a world called Everdawn. No more algebra classes, just a world bursting at the seams with magic and creatures of all shapes and sizes. But here's the real kicker – I've got this insane power, a mashup of mana and Aura that gives me not one, but two cores that I trained. Now, let me tell you, that's a pretty rare deal. Most folks here can't even handle one core, and I'm rocking two like it's no big deal. So, what's a guy with double cores going to do? Simple – turn Vladyr into the most kick-butt kingdom Everdawn has ever seen and become a one and only existence. And as if that's not enough, we've got some real threats on the horizon – Barbarians up north, rival kingdoms all around, and those pesky pirates down south and the far east people. In a world that runs on magic, courage, and a dash of the unexpected, it's me, Blake, or should I say Prince Nathan Von Vladyr, on a quest to shape my kingdom's destiny. Get ready, folks – this adventure is just getting started! ...................................................................................................... Read my new novel,Evomech, too, participating in the WSA

nekrom1 · Fantasie
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70 Chs

Unveiling Legacy: The Valdyr Family Swordsmanship{2}

Rodrick's voice carried the weight of experience as he transitioned seamlessly into the exploration of the next technique. "Now, let's proceed to the Valdyr Family Swordsmanship's second form: the 'Giant's Sword'. Whereas the first form emphasizes the cutting force of a strike, this second form places its focus on sheer strength. In cases where the target proves unyielding to cutting, the strategy becomes to crush it with sheer power. Notably, this technique possesses the capacity to shatter the formidable scales of an elder Earth Drake, known for its remarkable defense."

Nathan's mind absorbed each word like a parched desert soaking up rain, the intricacies of each technique becoming woven into his understanding.

"Executing this technique involves enveloping your entire sword with aura, extending from hilt to point. Gradually amplify the aura's volume, shaping it into that of a colossal sword, two meters in length and half a meter in width. Additionally, visualize strands of aura resembling intertwined ropes, channeling them towards your arms, shoulders, and back."

Rodrick's guidance was a map through uncharted terrain, a guiding light to navigate the depths of power that lay within.

With a seamless transition, Rodrick wove his demonstration into the narrative. Nathan watched, his eyes tracing every movement, as Rodrick concentrated his efforts. A massive spectral sword materialized, its presence commanding the air around it. With a resounding strike, the sword descended upon the earth, unleashing an impact that reverberated through the surroundings. The ground trembled, and sizable cracks emerged, culminating in the formation of a ravine stretching fifteen meters in length.

The sheer force was awe-inspiring, a testament to the potential contained within the Valdyr Family Swordsmanship.

Having carved the impressive ravine into the earth, Rodrick's gaze turned towards Nathan, a playful glint in his eye. "What's your guess for the next technique?" he inquired, his voice a challenge and an invitation.

Nathan's response was thoughtful and calculated, a reflection of his growing understanding of combat strategy. "The next form seems to be focused on defense," he ventured.

Rodrick's smile broadened, a silent approval of Nathan's insight. "Indeed," he confirmed, his voice a guide through the labyrinth of combat wisdom. "While offense is pivotal, defense holds its own significance. Learning to protect ourselves becomes crucial in situations where dodging or attacking isn't feasible, leaving us to squarely face the opponent's assault."

With a sense of anticipation, Rodrick introduced the next chapter in their journey of mastery. "Now, introducing the Valdyr Family Swordsmanship's third form: the 'Earth's Drake Armor'. For this technique, you'll need to shape your aura into the likeness of Earth Drake scales, layering them from the sword's hilt to its tip, all under precise control."

Nathan's focus sharpened, every word like a brick in the foundation of his understanding.

"This defensive form empowers you to withstand substantial physical and magical attacks from your adversaries, although it's not as effective against large-scale assaults," Rodrick explained, his voice a steady river of information.

With the stage set, Rodrick embarked on the demonstration, each movement deliberate and meaningful. Nathan's eyes widened as he watched the surface of Rodrick's sword transform. Sizable aura scales adorned its length, each scale resembling the dimensions of a human index finger in both height and width.

The image was powerful, a visual representation of strength and resilience.

