
Dual Cores: Mage's Conquest

One moment, I'm just lying in a hospital bed on good old Earth, dealing with the usual illness. The next thing I know, I'm not Blake anymore – I'm Prince Nathan Von Vladyr, smack in a world called Everdawn. No more algebra classes, just a world bursting at the seams with magic and creatures of all shapes and sizes. But here's the real kicker – I've got this insane power, a mashup of mana and Aura that gives me not one, but two cores that I trained. Now, let me tell you, that's a pretty rare deal. Most folks here can't even handle one core, and I'm rocking two like it's no big deal. So, what's a guy with double cores going to do? Simple – turn Vladyr into the most kick-butt kingdom Everdawn has ever seen and become a one and only existence. And as if that's not enough, we've got some real threats on the horizon – Barbarians up north, rival kingdoms all around, and those pesky pirates down south and the far east people. In a world that runs on magic, courage, and a dash of the unexpected, it's me, Blake, or should I say Prince Nathan Von Vladyr, on a quest to shape my kingdom's destiny. Get ready, folks – this adventure is just getting started! ...................................................................................................... Read my new novel,Evomech, too, participating in the WSA

nekrom1 · Fantasie
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70 Chs

Sudden Predicament

With the information in hand, Nathan and Liam registered as a two-man team at the council building to embark on their mission of mapping the mines.

Meanwhile, Winston decided to stay back at the inn, busying himself with the task of purchasing supplies for their upcoming journey back to the Valdyr Kingdom, knowing that winter was just a few weeks away.

Nathan and Liam found themselves sitting outside the council building, waiting for further instructions.

Their anticipation grew as a stout dwarf ascended a wooden stage that had been set up outside the building. With a commanding voice, he shouted, "Everyone who signed up for mapping the shafts, gather around! I have some important rules to share with you."

As the dwarf's voice echoed through the area, all those who had registered for the mission began to assemble. The group numbered at least 15, including Nathan and Liam.

Once everyone had gathered, the dwarf continued, addressing them in his booming voice.

"First thing," he began, "you'll have two days to complete your mission. We'll provide you with enough food and water to last during your exploration of the different directions within the mines."

"Secondly," he cautioned, "the shafts you'll be exploring are natural mineral veins, not dug out by us. Be extremely cautious, as the ground can be unstable, and there's a risk of collapse."

"And lastly," he added, his tone somber, "if any of you meet an unfortunate end down there, it's your own fate. We won't take responsibility for your safety. However, if you believe there's a chance you can be rescued, don't hesitate to call for help."

With these instructions delivered, the dwarf concluded, "That's all for now. Retrieve your permit papers and proceed. We'll reconvene in two days."

Another dwarf stepped forward, distributing the permit papers to each member of the expedition.

Armed with their permit papers, Nathan and Liam headed towards the lines forming on the east side of the city.

After a thorough inspection of their permits, they were granted entry and began their descent into the mysterious depths of the mines, ready to face the challenges that awaited them.

As Nathan and Liam entered the mines from an unseemingly small gate, they were greeted by an astonishing sight.

The caverns were unlike any they had ever seen, with vast, stable structures that resembled entire underground villages.

Within these subterranean caverns, dwarves were hard at work, going about their tasks with remarkable efficiency.

Nathan and Liam couldn't help but marvel at the scene before them. Some dwarves were engaged in mining, extracting valuable ores from the earth, while others operated a forgery and blacksmith area where the raw materials were processed with remarkable speed.

The dwarves seemed to have a well-organized system in place to ensure that the ores were prepared directly, minimizing waste and maximizing their productivity.

As they continued to explore the area, the sound of dwarves at work filled the air. The miners were not only diligent but also harmonious, their labor accompanied by a song that seemed to ease the mood of the mines.

The melody and lyrics echoed through the caverns, carried by the voices of the hardworking dwarves.

Nathan strained to listen, and as he drew nearer to a group of dwarves pulling a cart filled with ore, the lyrics of their song became clear.1

"Up at dawn, working 'til the night

All the day, we're on the path

Heading for the mine

Tunnels send the iron scraps steady to our home

Heavy furrows on the icy stone."

As Nathan and Liam ventured further, they reached the area where the blacksmiths worked diligently. The dwarves here were forging with precision, their hammers striking metal in rhythm with the song.

"Now the Dwarves in rows

Working in the mountain

Strong and restless, from afar the echo of the anvil

Forges glow with fire red against the walls

Consuming the black gloaming of the mine (la-la-la-la-la)"

Another dwarf joined in, adding his voice to the chorus.

"Make them glow (la-la-la-la-la)

Make them burn

Mining, carrying, forging, crafting, smelting of the ores

It's the duty of a dwarf."

