

"I just want some fun " again she responded then said he was also looking for some fun. Now we were dancing together. Il have now idea how long we stood on the dance floor before he gave me a little kiss. After that it all went fast. Someone touched my arm. I knew what I had to do. I said we should go somewhere more quiet so we can talk. He wanted to stay so we stayed for a bit, obviously. Then we left the pub, with our arms intertwined I guided him into an alleyway and started kissing him again. Before knew it I heard a gunshot and walked away Wait whose memories are these they're not even mine I think I'm way too high but hallucinating smooth

Has then his hallucinations start to get more clearly It's all Louis without her clothes on him and she was taking advantage of him for the Jaune do He took advantage of her as well by grabbing her body waist and turn her body around slamming her on the bed sending his hands-free from the shackles and he grabbed her waist He was going for the neck He was going to choker her to death but he didn't it doesn't matter anyways she was Charlie's little sister and she's available member of the Mafia without her I don't think so they have any other medical experience people in this field in Charlie's a good friend He has done good I can't just take that away from so he grabbed her waist started thrusting in her hole That's the bed cracked side by side in and out as you went that she grabbed his back as they lost all their clothes as he took advantage of her completely she welcomed him And she grabbed his back lifted her legs grabbing his butt and let him thrust in and out as she moaned louder and louder.

"Ahh ahh jaune ahh ahh jaune"

He kept it up 30 more minutes Then shoot it right inside now she's moaned his name

Ahh ahhh ahhhh jaune!!! "

As he stood there seeing what he has done he knew there was no going back he has cheated on his wife but he was raped first so it's the complicated matter entirely because he saw Louis eyes never had bit trac of guilt at all She would do this again and again She always was a rapist He heard stories that she has done that to even kid age like 13 to 18 sometimes but Charlie does not know because she's good at it She kept secrets from him in the end and so does the mafia They have no choice if they took action against her they know that Charlie will not work for them and she has her own value at the same time They can't just lose two greatest assets they have so as he was there as she holding him He was planning to get up but she stopped him and told him that he needs to do it again until she is satisfied or by force has she got on top of him and start bouncing again as Jaune grab her neck and In a sitting position she kept on doing as he grabbed her neck the other hand grabbed her butt making sure she does not even balance as she kept on going as her boobs were on his face She went on going like crazy Jaune just accepted it He knows if he tries something things will go for the worst so he needs to get it with it and go home as they kept on going.

'ah ahahaha hahhah ahahahah hahhh aaaa yes yes yes that it more.....!!!!!!

After that session I changed my clothes and I I left her Charlie's home thinking that I would think about ever coming there again with Louis around things might go bad to worst so yeah so Jaune pick up him keys and gone to him old apartment, As I went to the my apartment. The first thing I wanted to do was collapse onto the mattress and sleep but then I Something suspicious and weird at the same time why there is another scroll under my bed and it's wrapped in plastic wrap so I figured that the new mystery mission had to come first. Imoved the couch and removed the plastic cover for the outlet for the burner scroll and I dialed the number Luna price gave me for cacking or checking. It rang for a minute before being picked up. "Mr. Arcade?" he greeted. "Hey" I said, too tired for any formalities, "I was worried for a moment that I was calling at a bad time, I just got off my first shift." "I take it you found a job then?" He asked me. "I did, Im driving cabs for a woman named mrs bridgers, I'l be working nights and I just finished mine helping some girl's get away from a jewelry store she robbed." I explained to him. "She was some sort of VIP customer for the cab company, I think these VIPs might be other criminals she's acquainted with." "Good work Mr. Arcade," Ozpin told me, "keep up with the new job and see if any of these special clients of hers let anything slip, in the meantime I want you to make Jessica and your fellow coworkers understand that you're willing to break some laws for some cash, I imagine being an accomplice to grand larceny on your first night has already helped with that." "It's a good first step," I said stifling a yawn. "It is Mr., Arcade, but there's still a long way to go, get some rest and call me next week or when there is a development," he instructed me before hanging up. I collapsed onto my mattress and didn't wake up until the afternoon.

