
Dual Cores: Mage's Conquest

One moment, I'm just lying in a hospital bed on good old Earth, dealing with the usual illness. The next thing I know, I'm not Blake anymore – I'm Prince Nathan Von Vladyr, smack in a world called Everdawn. No more algebra classes, just a world bursting at the seams with magic and creatures of all shapes and sizes. But here's the real kicker – I've got this insane power, a mashup of mana and Aura that gives me not one, but two cores that I trained. Now, let me tell you, that's a pretty rare deal. Most folks here can't even handle one core, and I'm rocking two like it's no big deal. So, what's a guy with double cores going to do? Simple – turn Vladyr into the most kick-butt kingdom Everdawn has ever seen and become a one and only existence. And as if that's not enough, we've got some real threats on the horizon – Barbarians up north, rival kingdoms all around, and those pesky pirates down south and the far east people. In a world that runs on magic, courage, and a dash of the unexpected, it's me, Blake, or should I say Prince Nathan Von Vladyr, on a quest to shape my kingdom's destiny. Get ready, folks – this adventure is just getting started! ...................................................................................................... Read my new novel,Evomech, too, participating in the WSA

nekrom1 · Fantasie
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70 Chs

Choreography of Elements: Crafting Core Stars

After being bound by the weight of Nathan's mana vow, Barch was privy to the truth—Nathan's possession of the dual core. However, the specific technique, "THE EQUILIBRIUM," remained a secret Nathan guarded closely, a hidden treasure of his ingenuity.

Curiosity piqued, Barch queried, "Young prince, why do you withhold the revelation of your dual core from the king and queen?"

Aware of the immense significance of his achievement, one that would undoubtedly bring great joy to his parents, Nathan took a moment to exhale before responding. His heart thudded in his chest as he chose his words carefully. "My desire to share this accomplishment with my parents is second to none. I have no doubt that they would go to great lengths to ensure my safety within the castle's walls."

In truth, Nathan's chest tightened at the thought of his parents' pride in his accomplishment. Pausing, Nathan continued with a somber undertone, "However, it's a matter of time before foreign spies infiltrate our knowledge. Once they discern the truth, they will send word back to their leaders. Our kingdom's arcane secrets could become the catalyst for them to seek annexation, endangering our people's well-being."

Nathan's gaze drifted to the castle's walls as he grappled with the weight of his decision. Nathan's gaze held a blend of determination and concern as he concluded, "Thus, I must wait until I am certain of my ability to safeguard not only myself but those under our care. It is then that I will reveal this truth to my parents, making our kingdom stronger and better prepared for the challenges ahead."

Barch's voice quivered with loyalty as he assured Nathan, a tear shimmering in his eye. Nathan's heart swelled with gratitude at Barch's unwavering support. "My loyalty lies with you, young prince. I shall guard this secret with my life, carrying it to the grave. I pledge to instruct you fully and expedite the realization of your goals."

Nathan's confident smile matched his words. He knew he had found a steadfast ally in Barch, someone he could rely on during his journey. "Your dedication won't go in vain, Barch. I'll commit myself to rigorous training."

With Barch's guidance, Nathan felt a renewed sense of purpose. Encouraged by Nathan's determination, Barch resumed his guidance, now delving into the details of forming core stars around the aura core—an area where Barch's expertise met its limit due to his aura-centric training.

Barch elucidated, "Creating core stars resembles forging mana circles in many ways, though their applications diverge once established."

"To forge core stars or mana circles, two pivotal factors come into play," Barch continued, "Firstly, cultivating a sturdy physical foundation. Your body must be honed through consistent exercise to withstand the tremendous forces involved, else risking a catastrophic explosion. Secondly, a fully developed aura core or mana heart is essential as a starting point."

As Nathan absorbed Barch's words, a mixture of determination and anticipation swelled within him. With these words, Barch laid out the foundational principles, the stepping stones towards mastery, as Nathan's journey into refining and expanding his powers unfolded before him.

While Barch's voice filled the air, Nathan's thoughts raced. Barch's instruction continued with precise guidance. "Upon meeting those prerequisites, your first step is to establish a pivotal point encircling your aura core or mana heart. This point serves as the foundation for your star or circle, essential for storing mana or aura."

With each word, Nathan's mind was a whirlwind of plans and intentions. Barch outlined two distinct methods for this critical step. "To achieve this, you can adopt either an intensive focus, channeling ambient mana or aura from your surroundings, then directing and molding it with precision. This approach yields swift, stable, and potent results, reducing risk."

"The second method involves extracting a portion of mana or aura from your core or heart, using it as the scaffold to build an external shell for your star or circle. Subsequently, you'll replenish the structure with absorbed ambient mana or aura through breathing, a gradual and potentially risky process."

Barch's words painted a vivid mental image for Nathan. Barch elaborated further, "This approach bears the hazard of failure, leading to mana or aura dissipation and non-lethal internal injury. In such cases, recovering the withdrawn energy will take time, causing discomfort."