The dwarves with their hammers kept the beat, the sounds of their labor merging seamlessly with the song. As Nathan and Liam continued their descent, they passed more groups of miners, each one contributing to the song in their own way.

"Every day the dwarves arise, the dwarves arise

Heading for the mountain mine, the mountain mine

No more time to waste, we are on the way

When a mountain full of gold awaits."

Another voice joined in, and the chorus grew stronger.

"And we mine, mine, mine

'Til the morning light

Digging, crafting, carrying up the ores

Smelting at the forge

Nothing shall prevail o'er the gold

'Til the king and all the dwarves have come back home."

As Nathan and Liam walked deeper into the mines, the sounds of the song and the spirited work of the dwarves gradually faded into the distance.

They couldn't help but be moved by the dedication and unity of the dwarves in their relentless pursuit of precious ores deep within the earth.

As Nathan and Liam continued their exploration of the mines, they encountered numerous forks in the labyrinthine tunnels. Liam, taking charge of navigation, referred to the map provided by the dwarf officer.

He carefully studied it and then turned to Nathan with a determined expression.

"It seems like from here, the lower shafts, which were formed naturally, start. We should choose one of the many ways and hope we come across the monster from afar," Liam suggested, his voice laced with a touch of excitement.

Nathan, acknowledging his status as a prince, couldn't help but smile at Liam's enthusiasm. He replied with a hint of playfulness, "From afar, Liam?"

Liam chuckled softly, his voice lower as he responded, "Or I guess from near will also do, just as long as it doesn't do something to us."

With their decision made, they headed down one of the tunnels, their steps echoing in the cavern's silence.

As they delved deeper into the underground labyrinth, the natural light from the entrance began to diminish.

Liam, ever prepared, reached into his backpack and retrieved a first-circle light ball magic scroll. With a quick incantation and a tear, he created a hovering light ball that cast a soft glow around them.

"This should last for the next 8 hours, and I have more in both our backpacks," Liam explained, ensuring they wouldn't be left in complete darkness.

As they continued their journey, Nathan noticed patches of bioluminescent algae growing on the floor and walls of the cavern. The faint glow of the algae created an eerie, otherworldly ambiance in the subterranean world they were exploring.

Meanwhile, Liam diligently marked their progress on the map, making notes of their path and the various forks they encountered. Time passed as they pressed onward into the depths of the mine, their steps echoing in the narrow tunnels.

Eventually, the weariness of their journey caught up with them. They came across a small underground puddle of water and decided to take a well-deserved rest.

Liam used his magic to create a gentle, floating light ball that illuminated their makeshift resting spot. They settled down, lying on the rocky ground, with Nathan using his backpack as a makeshift pillow.

After a few hours of restful sleep, they resumed their exploration. However, as they ventured deeper into the mine, they reached an area where the floor appeared to be more fragile.

Cracks and crevices marred the ground beneath their feet, raising concerns about the stability of the tunnel. Nathan and Liam exchanged cautious glances, realizing that they needed to proceed with extra care in this treacherous part of the mine.

With confidence in heart, Nathan and Liam decided to continue their journey through the treacherous part of the mine.

Liam offered a word of caution to Nathan before stepping on the path, advising him to watch his every step and use the walls for support. Nathan nodded in acknowledgment and followed Liam's guidance, proceeding cautiously and taking care with each step they took.

As they walked, Nathan suddenly heard a distinct sound echoing through the tunnel.

He paused, his senses on high alert, and then turned to Liam. "Hey, Liam, I think I just heard something," Nathan whispered, his voice filled with a hint of concern.

Liam immediately responded, his own senses attuned to potential danger. "What? Did it sound like a creature?"

Before Nathan could reply, their surroundings took a perilous turn.

A rock fell in front of Nathan followed by more rocks from the tunnel's roof began to fall, creating a chaotic and hazardous situation.

The ground beneath them shook violently, and deep cracks opened up. In the midst of this tumult, one of the falling rocks struck Nathan on the head, causing him to lose his balance and stumble into one of the cracks.

Liam, alarmed and frantic, called out to Nathan, his voice filled with concern. "Prince! Are you okay, Prince? Wait there; I will come down to help you!"

However, Nathan, with a firm and determined tone, refused Liam's offer. "No, you don't come down, what if we both get stuck here". First, give me a copy of the map, and then go call for help. I'll see if I can find a way out down here."

Liam hesitated for a moment, torn between his concern for Nathan's safety and his friend's insistence. Finally, he relented, handing Nathan a copy of the map and saying, "Okay. Just wait here; I'll come with help as fast as I can."

With that, Liam rushed back the way they had come, urgently seeking assistance to rescue Nathan from the perilous situation he now found himself in.

give, your support and please try my second story "Necromancer of the End Times" please. Thanks for reading.

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