3:00 pm

When I came back to work and i walked into Jonah hill office to tell her what had happened last night after picking up one of her VIPs, I was mainly worried that the cops Would have gotten the plates off my cab and be on the lookout but it seemed that Jonah wasn't worried. "I already heard about what happened," she explained to me, "that girl texted me once it was done and I reported my cab stolen," she explained to me sitting behind her desk with a cigarette burning between her fingers. "Won't they find it suspicious that your cab was reported stolen after it was seen fleeing a crime scene?" I asked her as she held her pack of cigarettes out offering me one. I took the offered smoke since I figured it'd be polite and I wanted her to like me for the sake of my mission.

When Jaune arrived at the restaurant, the plaza he found himself in was surprisingly empty. Surprising in the sense that, thanks to his first impression of the place (and when he was in school in general), he'd expected it to be packed to the gills with students on the way to class... Or whatever it was that Hunters in training did in the mornings. Hitting training dummies, maybe? Running an obstacle course? having steaks in the morning or sex He hadn't had the chance to ask before Gly-Professor Goodwitch, had taken him to the registry office.

He'd been a bit too busy dealing with a sense of awe to actually listen to what she'd said, much to his detriment. Hopefully, she hadn't said something really important In recent years. It would have been just his luck if she had though... Anyway, it wasn't nearly as packed as he'd expected it to be. A student here and there, latecomers. People that looked just as lost as he was at first, if not more... It was weirdly normal, actually. Kind of a letdown.

"Arc !!."

Amanda Seyfried a fellow call worker his colleague or his new partner in a way They work at the same restaurant they serve They clean and they watch to help others out and they're in the pickle So it's very hectic sometimes but today it's kind of different. Has she saw him made her way towards him and gave him a scolding about being late.

"Where have you been It's been many hours The place is overrun did you just try to play bail on us and leave all the work for us if you did you're dead forget What you were doing and get in here and help us So without even thinking twice he went to the locker room get changed to his spare uniform that he kept then after he helps them his co-workers in their working shift but they're even in a crisis but they were serving every customer under at the moment they took a break Amanda need to discuss something with Jaune She needed to ask him on this evening so that she can confess her love But when she was going to speak Jaune make her hold because he was having a stroll call you checked who it was it was winter He had a questionable face and thought it might be an emergency or she changed her mind but She just asked him a question.

Jaune was a little nervous at first and he mustered the strength and he was about to picked up the phone but Amanda She noticed what type of face he was making She was a little concerned but she's been hearing rumors lately that John has a girlfriend and she is beautifulhad a better idea She told him to put it on speaker so she can hear it as well and said " hello"

Winter wanted to ask him some question It was a about is he free this evening He said he might be all the work is already done so he was planning on coming anyways Then she said good She told him about her plan and what she wants from him.

Jaune was shocked to hear this. He had never seen someone this forward with him before "I uh..." he struggles to find the words but Winter already beat him to it.

"Is that a yes I hear?" She asks, Jaune quickly nods his head much to Amanda disapproval. "Good, pick me up at 1730 at my room. Don't be a second early or late. I'll be waiting for you Mr Arc." she walks away from the two quickly.

Amanda Seyfried stood dejectedly as she watched as a strange woman on the phone just stole her crush in front of her. Even though she never told her abott it it still felt like a grand betrayal. With a sad sigh, she leaves Jaune alone and walks back to her room.

Meanwhile, Jaune stood there, thinking 'Did I just get asked out by my wife ?'

[Winters apartment, evening]

Evening 6:00 pm

Jaune stood in front of Winter's apartment. With help from Jon and Norah, they dressed him up neatly with his new salary they can really still afford from there money problem. But Most of the students from the beacon academy and the new military credence and his boss has even have congratulated him with his date and marriage. Though it was wierd seeing Ruby, Blake, and Yang glare at him though something. Not like he's insulted them personally or something right "

Waiting for the alarm on his scroll to signal ahead of time, he counted down. Once the alarm sounded he knocked on the door, however it was already being opened.

Winter came out of the room. She wore a light blue strapless dress that had a boob window on it, while it stretched barely enough to cover her thick ass. Though he'd admit that she wasn't as big as his ex-partner if not for the fear of her kicking his ass.

"You're here, just in time." Winter said, Jaune stood there gawking at her beauty. She smiled warmly at him before hooking her arm with his. "Come, we've got a date to go to."

She wrapped her arm around his and he felt her confident nature immediately assert itself. Not like the way that he knew girls like to act, but more mature, older and world-wise.

"Let's have a nice date tonight, and see whether we click. Now... let's go, shall we? I think that we can get to know each other better with a drink."