In that moment, Nathan stood on the precipice of enlightenment, the knowledge of generations passed down from father to son. The Valdyr Family Swordsmanship wasn't merely a collection of techniques; it was a tapestry of legacy, woven with purpose and intention. And as Nathan soaked in the wisdom of the present, he couldn't help but wonder about the next layer of understanding that awaited him—the final form, the culmination of power and purpose.

With the mastery of Valdyr Family Swordsmanship forms unveiled and the questions answered, Rodrick's presence remained a beacon of guidance. His words, like a torch in the night, continued to illuminate Nathan's path. "This concludes our exploration of the family swordsmanship techniques. However, this is not the end; as you progress, you can refine these forms or even create new ones. But that's a path to explore once you've achieved proficiency in these existing techniques."

The future seemed to shimmer with possibilities, a canvas waiting for the brushstrokes of Nathan's dedication and innovation.

As if marking the transition, Rodrick's purposeful steps led him towards the carriage that had borne him here. From within its depths, he produced a leather bag, imbued with the subtle magic of spatial enchantment. An iron sword, its blade sheathed in quiet anticipation, followed suit. With a gesture that held all the gravity of a passing torch, Rodrick released both bag and sword into the air, sending them gliding towards Nathan's waiting grasp. "Now that you've witnessed the forms and comprehended their principles, it's time to commence your training in their execution."

Nathan's heart quickened, every fiber of his being aligning with the challenge laid before him.

Rodrick's voice continued, a roadmap through the journey that lay ahead. "Accept this bag; it contains a month's supply of food, water, and a leather sleeping bag. You won't return until you've fully mastered all four aspects of the Valdyr Family Swordsmanship. Tests have been prepared to gauge your proficiency, involving tasks that align with each technique. These tests will demonstrate your capability step by step."

The weight of the bag in Nathan's hands was more than just physical; it was a mantle of responsibility he willingly embraced.

"The first test focuses on your lightning footwork," Rodrick's words held a challenge as well as a beacon of potential. "You need to hunt a creature called 'Rabauna', resembling a squirrel. These creatures are small, about the size of a rabbit, with green fur. They possess glider-like skin extensions that allow them to glide through trees. They're incredibly swift, making them the most challenging prey to catch in the Tulkan forest. With speeds reaching up to three hundred kilometers per hour, you must bring back five pairs of Rabauna ears to demonstrate your proficiency in the lightning footwork."

The image of the swift and elusive prey formed in Nathan's mind, a testament to the speed he would need to harness.

Rodrick's instructions flowed like a river; each detail carefully carved into Nathan's understanding. "For the second form, your task is to hunt a 'Tusatee'. These large herbivorous monsters measure three meters in length and two meters in height, featuring a two-meter-long horn on their forehead. While they don't attack unless provoked, their tough skin rivals iron in durability. Your proof of proficiency here will be the return of a Tusatee horn."

The challenges seemed to amplify, a crescendo of trials that mirrored the power of the forms themselves.

"As for the third and fourth forms," Rodrick's voice held a note of gravity, "you're required to obtain a scale or two from a young Earth Drake, aged two or three years. These creatures can be found deep within the forest."

With every instruction, a path unfolded, paved with the trials that would shape Nathan into a master of the Valdyr Family Swordsmanship. The weight of heritage and the call of destiny beckoned him forward, a journey of growth, challenges, and revelations that would echo through the annals of time.

As the weight of the challenges settled upon Nathan's shoulders, his expression turned somber, mirroring the gravity of the tasks ahead. The realization of the formidable trials awaiting him in the depths of the forest left an undeniable mark.

Rodrick, ever perceptive, noticed the concern etched on Nathan's face and moved swiftly to reassure him, his voice a steady anchor in the face of uncertainty. "You needn't worry," he began, his tone carrying the weight of authority and assurance. "The forest area within a three-hundred-kilometer radius from here is free from dangerous monsters."

Nathan's gaze met Rodrick's, and in that moment, the weight lifted slightly, replaced by a flicker of hope. The reassurance that the path before him wouldn't lead him into the jaws of danger was a relief he held close.