A knot of determination tightened within Nathan. A knowing glance exchanged between mentor and mentee, as Barch's voice continued, "Even upon successful formation, simultaneous replenishment of both core or heart and newly shaped star or circle demands extended periods."

Nathan's mind was a canvas, painted with the intricate details Barch provided. These explanations unveiled the intricacies of a critical aspect of Nathan's magical journey, casting light on the choices and considerations he would need to master as he pursued the path of power.

As Nathan absorbed Barch's guidance, a thought struck him—it was almost like configuring multiple batteries to maximize power output, each acting as an intermediary for the larger one, ultimately supplying the main circuit with a substantial energy source.

The analogy swirled in Nathan's thoughts, a bridge between the complex magical theories and his practical journey. Just as he contemplated this analogy, Barch interjected, refocusing his attention. "Begin by building your body's foundation through rigorous exercises and sword practice, young prince."

With renewed determination, Nathan envisioned himself as a vessel of power, ready to be shaped. With his directive set, Barch proceeded to outline a comprehensive training regimen spanning five months. The schedule included a daily ten-kilometer run both in daylight and darkness, supplemented by evening sessions of push-ups, sit-ups, and a variety of body-conditioning exercises.

The crisp morning air filled Nathan's lungs as he ran, his heart pounding in rhythm with his footsteps. Yet, the core of Nathan's training lay in his beloved sword. The regimen prescribed fifteen hundred repetitions each day, encompassing downward, horizontal, and vertical slashes—all executed with precise body alignment.

Nathan's grip on the wooden practice sword was firm, and his muscles screamed with every repetition. Nathan adhered diligently to the demanding routine, his perseverance rewarded by the tangible transformation in his physique. His body bulked and stretched, and his muscles ripened, marking a substantial growth over the five-month period. Radiant golden hair cascaded down to his shoulders, and his stature reached an impressive one hundred and thirty-two centimeters, setting him apart as a young boy of notable presence.

The sweat glistening on his skin, the burn in his muscles, it all fueled Nathan's resolve. With sweat-soaked days and unwavering dedication, Nathan's journey toward strength and mastery gained momentum, the transformative effects of his arduous training echoing both physically and mentally.

The clatter of sword practice echoed through the training ground, each swing of the blade a step forward in Nathan's progress. Wearing a drenched white top, evidence of his grueling exercises, Nathan reached a significant juncture. His five-month period of intense physical training culminated not only in strengthening his body but also in refining his technique, "The EQUILIBRIUM." Despite its incomplete state, he enhanced its efficiency, rendering the simultaneous channeling of mana to both his aura core and mana heart smoother and more effective. This innovation made the formation of his core star and mana circle a unified endeavor.

Seated cross-legged on the ground, Nathan embarked on this pivotal step. Barch positioned himself behind, aiding Nathan's connection to the mana flow within his body. Together, they guided the mana, nurturing it as it converged within Nathan.

The energy swirled around Nathan, a dance of magic guided by his concentration. The air around them responded with a subtle surge, attuned to the energies coursing through Nathan. Over five hours, the mana assumed its shape, forming both a core star and a mana circle.

A tingling sensation traveled through Nathan's fingertips as the core star took form. A gentle "Hing, Hing, Hing" resounded—a testament to the completion of Nathan's core star and mana circle.

The sound seemed to echo in Nathan's ears, a melody of achievement. Nathan's core star, resembling a thumb-sized mass, exuded radiant hues and rotated around the aura core. Simultaneously, the mana circle, in its oceanic blue splendor, encircled and revolved around the mana heart.

The visual spectacle was like a dance of light and energy, both intricate and awe-inspiring. After hours of intense focus, Nathan was left panting. Addressing Barch with a respectful tone suited to his elder, Nathan shared his triumph. "Sir Barch, I have successfully created my first core star."

Barch's eyes shone with pride, the unspoken bond between them growing stronger. Barch's response echoed with congratulatory warmth, "Congratulations, young prince."

Emotions welled up within Nathan, a mixture of pride and accomplishment. Inquisitive and eager, Nathan couldn't help but question, "But why does my star appear a bit smaller? Is that normal? Can it be improved?"

Barch's laughter was a comforting melody, a reminder that he was not alone on this journey. Barch's hearty laughter reverberated, "Bhwahahaha." He reassured Nathan, "Don't worry, Prince. It's quite normal for the initial core star to be smaller. It gradually grows larger as you continue training, eventually reaching its limit. At that point, you'll begin working on creating your second star."

The exchange was like a dance of camaraderie, a moment of shared understanding. With a touch of surprise in his voice, Barch added, "What's truly surprising is that your core star seems larger than what people typically achieve when forming their first star."

Nathan's grin held a hint of playful pride. Nathan's response carried a touch of cockiness, "Well, you've seen one now."