He followed after her, and he noticed that she seemed almost impatient, almost like she wasn't used to lead. It was something that he noticed, as the confidence seemed to be almost faked, like she was expecting something a little older.

Winter brought him to a cab, where she told the driver to take them to her apartment she just had it cleaned an hour ago. They talked about Jaune and his friends travels when they were in theater. Soon they arrived at the destination. They were greeted by the guards who guard the plaza who quickly allowed them entrance. They chatted as they ate their dinner before walking back to the restaurant. Now Jaune was walking with Winter to her apartment Winter quickly opened the door and guided him into her apartment The room looked fit for a Schnee, he'd honestly liked that they were sleeping here. The beds back in his apartment were rather terrible, as they entered Jane was seeing the place all over again now more clearly last time he saw this place it was a mess now he can see things perfectly He's not mocking her but she is messy sometimes but he does not mind at all as winter told him to go to the bedroom he went there he opened the door and he sat down on the very familiar bed "ahahah bed we meet again" As he said it and sat down on it He waited 10 minutes Winter came out of the door but she was changed She was very much naked jaune was speechless you did not understand the situation at all Then he saw what she was doing.

Winter went to her bed slowly moving her hips left and right and she lied on bed on her back onto her bed, spreading her legs which showed her pantyless pussy. She giggled at his shocked face "Well? Take me ~" Jaune stood there shocked. "W-wait! Are you serious about this?" She smiled warmly at him . "Yes I am. You seem to be a good boy and a better hunband this is your reward Now please, strip."

Jaune contemplated about this, but he wasn't a man who'd dissatisfy a woman this in love with him. So he striped. Winter gleefully licked her lips. Hidden under his tuxedo was a set of abs that could grind steel upon.

Finally he began pulling down his pants. Winter gasped, Jaune was big, very big. She leaned forward to get a grip of it with both hands and she still couldn't fully grasp it. Meanwhile his glans were secreting precum that was probably more virile than most of the boys she's been offered to marry.

Jaune chuckled nervously, "Well do you have a pill? Since you don't want to be a mother." Winter blushed at this "Well I've taken a pill before I went to our date. Wouldn't want to get accidentally pregnant if the condom somehow fails. But I don't think it'd work given how massive your cock is W

"Well at least you're at the perfect position." Winter raised an eyebrow to that "Perfect position for what?" Jaune smiled at her, before gyrating his hips, and slapping her hip with his hand - "This."

Her lust for him was now to strong to ignore, and she quickly grabbed his cock and started sucking on it.

Winter loved every moment of it, even when it started to get stronger for her she still tried to push it down her throat.

Jaune slid back and forth, thrusting his cock deeper and deeper into her body. Until he slammed his hand into her butt,

Jaune finally came, slamming his cock into her as he could. Her hands had already fallen to the sides as he "ahhhh ". The rest of her body would've dropped as well were it not for her body speared by his stick and his hand pulling her hair up

Winter collapsed once Jaune wasn't there to support her. Her face on the edge of bed, utterly satisfied by one session of face fuck. She however still desired him and forced herself to rise.

Now on her knees, she weakly grabbed his still rock hard cock. Slowly jerking it off with one hand and gripping his testicles. "You're still relatively full. That shouldn't be possible."

Jaune smiled at her, he explained to her "I've got a medical condition but Normally it'd be just fine and but since I had one of the largest aura reserves in the world the effects scaled up rather drastically."

She still lacked the experience however, to which Jaune grabs onto her hair, and her throat in size rapidly. Winter's eyes bulged at the sudden entrance.

She placed her hands on his hips, she never tried pushing him away though. Her hands however soon moved to his balls,

Winter loved every moment of it, even when it started to get stronger for her she still tried to push it down her hole.

Jaune hadn't need to wait any second longer before he slammed his stick inside her. She moaned loudly as she watched her hole how it's keep disappearing inside of her she was obscenely around his cock.

Winter gripped the bedsheets as Jaune slam stick into her at lightning speeds. Her face contorted into an happiness as she felt up his cock through her hole

Using her semblance, she summoned a glyph behind Jaune and basically increased his thrusting speed.