Rodrick's wisdom flowed forth as he continued, his explanation an oasis of understanding. "This method offers its own advantages. You'll gain survival skills within the forest and experience in facing various creatures. Simultaneously, this approach will enhance your training effectiveness."

Nathan nodded, a renewed sense of determination burning within him. The challenges were not insurmountable; they were steppingstones on a path of growth and mastery. The forest, once an enigma, now became a classroom of both nature's teachings and the Valdyr family legacy.

Standing tall, Nathan shouldered the bag of supplies and secured the sword at his side. With a resolute expression, he began to move toward the entrance of the Tulkan forest, the sun casting long shadows that seemed to stretch alongside his determination.

But just as he was about to cross that threshold into the unknown, his father's voice, like a beacon of connection, reached out to him, calling his name. Nathan paused, turning to face Rodrick, his attention fully captured.

"Nathan," Rodrick's voice held a blend of paternal concern and pride, "even though I'm the one sending you on this training, you're still my son. Take care of yourself, and remember, if anything happens to you, your mother will make me regret it."

The words were both a parental admonition and a reminder of the bonds that tied them together. Nathan's heart warmed at the underlying affection in his father's tone.

Summoning his own strength, Nathan replied with a confident smile, a reflection of the determination he felt within. He shouted back to Rodrick, the forest bearing witness to their exchange, "Don't worry, Father! I'll make it through and be back within a few months. Please let Mother know not to worry too much. I'll ensure my safety."

With those words exchanged, their unspoken understanding hung in the air. The weight of heritage, the promise of the future, and the current of destiny guided Nathan's steps. He turned, taking that final step into the embrace of the Tulkan forest, his resolve unwavering.

Behind him, Rodrick stood, a pillar of strength, watching as his son embarked on a journey of trials and transformation. The echoes of their conversation lingered in the air, mingling with the rustling leaves and the promise of what was to come.

As Nathan ventured deeper into the heart of the Tulkan forest, the transition was palpable. The air seemed to thicken with a mixture of anticipation and mystery. The symphony of nature's creatures, both seen and unseen, filled the surroundings with an eerie melody. The chorus of insects, the whisper of leaves, and the distant calls of creatures unknown wove a tapestry of life that seemed to echo through the trees.

With the sun descending toward the horizon, casting long shadows that painted the forest floor, Nathan couldn't ignore the encroaching dusk. Evening was approaching, and with it, the urgency to find a suitable place to rest and set up camp.

Observing the changing hues of the sky, Nathan's voice was a quiet soliloquy amidst the sounds of the forest. "Seems like I won't be able to return to the castle tonight. I should find a suitable spot to rest and set up a campfire."

Drawing upon his memories as a Boy Scout back on Earth, Nathan's instincts kicked in. He began to explore his surroundings with a keen eye, searching for a safe haven for the night. After approximately thirty minutes of careful observation, he stumbled upon a sizable boulder nestled within the forest's embrace. Its sheltered space seemed to offer a promise of rest.

With a sense of purpose, Nathan arranged his belongings, ensuring his bag was secure against the elements. Setting out to collect firewood, he brought together an assortment of branches and twigs, each piece carefully chosen for its potential to sustain the flames. As the sun dipped below the horizon, the darkening forest became illuminated by the dance of flames that Nathan coaxed to life.

The crackling fire provided both warmth and a sense of security, its flickering light casting dancing shadows upon the trees. Nathan's sleeping bag, laid out with care, awaited him beside the comforting glow.

Under the expansive canvas of the starlit sky, Nathan's thoughts meandered. He contemplated the journey that had brought him here, the challenges that awaited him on the morrow, and the legacy he carried as a Valdyr. With the forest as his witness and the stars as his companions, he found a quiet moment of reflection.

As fatigue settled in, Nathan's contemplations gave way to the gentle pull of sleep. His breathing matched the rhythm of the forest, the symphony of life around him acting as a lullaby. Wrapped in the warmth of the fire's embrace and the embrace of the night, Nathan surrendered to the promise of tomorrow, eager to meet the trials and triumphs that would shape his journey ahead.

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