
Dual Cores: Mage's Conquest

One moment, I'm just lying in a hospital bed on good old Earth, dealing with the usual illness. The next thing I know, I'm not Blake anymore – I'm Prince Nathan Von Vladyr, smack in a world called Everdawn. No more algebra classes, just a world bursting at the seams with magic and creatures of all shapes and sizes. But here's the real kicker – I've got this insane power, a mashup of mana and Aura that gives me not one, but two cores that I trained. Now, let me tell you, that's a pretty rare deal. Most folks here can't even handle one core, and I'm rocking two like it's no big deal. So, what's a guy with double cores going to do? Simple – turn Vladyr into the most kick-butt kingdom Everdawn has ever seen and become a one and only existence. And as if that's not enough, we've got some real threats on the horizon – Barbarians up north, rival kingdoms all around, and those pesky pirates down south and the far east people. In a world that runs on magic, courage, and a dash of the unexpected, it's me, Blake, or should I say Prince Nathan Von Vladyr, on a quest to shape my kingdom's destiny. Get ready, folks – this adventure is just getting started! ...................................................................................................... Read my new novel,Evomech, too, participating in the WSA

nekrom1 · Fantasie
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70 Chs

The Unleashed Abyss

As Baron Frostblade engaged in a fierce battle with the two five-star mercenaries, Prince Nathan had embarked on his own perilous journey. With Moonshadow Blade in hand, he charged toward the other side of the enemy rear, where the four four-star mercenaries held commanding roles over their soldiers.

Nathan's approach was swift and calculated. He knew that every moment counted in this battle, and with each stride of his steed, he closed the gap between himself and the enemy commanders. The wind whistled past him, carrying with it the cacophony of war, the clashing of steel, and the shouts of combatants.

Frostblade fought with the skill and precision that had earned him his reputation. His icy aura blades danced through the air, parrying the blows of the mercenaries with a grace that belied the deadly intent behind each strike. Yet, beneath his stoic exterior, a storm of emotions raged.

As each clash of steel resounded, Frostblade couldn't help but wonder about the safety of his prince. Inwardly, he cursed the circumstances that had separated them on this battlefield. The thought of harm befalling him sent a shiver down Frostblade's spine, a fear he had to suppress to stay focused on the battle at hand.

But he knew he had a duty to fulfill. As the clash of blades continued, Frostblade channeled his concern for Nathan into his strikes, his determination to reunite with the prince burning as fiercely as his icy aura. With each enemy he dispatched, he hoped that it would bring them one step closer to victory and to Nathan's side.

The battle was far from over, and the fate of their kingdom hung in the balance. Frostblade would fight not only for the realm but for the friend who had become like family. The battlefield was a crucible that tested not only their strength but their unbreakable bond.

As Nathan neared the group of mercenaries, his eyes locked onto his first target, a burly and battle-hardened four-star commander. With a powerful surge of aura, Nathan leaped from his horse, his body moving with the grace and precision of a seasoned warrior. In mid-air, he executed a somersault, aiming to land behind the unsuspecting commander.

The sunlight caught the glint of his blade as he descended. In the blink of an eye, Nathan's blade arced toward the commander's exposed back. His strike was precise and lethal, a testament to the years of training and combat experience he had gained since arriving in this world.

The commander, caught off guard by Nathan's sudden appearance, had little time to react. With a resounding clash, Moonshadow Blade met its mark, slicing through the commander's armor as if it were parchment. A gush of crimson sprayed into the air as the commander let out a choked gasp. He crumpled to the ground, lifeless, his command silenced forever.

Nathan's landing was fluid and seamless, but inside, a maelstrom of emotions raged. He couldn't help but feel the gravity of his actions. Each strike was a reminder of the burden he bore, the weight of being a prince, and the responsibility he carried for his kingdom's fate. It was a heavy mantle he wore with honor, but it came at a cost.