She breathed deep breaths. Calming herself as she laid on the bed on her back now. The cum flowed out of her slower and slower, eventually it turned into nothing

[Winter's room, morning]

Winter was sure she was pregnant even if she took the pills. No way the pill was stopping his extremely fecund seed from impregnating her. She'd given him boobjobs, blowjobs, and handjobs multiple times in between sessions as well.

Jaune however looked as fresh as he had been when he started. He was still hard even after spending half the day, and this night was probably the roughest they'd have. Otherwise she'd never be able to walk, she couldn't even feel her legs but Jaune came to her aid picked her up and took her to the bathroom.

Jaune took a long shower with winter, helping her with her body cleaning and avoiding the coffee stains he left in here a couple moments ago but the both strip still for a moment they looking each other's eyes staring at each other in this saw trust respect love between them a neutral of understanding one another so Winter felt like she was vulnerable, as she looked him in the eyes and then gave a very warm smile so they Return to the room he gazed at there accomplishments. They just trash the entire bed and Proud that he'd helped Winter so she decided to go to asleep.

He left the room soon after. Some of the neighbors stated at him, probably because of the noise Winter and him made when they were love making. Most of the observers where women, though some men looked on with jealousy.

He gave them no mind however, if they had an issue with him they could just walk up to talk to him. Taking out his scroll, his eyes widened.

Several miss calls were there. Team rwby wait How did she have my number in the first of all, and my coworkers and , Jessica boss lady, even had called , wait What day is it Jaune saw the time and date it was Saturday morning is co-workers were worried and Jessica her boss called he was panicking the day is the day of the banquet you forgot to ready the suit and tell winter about it This is going to get complicated.

"Shit..." He muttered, how was he getting out of this one?

So he decided to lie down a bit longer so he can decide what to do next.

30 minutes later :

Winter heard her Scroll ringtone go off, her eyes opening wide as she realized that she was in a room she immediately recognize, with a jaune arm around her in a comfortable grip. There definitely was something pressing against her now, and she grabbed her Scroll, finding another Scroll next to it.

'I must've-'

Her mother was calling. She remembered what she'd done last night, as she slid the call open.

"Ah, one moment. I need to- It's six in the morning."

'She calls around eight on Saturday, I'm-'

The time difference. She tapped the screen and flicked the camera on, to show her mother her face. She glanced at the man at her side and she remembered how good it had felt to rest in his arms. Her eyes found him standing at attention, hard as steel, poking right up. It was making the sheet have a visible tent.

'We did quite a lot last night...'

"Winter, dear?"

Her mother's voice came from the device and Winter realized that the forward-camera was activated, activating the camera on the screen, her mother's expression quite troubled.

"Yes, mother?"

'She's drunk... but she's concerned.'

Mother was giving her a look that wasn't very happy.

"That was a penis, Winter. Why is there a penis in your bed?"

Winter's cheeks flushed red, as she made a strangled sound.

"You must be seeing things, mother. I am not-"

Willow Schnee shook her head.

"I know a penis when I see one, Winter. Why is there a man with a huge penis in my daughter's bed, with coffee on the sheets, Winter Elsa Schnee?"

'The full name...'

She bit her lower lip.

"I, Mother, have gone on a date. I thought it prudent to-"

Her mother's eyes seemed to have returned to the days before.

"With a Grimm? Winter! What if he hurts you?!"

Her mother was concerned, and she seemed to have shed the fog of alcohol, as her mother's tone had gone into the hysterical range. Winter could understand the sentiment wait did she just say Grimm !

"No... It is a- it was a thing from work. I got matched with a- I wouldn't share my bed with anyone if they didn't- Mama!"

She saw her mother's mistrustful stare, and Winter felt the anger inside her shimmer back to life.

"I am twenty-three! I can make my own decisions and-"

Jaune grabbed a hold of her and she was pinned down, groaning softly.

"And he's not a Grimm he my husband "

"Hmm, you're too loud. Let's sleep a little longer."

She was talking to her mother, and her mother's expression was no less thunderous.

"He's- Winter!"

She was with a man that she could trust. Her mother didn't have any reason for her to explain herself and her action.

"No, mom. Until next week. Good evening."

She put her Scroll on a block call function for mom's calls, and then got up.

'I should get clean... I feel sticky.'

She laid her Scroll next to Jaune's own, pulling herself out of the bed and going for a warm shower, a luxury, as she let herself languish in the heat.

She would have to ask him whether he'd have time for a date.

She was unaware of her Scroll ringing.

