

A depressed man who has tried his hardest to live a simple life A man, in which death and misfortune follow closely. His life was abnormally horrible. But what if there was a place where he could start over? *Cover art is not mine but this is what the Mc looks like

Infamoushero · Fantasie
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40 Chs

Families legacy & New Goal

The woman looked at him with the sincerest of eyes. Their blood resonance perfectly synced in with each other. Blood resonance is a similar sound to rubbing your finger across the rim of a glass cup. It makes a frequency dependent on how much water is in the glass. Orien knew that this woman was his mother. Bloody tears fell down his face, and he shook lightly.

" Mother," he said.

He could feel the love she had for him due to the resonance. It was the first time he had ever felt loved. She hugged as hard as she could. His fingers dug into her back, and his tears flowed like a river.

" I'm just glad to see you," she said.

They cried in each other's embrace for a while before letting go.

" So, what's your name mother?"

" Alexandria Lockwood. What about yours?" Her voice was angelic to Orien.

" Orien James."

" Orien isn't bad," she said as she giggled. " But We named you Alixandre Lockwood"

Orien loved the name. Just him hearing it made him smile ear to ear.

" Do I have a father or any siblings?"

" Your father is outside and you have four other siblings. You have no idea how much we awaited your return. Your sister Audrey is a seer. She always told us that you would come back to us." Alexandria was on the brink of tears once more.

" Mom, how did I end up in another world?"

" When a life is created, the world creates a blank soul and sends it to the body. Some souls end up in the wrong places, but it usually doesn't make a difference. In our case, we were cursed. I'm sure you know that you are divine. A little over twenty years ago, our family was supposed to rule over Pondwell. A man from another family tried to steal me from your father and I rejected him. He got angry and began to spread lies that we were in a pact with demons. Even without evidence, those who despised us, and even other divine beings began to plot against us. They slaughtered a majority of our family together. The only reason why we survived was that your oldest sister Valentina,sacrificed herself and became the concubine of one heir of the kingdom. They cursed me so that I couldn't have children, but the Horde guild's goddess removed it, saying that we owed her the future."

Orien could no longer control himself. He was tired of suffering. The bloodlust trance almost happens again before his mother hugged him. Her embrace felt like heaven to him.

"Alixandre, you are destined to be strong, but you can't go against the kingdom. It would be suicide. Be happy that we reunited. I'll go get your father." She walked out of the room, and Orien went into deep thought. There was a voice inside him telling him to be happy that he met his real family. There was a louder voice telling him to slaughter everyone that ever opposed them.

' I need strength. There's a war coming, and the people who made my family suffer are alive. I have to kill everyone. He sat in bed with a blank stare.

* Knock* *Knock*

The door opened and a masculine voice was heard.

" Son."

It was his father. Orien would've been jumping for joy at the sight of his true father. The blood resonance was strong. His father loved him very much, but Orien had to put up a front. He was happy to see his father, but his urge to kill was a lot stronger. He put on a fake smile and said, " Father." His dad was two inches taller than him. He was a black man with a great jawline, curly hair, and golden eyes. He was a spitting image of his son.

" Look at my boy. You've grown into a handsome man," he said with a sincere smile.

" My name is Abraham Lockwood. Your mother told me that she told you of our origins. Please, son, don't be vengeful. That path is bloody, and we just got you back." Tears flowed from his eyes, and he hugged Orien. Orien didn't answer him. Instead, he hugged his father tightly and stared blankly at the wall. Revenge is the only thing that will cure his bloodlust.

" Let's go home so you can meet your other siblings. They've been dying to meet you ever since we showed them the pictures, Abraham said.

" I need to talk to Mister. Edwards first. So please wait a little longer," Orien said.

Orie gathered his belongings and the two left his room.

" Mr. Edwards, we need to talk. I need power. What's the quickest way to get stronger?"

" It doesn't seem like you're asking me this out of the kindness of your heart. Are you about to do something stupid?"

Orien hesitated to answer him, but he trusted the old man.

" I'm planning on waging war against Ponwell's royalty. I need an unimaginable power and I think you know how to obtain it."

They stared at each other intensely. Unknowingly to Orien, Mr. Edwards knew his family's history. Still, he didn't expect someone who had only been in this world for a couple of weeks would want to take on the entire kingdom.

" I don't agree with this at all, but..."

He looked into Orien's eyes once more before saying," Gods can share their powers with humans as long as they do their bidding. You aren't strong enough now to handle those tasks. I will introduce you to some of them if you can beat me in a fight," Mr. Edwards said.

" Keep your promise."

Orien made his way to the exit of the guild where his parents eagerly waited on him. They can sense something was off, but Orien didn't let his murderous thoughts ruin his family reunion.

The carriage ride home was lively. They didn't talk much. Instead, they just enjoyed each other's presence. As they got closer to their home, the area changed drastically. They were on the outskirts of the city. A truly impoverished area. Apparently, Abraham and Alexandria decided that it was better to live in poverty than draw attention to themselves. They wore rings which gave them a magic presence people can sense. They developed the ability to change their eyes to mimic regular people. Their home was small and beat down. Upon entering, the footsteps of two people could be heard.

" Mommy and daddy's home!" A little boy and girl ran to the door to greet their parents when they saw an unfamiliar man. Still, they knew who he was.

" Big brother Alixandre!" Both ran at him with all their might, almost causing him to fall. They hugged him as hard as they could, sobbing, telling him how much they wanted to meet him.

Feeling the love of his new family and their living conditions, his rage had completely consumed him. This was the day everything changed. He was no longer Orien. He was Alixandre Lockwood. A man whose future is dyed in the blood of those who oppose him and those close to him.