
Dual Cores: Mage's Conquest

One moment, I'm just lying in a hospital bed on good old Earth, dealing with the usual illness. The next thing I know, I'm not Blake anymore – I'm Prince Nathan Von Vladyr, smack in a world called Everdawn. No more algebra classes, just a world bursting at the seams with magic and creatures of all shapes and sizes. But here's the real kicker – I've got this insane power, a mashup of mana and Aura that gives me not one, but two cores that I trained. Now, let me tell you, that's a pretty rare deal. Most folks here can't even handle one core, and I'm rocking two like it's no big deal. So, what's a guy with double cores going to do? Simple – turn Vladyr into the most kick-butt kingdom Everdawn has ever seen and become a one and only existence. And as if that's not enough, we've got some real threats on the horizon – Barbarians up north, rival kingdoms all around, and those pesky pirates down south and the far east people. In a world that runs on magic, courage, and a dash of the unexpected, it's me, Blake, or should I say Prince Nathan Von Vladyr, on a quest to shape my kingdom's destiny. Get ready, folks – this adventure is just getting started! ...................................................................................................... Read my new novel,Evomech, too, participating in the WSA

nekrom1 · Fantasie
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70 Chs

Echoes of Destiny: A Prince's Journey Begins

After the prayer, Nathan and his entourage departed from the battlefield and entered the bustling city of Silverbrook. Accompanied by his loyal soldiers, Frostblade, and Barch, the news of the recent battle had already spread like wildfire among the city's inhabitants. Nathan's name had become synonymous with the genius prince capable of summoning the void.

Word of the valiant battle waged by Nathan and the Arcanum Legion had traveled far and wide, carried by both locals and passing merchants. As the heroic tale rippled through the kingdom and beyond, the citizens of Silverbrook hailed their prince with newfound admiration.

Upon settling the soldiers in the city, Nathan ventured into Silverbrook's lively market street. Despite Silverbrook's role as a western bulwark of the Valdyr Kingdom, it continued to experience a significant influx of merchants, especially during times of peace. Nathan's gaze fell upon a curious stall run by an elderly lady, a stall dedicated to divination.

While such a sight might have been ordinary on Earth, in this realm of magic and swords, divination was a rare and intricate art. Few possessed the genuine ability to delve into the mysteries of fate and foresee the future.

Intrigued, Nathan approached the divination stall, his curiosity immediately kindled. The elderly lady, her eyes harboring the wisdom of countless years of practice, looked up and offered a warm smile as the prince drew near.

"Ah, young prince," she greeted him, her voice a melodious whisper. "I've been expecting you."

Nathan arched an eyebrow, his fascination growing. "Expecting me? How did you know I would come here?"

The diviner let out a soft, knowing chuckle. "My dear, I perceive many things within the currents of time and fate. Your presence in this city, your deeds on the battlefield, they have left ripples that even I could not ignore."

Nathan exchanged a meaningful glance with Frostblade and Barch, both of whom remained silent but vigilant.

"Very well," Nathan replied, leaning in closer to the diviner. "What do you see, then? What can you tell me?"

The old lady closed her eyes for a moment, her frail fingers tracing intricate patterns in the air. "I see a path fraught with challenges and trials, a soul and knowledge from beyond this world, and allies who will help you overcome these obstacles, not only strengthening yourself but also fortifying this kingdom in the process."

Intrigued by the diviner's cryptic words, Nathan continued to engage her in conversation. He inquired further about the challenges and allies she had alluded to, hoping for more insight into his path ahead.

The elderly diviner leaned in, her voice barely above a whisper as she shared her visions. "I see a looming threat from the eastern border, a shadowy figure with ambitions that could plunge our kingdom into turmoil. But fear not, young prince, for the knowledge from beyond this realm that resides within you will be your greatest weapon."

Nathan's brow furrowed as he absorbed this information. An eastern threat was a matter of grave concern, and his responsibilities as a prince weighed heavily on his shoulders.

"Tell me more about these allies," Nathan pressed, his curiosity unabated.

The diviner's eyes fluttered open, revealing a profound sadness. "Your allies will come from unexpected places, and their loyalty will be unwavering. But beware, for not all may appear as they seem. Trust your instincts, Prince Nathan, for your discernment will be your shield."

As the conversation continued, Nathan couldn't shake the feeling that the diviner's words held a deeper significance, one that would become clearer as time unfolded. He thanked the elderly lady for her insights and continued his stroll through the bustling market, the weight of both knowledge and responsibility settling firmly on his shoulders.

Meanwhile, Frostblade and Barch exchanged knowing glances. They had been through countless trials with Nathan, and while the diviner's words were cryptic, they trusted their prince's ability to navigate the challenges that lay ahead.

As the day in Silverbrook continued, Nathan's thoughts were consumed by the newfound revelations, and he couldn't help but wonder about the path fate had laid out before him and the kingdom he was sworn to protect.

Nathan's contemplative mood continued as he wandered through the market streets of Silverbrook. The diviner's words had left a lingering impression on him, and he couldn't help but feel the weight of his responsibilities as a prince growing heavier by the day.