Jaune's eyes opened when he heard a ringtone that sounded familiar, grabbing his scroll. He thought it felt a little different, heavier in weight, as he opened the call up, staring at a young teen's face, blue eyes surprised.

"Eh... hello?"

An owlish look, as the young man stared at him, before he schooled his features.

"Ah... hello. You are using my older sister's Scroll, sir."

That he... was. Winter wasn't in bed with him, and he heard a shower.

"She's in the shower, I'm- Can I give her a message?"

The young man looked a little awkward.

"Mother was...she called my sister, and she is quite upset about her answers given, so I figured that I would call to- to inquire about things."

He could understand that, smiling at the young guy. He looked to be around Ruby's age, so he supposed that he'd do his best.

"Yeah... I didn't know her mother called. So, eh... The name is Jaune Arc, and you're Winter's little brother, so what's your name, buddy?"

The groomed expression seemed to change a little, as the surprise came to his face.

"Ah, Whitley. That's my name, and you must know my sister well enough to be in her personal room, are you... perhaps someone that she works with?"

Jaune shook his head.

"We went on a date, and- and I'd like to keep her as a friend. Are you the youngest?"

A small nod from the young man, that serious face clearly changing a little, as uncertainty showed on the young lad's face.

"I- I have two older sisters. I am-"

Jaune would go out and help the young man a little. He could have benefited from some advice at times when he was growing up, and the world seemed to be a scary place for a teenager that looked like he was ready for the boardroom or something.

"Whitley, if you ever need to have a guy to talk with, I mean, just casually, about life stuff- I mean, I know a lot of girl stuff too, but you're probably not looking for stitching classes or something- I mean, if you ever need to talk to someone about stuff, here's my Scroll number. Add it and let's chat. You look like you're about to head into a boardroom or something, and that's no way for a young guy like you to look."

He'd go out and approach the youngest member of Winter's family with a friendly attitude.

"Ah... Thank you, sir."

Jaune shook his head.

"I don't need to be called Sir. Just call me Jaune. Your sister is amazing, you know? We went dancing, we spent an evening together and- well, she let me sleep over. It was kind of late to go back to Beacon and- ah, you wouldn't want to know about that."

Whitley was turning redder, as he looked away.

"Ah, sir, I'm-"

Jaune shook his head again, giving Whitley a big smile.

"Jaune, Whitley. Just call me Jaune. I have seven sisters, and I can just consider you as a friendly buddy, or an adopted little brother. So, do you have my number?"

Whitley nodded on the video chat.

"Yes, sir. Jaune. Will you treat my sister well?"

Jaune nodded.

"She's amazing. She's a Specialist, and she's been talking about arresting me and putting me in jail if I'm not- heh... You're related to someone awesome, Whitley. I mean, I don't know how your mom is doing, I mean, if she's upset- Just... just tell her that Winter's safe, if she's worried. I won't let anything happen to her."

Whitley nodded, and Jaune received a notification that he'd gotten one new contact. He typed in the name 'Whitley' as the contact name and then sent a quick 'Hi, this is Jaune Arc. A pleasure to meet you'.

Seeing Whitley's face light up when the message was received was just a bonus to his eyes, as he nodded his head.

"Thank you. I will- I will inform Mother about things. I hope that she will listen to sense and- and I will call Winter again. The time difference must be greater than expected."

Jaune thought it was kind of cool.

"I'll check my messages frequently, Whitley. Let's be friends. My mom always says that strangers are just friends you haven't met yet, so... Welcome, friend."

'Done my good deed of the day.'

He laid Winter's Scroll back on the bedside table, as she emerged from the shower twenty minutes later.

"It's all yours. I don't think we should have a repeat of last night. I have some... business to deal with, after we separate for the day. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. It was all I could have wished for."

Jaune smiled broadly. He was going to mention talking to her little brother, but he was pretty sure that it'd all be fine when her mother called her back.

"You're amazing."

She flushed red, as she looked at his groin, where he was definitely showing signs of being aroused.

"We are not doing more sex... but I will see whether my schedule allows for another date, should time permit. I... You have my gratitude. My Scroll number is..."

He entered it and named it Winter. He sent her a quick message.

'This is Jaune Arc, Hello, Winter. You're fabulous.'

She saw the message and smacked his chest lightly.