The room seemed to be charged with accomplishment, the air filled with energy. After concluding his core star and mana circle formation, Nathan retired to his room. Fatigued and bearing the pungent scent of sweat, he freshened up and enjoyed a family dinner. With thoughts of his upcoming training and new lessons from Barch on his mind, Nathan drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

The soft embrace of the bed was a welcome relief, and Nathan's dreams were filled with swirling lights and the sensation of power coursing through his veins. The following day, energized and dressed for training, Nathan headed straight to the training ground. Barch awaited his arrival. Nathan's voice exuded cheerfulness as he inquired, "So, what's on the agenda for today?"

The morning sun cast a warm glow over the training ground, a symbol of the fresh start Nathan embraced. In his robust voice, Barch laid out the plan, "Now that your core star is formed, we'll begin training to integrate it into various combat scenarios, both unarmed and armed. You need to learn how to manage your core star's energy output effectively."

The smell of earth and grass mixed with the anticipation in the air, a tableau of challenges waiting to be conquered. He continued, "We'll also focus on situations where you're engaged in a battle where mana or aura depletion determines the outcome. Your goal should be to outlast your opponent by using your breathing technique to replenish energy during combat."

Barch's words were a call to action, a reminder of the path ahead. Barch emphasized, "To gain an advantage, you must become proficient at replenishing your mana or aura while fighting. We'll achieve this by sparring daily until you can naturally integrate the technique into combat."

Nathan's grip on his practice sword tightened, determination flickering in his eyes. Nathan retrieved a practice sword from the wooden rack, its wooden structure resembling a double-edged iron sword with minor chips.

The worn wood felt familiar in Nathan's hands, a companion on his journey. Facing each other, swords drawn, Nathan adopted a sword stance, while Barch held his sword up, poised for action.

The clash of swords echoed through the training ground, the sound of steel on steel a testament to Nathan's progress. From a slight distance, Barch shouted instructions, "Remember, Prince, as we start, direct your aura where you want to enhance your attack. Employ your breathing technique while attacking."

The rhythm of their movements was like a dance, a choreography of strikes and parries. With an excited smile, Nathan's internal thoughts resonated, "Let the training begin. I can't wait."

Nathan's heart raced as he launched himself into the sparring session, every movement guided by the essence of his training. Nathan lunged toward Barch, delivering a powerful downward slash. However, Barch effortlessly blocked the attack and used Nathan's own force to make him stumble and roll to the side, covering himself in dirt.

The impact sent tremors through Nathan's arms, and the taste of dirt lingered on his lips as he pushed himself back up. Brushing off the dirt and regaining his footing, Nathan pointed his sword at Barch, closed his eyes, and focused on channeling his aura to his hands and feet using his breathing technique.

His aura responded to his will, and Nathan's body felt charged with energy, his movements more fluid. Barch, knowing Nathan was deep in concentration, stood still and waited patiently. After twenty minutes, Nathan felt a surge from his core as his aura began to move. He channeled it to his extremities.

The sensation was like a river of energy, flowing through his veins, ready to be harnessed. Noticing Nathan's change in aura flow, Barch smirked and thought, "Finally ready to get back in action."

The dance of blades continued the sound of clashing steel accompanied by the rhythm of their breaths. When Nathan opened his eyes and sprang toward Barch again, the newfound aura control made his movements incredibly swift—three times faster than before. Despite his improved speed, landing a successful hit on Barch remained a challenge.

Each strike was a test of skill and precision, the weight of progress driving Nathan forward. Their intense sparring session continued for hours. Nathan struggled to land a blow on Barch, but he was able to refine his aura manipulation during combat. He could now move his aura more freely and even use his breathing technique while fighting, although not flawlessly yet.

The sweat dripped down Nathan's brow, the exertion fueling his determination. As days passed, Nathan's endurance and skills grew. After twenty-eight days of rigorous training with Barch, he managed to use his breathing technique seamlessly during combat, significantly enhancing his strength.

The victory was palpable, a culmination of weeks of effort and sacrifice. With today's training behind him, Nathan joined his family for dinner in the dining room, his spirits high from the progress he had made.

The sense of accomplishment lingered in the air, a shared pride among family members. The table was filled with laughter and stories, and as Nathan savored each bite of food, he knew he was on a journey of transformation—one that would shape not only his abilities but also his character.

As the day drew to a close, Nathan's heart was a tapestry of emotions—excitement, determination, and a touch of uncertainty. After dinner, he retreated to his room, his mind buzzing with plans and reflections.

The moonlight streamed through the window, casting a soft glow on the pages of his journal. Nathan picked up his pen, his hand moving with purpose as he recorded the day's events—the victories, the challenges, the growth. Each stroke of the pen was a testament to his commitment, a marker on the path he had chosen.

As he closed the journal and settled into his bed, Nathan's heart was a mix of gratitude and anticipation. The journey had just begun, and he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. With a contented smile, he let the weight of the day's achievements lull him into a peaceful slumber, his dreams filled with the swirling energies of magic and the promise of a future yet to unfold.

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