Lost in thought, Nathan was suddenly jolted back to the present by a young boy who tugged at his sleeve, his eyes filled with curiosity. "Are you the genius prince who fought the dark forces, sir?"

Nathan smiled warmly at the child, momentarily setting aside his thoughts. "Yes, young one, that's me. But I'm no different from anyone else. I just did what I had to do to protect our kingdom."

The child's face lit up with admiration, and he asked eagerly, "Sir, can you tell me how I can become strong like you? How can I learn to use magic and swordplay?"

Nathan knelt down to the boy's eye level and spoke earnestly, "Becoming strong takes time and dedication, young one. You must find a path that resonates with you, whether it's magic, swordplay, or any other skill. Then, you must train tirelessly, learn from experienced mentors, and never stop seeking knowledge."

The boy's enthusiasm remained undiminished, but he frowned slightly. "But I heard it takes years to become strong. I want to be strong now."

Nathan chuckled softly, ruffling the boy's hair. "I understand your impatience, but strength isn't just about physical power. It's also about wisdom, courage, and kindness. As you grow, you'll become stronger in ways you can't even imagine now."

As the boy left with newfound determination, Nathan couldn't help but reflect on his own journey to strength. It had been a long and arduous path, filled with challenges, sacrifices, and unwavering determination. But he had learned that true strength went beyond physical prowess; it encompassed the ability to protect and inspire others.

Turning to Frostblade and Barch, who had been observing the interaction, Nathan posed a question of his own. "How can one become strong faster, my friends?"

Frostblade, with his vast experience in combat and strategy, spoke first. "Strength is a journey, Prince. To hasten it, one must embrace discipline, practice consistently, and be open to learning from both successes and failures. Surrounding oneself with trusted allies and mentors can also accelerate the path to strength."

Barch, the voice of wisdom and counsel, added, "Additionally, seeking balance in all aspects of life is essential. Physical and mental health, empathy, and a sense of purpose can strengthen your resolve. Remember, becoming strong isn't just about power; it's about becoming the best version of yourself."

Nathan nodded, his thoughts clearer now. The path to strength was indeed a journey, one that required patience, determination, and the wisdom to understand that true strength came from within, forged through both trials and triumphs.

With newfound purpose, Nathan continued his stroll through Silverbrook, the questions and insights from the diviner and the young boy guiding his steps as he contemplated the road ahead.

After several days of healing, most of the soldiers had made a remarkable recovery, and Nathan had regained his physical strength. It was now time for his departure back to the capital city of Axum, where his parents anxiously awaited news of his victory and worried for his safety. Nathan informed Frostblade of his impending journey, and the loyal city lord of Silverbrook had a request.

"Prince, although I cannot accompany you to the capital city due to my duties here," Frostblade began, "I would like to ask for your permission to allow my son, Liam, to follow you. He is an excellent knight with immense potential for growth."

"He will undoubtedly be of great service to you," Frostblade continued, "and I can rest assured that he will learn valuable lessons under your guidance."

Liam, showing his respect and readiness, knelt on one knee in front of Nathan, bowing his head, placing one hand over his chest and the other at his back. He spoke with humility, "Greetings, my prince. I hope to be of service to you, and I hope you don't mind my presence."

Nathan, despite his princely status, was a bit flustered by the gesture. He chuckled and said, "First, please stand up. You are much older than me; there's no need to kneel before me."

Nathan, appreciating the gesture, extended his hand to help Liam to his feet. "There's no need for such formalities, Liam. You're more than welcome to accompany me to the capital. Your father speaks highly of you, and I'm sure your presence will be of great value."

Liam nodded gratefully and replied with determination, "Thank you, my prince. I promise to do my best to assist and learn from you."

With Liam now part of their traveling party, the preparations for the journey to Axum began in earnest. The soldiers of the Arcanum Legion were eager to return home, and the prospect of reuniting with their families filled them with hope.

Before their departure, Nathan, Frostblade, Barch, and Liam gathered in the heart of Silverbrook to bid farewell to the city and its people. The citizens, who had witnessed the heroic battle and the presence of their beloved prince, had gathered to see them off.

Nathan addressed the crowd, his voice carrying through the air. "People of Silverbrook, I cannot thank you enough for your hospitality and support during our stay. Your bravery on the battlefield and your kindness in our time of need will forever be etched in my heart. We depart for Axum with gratitude in our hearts and the promise to return as allies and friends."

The crowd erupted in cheers, and shouts of "Long live Prince Nathan!" echoed through the streets. The bond between the prince and the city had grown stronger, and it was a testament to the unity of their kingdom.

With their farewells said and their spirits high, Nathan, Barch, Liam, and the Arcanum Legion began their journey toward the capital city of Axum. Ahead lay not only the reunion with Nathan's parents but also new challenges and adventures in the ever-unfolding tapestry of their kingdom's destiny.

umm make me happy by adding in your library and giiving it a review, and support me with power stones. thank you and i think my chapters are too long should i release small chapters tell me in comments please.

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