"Flattery does not win you bonus points with me. Now... shoo. I need to call my family and-"

The Scroll rang again and Jaune could hear Whitley speak to his sister.

"I'll get a shower then."

He'd gotten two new friends in the span of a day.

He'd be a good big brother figure for Whitley, just because Winter seemed to be someone really important to the young guy. He might be around Ruby's age, but that didn't mean that he didn't need someone to get advice from.

Kids shouldn't be looking like they were going to be wrestling lawyers in the boardroom, looking like some miniature businessman or something. Kids should be out having fun, without any sort of impediment to their enjoyment of life,

He'd make the kid smile and laugh, because Winter was beautiful and a good person. No matter what, she'd shown him that you could be intimate with someone and also know that you were safe. The cuddling afterwards was just the icing on the cake.

Unfortunately, it'd not become anything more than just a very nice date and a night afterwards.

She'd be a girl that someone better than him could marry. Jaune Arc was not someone that was really worthy of Winter, whatever her last name was, but... but he'd keep her safe, just like everyone else.

That was the Arc way.

Everyone would be safe.

The water washed over his body and he felt warm on the inside. Seeing Winter in bed with him had been really hot. Unlike her, who was a lesbian or straight... there'd has been a connection.

You couldn't dance like that and not be a wonderful person.

Mistral department station

Saturday day 4:00 pm

Terra Cotta-Arc was currently busy with her work. Already, she was working on the next set of protocols for the relay system, trying to work, her Scroll going off, and answering the call.

"Are you miss Terra Cotta-Arc?"

'Oh, that sounds like a fancy call.'

She turned her full attention to the call, and her jaw dropped at the mature older woman that was on the other end of the call. Willow Schnee, 'Queen Dust' married to 'Jack Frost', looking at her with a look that seriously gave her issues breathing.

It was not a good thing when the wife of the CEO of the Schnee Dust Company called you on a personal line.

"Ah, yes? That's me."

Her mind raced, and she saw the woman give her a severe look.

'Oh brother Gods, my job is over.'

The woman could ruin her with a single utterance of her name. Nobody would hire her, the baby would have to be-

'I am due for promotion in a month! I can't get fired now!'

She'd only just gotten back to work.

"You are the sister-in-law to Jaune Arc, yes?"

She gave an affirmative, and the woman looked as fierce as she could.

"Is he human? Does he have any grudges against the Company?"

'She affirmed that yes, he was human and no, he didn't really know much about the SDC already even exists to begin with'

'Please just be an- oh shit, he must've ran into a Schnee and she's coming for revenge. This definitely is going to cost me my job.'

She wanted to hide somewhere in the server room and not be found.

"And what about his personality? How would you describe him?"

The kindest, gentlest guy that she'd ever met. He'd been the donor for the baby.

"A man that you can trust. His sister, eh, my wife, bullies him from time to time, but if he sees that you need help, or that you're in need, he'll help, even if he breaks his arms while doing it. Dependable, brave... I'm into the ladies, so I can't really say much, but- Ma'am, what has he done to... eh, attract your attention?"

This wasn't good.

Willow Schnee seemed to relax.

"Nothing as of yet. This is simply some curiosity on my part. He had a run-in with my daughter, so I figured I'd find someone that relied on my company to keep her home for some... information gathering. He is not in any trouble, but rather... curiosity, you see? One likes to know what sort of individual one speaks with."

Terra Cotta-Arc went home that night and hugged her wife, after the richest woman in the world inquired for some more details, and Terra did not lie.

"Saph, I'm... I'm so glad you're here for me."

The woman had been hot, but also dangerous.

"What's wrong, Terra? Stresses at work?"

Terra shook her head.

"No, I just... I just had someone call about Jaune. It seems he ran into someone eh..."

Saphron, looking concerned, gently took her by the waist.

"It's not about the transcripts, again right?"

It might be that. Willow 'I have fuck you money' Schnee had given her a personal call.

'Just be okay, Jaune... Adrian isn't going to like having his father be in prison.'

"It might be... Wasn't there an article about Weiss Schnee attending Beacon in the news about 2 year ago or something?"

'Maybe he just ran into Weiss Schnee and they're doing a background check.'

A woman like Willow Schnee would be doing her own investigations... undoubtedly.

'Jaune, keep the eye of the almighty SDC off our little family here...'

She should call him, if there was a moment.