As he turned to face the three remaining four-star mercenaries, the tide of battle was turning against him. The mercenaries, skilled and relentless, pressed their advantage, and Nathan found himself on the defensive. His strikes were met with expert parries, and his aura was slowly waning under the relentless assault of his adversaries.

In the distance, Frostblade continued his fierce battle against the two five-star mercenaries, locked in combat that showed no signs of ending. Nathan knew he couldn't count on Frostblade's timely arrival. The sun hung high in the evening sky, casting long shadows across the battlefield as the day wore on.

Desperation clawed at Nathan's mind as he struggled to hold his ground against the formidable mercenaries. His thoughts raced, and in his moment of dire need, his trembling hand instinctively grasped the amulet hanging around his neck. Its dark gemstone pulsed with an ominous energy, resonating with his inner turmoil.

He couldn't help but wonder about the consequences of wielding such forbidden power. Would it change him? Would it corrupt him? But in the midst of chaos and with the lives of his people hanging in the balance, he had no choice. He needed to become the protector his kingdom required, no matter the cost.

As the battle raged on, and the enemy forces closed in, Nathan made a split-second decision. He would tap into the forbidden power of the dark element—a power he had long feared and sought to control. The very fabric of the battlefield seemed to respond to his inner turmoil.

Dark tendrils of energy snaked out from the amulet, intertwining with his aura. Time seemed to slow as Nathan became aware of a newfound power, an ability granted by the dark element but with significant limitations. He could summon a black hole—a devastating vortex of darkness that devoured everything in its path. It was a power that could turn the tide of the battle, but its consequences were unknown.

With the weight of the battlefield bearing down on him, Nathan raised his hand. With a surge of dark energy, a swirling black void materialized in front of him. Its gravitational pull was irresistible, drawing in enemy soldiers, equipment, and even the very ground itself.

Chaos ensued as the black hole wreaked havoc on the battlefield. Enemy soldiers were helplessly pulled into the abyss, their screams drowned by the eerie silence of the void. Trees, rocks, and structures were torn asunder, adding to the devastation.

Nathan could feel the immense strain of controlling this dark power, and he knew he must use it judiciously. After a brief but cataclysmic display of its might, he forced the black hole to dissipate, sealing it away until the next dawn.

The battlefield was transformed, a surreal landscape of destruction and despair. Nathan's allies, while grateful for his intervention, looked at him with a mixture of awe and fear. The dark element's power was not to be trifled with, and Nathan realized that unlocking its potential came with great responsibility and consequences.

As the dust settled and the eerie silence of the aftermath enveloped the battlefield, Nathan stood amidst the chaos he had wrought. The enemy forces were decimated, their ranks scattered and broken by the unimaginable power he had unleashed.

With a heavy heart and a newfound awareness of the dark element's perilous nature, Nathan knew that this battle had taken a toll on him that extended beyond the physical. The choices he made on this fateful day would forever shape the course of his destiny and the destiny of the realm.

In the aftermath of the unleashed black hole, the battlefield lay in shambles, a grim testament to the destructive power of the dark element. Nathan stood amidst the chaos, his chest heaving with exhaustion, his hand still clutching the amulet, its gemstone now dimmed after the immense expenditure of energy.

After the dust had settled and the eerie silence of the aftermath enveloped the battlefield, it became clear that the battle was indeed over. The surviving enemy forces, though severely diminished, were regrouping, their ranks filled with fear and awe at the devastating force they had witnessed.

Nathan's own soldiers, while grateful for his intervention, looked at him with a mixture of admiration and unease. The legend of the prince who could summon the abyss would surely spread far and wide, but with it would come tales of the darkness that lurked within him.

As Nathan gazed upon the altered landscape, he couldn't help but feel a profound sense of foreboding. The dark element was a double-edged sword, a power that could annihilate his enemies but at a terrible cost. Its corrupting influence gnawed at the edges of his consciousness, a reminder that he had tampered with forces beyond his understanding.

Frostblade, having dispatched the two five-star mercenaries, now rode toward Nathan, his expression a mix of relief and concern. He had witnessed the cataclysmic event from a distance, and as he approached, he spoke with urgency. "Nathan, that power...it's beyond anything I've ever seen. Are you alright?"

Nathan nodded, though the weariness in his eyes spoke volumes. "I'm alive, Frostblade. But this power, it's not something to be wielded lightly. It comes with consequences, and I fear the darkness within it."

Frostblade regarded the amulet with a wary eye. "A dangerous artifact, to be sure. We must be cautious with its use."

As the dust settled and the eerie silence of the aftermath enveloped the battlefield, Nathan felt the crushing weight of exhaustion bear down on him. The dark power he had unleashed had left him physically drained, his body feeling as if it had been pushed to its limits. His vision blurred, and his limbs refused to obey his commands.

Nathan's collapse did not go unnoticed by those around him. Frostblade, his loyal companion and guardian, quickly made his way to the fallen prince. Leaning on his sword and breathing heavily, Nathan struggled to speak.

"Prince, are you okay?" Frostblade's voice was laced with concern, his eyes scanning Nathan for any visible injuries. "You were all right just now."

Nathan managed a weak smile, though his breaths were shallow and labored. "It seems using this black hole comes with extreme physical and mental exhaustion. I don't think I can fight anymore right now, but don't waste your time on me."

Frostblade's worry was evident, but he knew the truth in Nathan's words. He surveyed the battlefield, where the enemy soldiers and commanders lay in disarray and fear, their ranks shattered by the devastating power they had witnessed.

"Then be safe, Prince," Frostblade replied with a determined nod. "I will wipe out these remnants as fast as I can."

He turned to the nearby soldiers, his voice carrying the weight of command. "Take the prince to the rear, and do it safely, even if you have to sacrifice yourselves."

The soldiers, their loyalty unwavering, immediately formed a protective barrier around Nathan. With great care, they lifted the prince and began their retreat to the rear lines of their forces. As they carried Nathan away from the battlefield, Frostblade turned back to the scattered remnants of the enemy, his icy aura blades gleaming with renewed determination.

The battle was not over, but the scales had tipped decisively in favor of Prince Nathan and his forces. Now, they would secure their hard-fought victory and face the challenges that lay ahead, both in the aftermath of this battle and in the uncertain path forward.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky with hues of orange and purple, Frostblade returned to the rear lines with the soldiers who had accompanied him. Their armor was spattered with the remnants of battle, a testament to the fierce combat they had waged against the enemy forces.

The battlefield, now quiet save for the distant cries of wounded soldiers, bore the scars of the conflict. The fallen lay where they had met their end, and the spoils of war were scattered among the wreckage. It was a somber scene, a stark reminder of the price paid for victory.

Upon his return, Frostblade was met with the relieved and respectful gazes of his fellow soldiers. They knew that his leadership and combat prowess had played a significant role in securing their triumph. Yet, there was little time for celebration, as the aftermath of battle required its own set of tasks.

Among the captured enemy soldiers, a grim fate awaited some. Those who had dared to raise their weapons against the realm would be sold into slavery as punishment for their actions. It was a harsh but necessary consequence, a deterrent to future threats against the kingdom.

As night began to shroud the battlefield in darkness, the soldiers set about the grim task of securing their captives. The prisoners were bound and guarded, their faces etched with resignation and defeat. In the midst of victory, there was a solemn acknowledgment of the sacrifices made and the choices that led to this outcome.

Frostblade, though weary from battle, remained vigilant. He knew that even in the aftermath of victory, there were challenges to be faced, and the safety of the realm demanded unwavering resolve. As he watched over the captured enemy soldiers, his thoughts turned to Prince Nathan, hoping that the prince's recovery was underway and that their next steps would be guided by wisdom and strength.

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