"It might just be for security purposes. It's not like he'd be chumming up with someone like Weiss Schnee, right? My little dweeb of a brother gets all flustered when he's around other girls. We trained him well, heh heh heh."

Saphron was making light of things.

'Well... I suppose that I can... look into some things.'

She was still not going to make her brother-in-law suffer the wrath of the SDC for staining some uppity Schnee's little white dress.

"Can you imagine what'd happen if that dweeb actually got laid? The others would have to laugh at him if he'd had sex with an ugly girl- I mean, did you know that he used to make the girls call him 'Jumpy Jaune', huh? My little brother won't get married before he's 30 and some woman drags him to the altar, virginal and all."

Terra rated Jaune just a little bit higher than that. He wasn't that bad, really. Compared to her sisters-in-law, Jaune was a breath of fresh air.

"Hey... he did help us get a baby, Saph. He's good for that, at least. And he's a damn cute baby too, y'know? A bit of me, a bit of Arc... All in a nice package, cared for by the loving wife that I married."

Terra was still pretty aware of Saphron's habit of being a little bit too smug. Jaune wasn't a bad guy, much like her wife wasn't a bad woman. A bit vain, but still as good as they came.

"Did you get dinner ready yet?"

Saphron looked like she'd definitely forgotten that, giving a sheepish smile.

"Ah... how about takeout?"

Takeout, because she'd been called by one of the most affluent women in Remnant.

'Willow Schnee... I can respect you for doing your due diligence.'

She'd have to alter some records to hide her own meddling with the official census, though...

No use in getting fired for fraud and forgery...

Penny stared at the data, as Specialist Schnee logged in on her official Atlas Military account, dealing with the mail in her mailbox, without any sort of hint of her feelings on the subject of having met her partner.

'A request for more information would be needed.'

Some fine-tuning of the algorithm, as well as finding something to increase the accuracy of reporting. Children needed some involvement, according to paediatricians, so it would be best to have the women rate their partner, as well as fill out several questions.

The banquet Saturday

Night 8:00 pm

Jaune made an excuse that he will be off for the morning and night that he will be going to the restaurant at a night shift his friends so he won't not be coming back for the night he'll be here in the morning this certain updated of information was new and unexpected winter let it be and told him to be back in the time of breakfast so jaune told her he will be in the morning with her for breakfast so don't Make it don't wait for him, Jaune pack up his stuff and he left her apartment to his apartment to find where is his emergency suit. He made his way to the apartment in 20 minutes Open the door close the door behind you went inside He went to the closet in his bedroom he opened it and He grabbed his suit that was actually dry cleaned thanks heaven you put the suit on the bed and took off the clothes he was wearing in in a hurry and jumped inside the bathroom He started to take a shower I fast one of that Then he put on the suit made his way outside the room checked anything he needs he went outside the apartment and lock the doors He called a cab and he went towards the location that Jessica has told him about He needs to be firmed and confident in the same time This is his job he's talking about He's not going to lose this We have the family now He needs to approve himself to be worthy of her.

Jaune stared at the woman that stood in front of him, his eyebrows reaching nearly to his hairline, or at least approximating something like that, the dress definitely suited the woman.

"Ah, you are Jessica, right?"

The dark blue dress was fitted with several gems that formed a similar pattern to what winter had embroidered on her clothing, Jaune gawking at the woman who most definitely wasn't winter.

"And you must be the young man that I am here to meet for a date, then?"

Charlie had given him the orders to wear something a little bit more suitable for their date, which was in a restaurant with a dancing floor.

"Ah- eh... yes. Sorry, you're- you're beautiful."

He couldn't help but say that, mentally getting the condemning stare from Winter for doing something so inappropriate to a woman that looked like her. To his surprise, she laughed at him.

"Oh... I rarely let my hair down like this. The life of a young woman is fraught with perils most dire."

She was from vale, or at least, the people had said so. Likely, she hadn't expected a young man like him at all, Jaune realizing that it might not be the best idea to say it aloud that he wasn't the best when it came to dealing with women.

"Are you nervous?"

He was, nodding in affirmation.

"Yes, eh... ma'am? I'm- sorry, I can't believe that I've gotten such a pretty date, I definitely must be dreaming."

'Not-Weiss' gave a quaint laugh at that, covering her mouth as she laughed, eyes glinting with some hint of amusement, as her hand removed itself from her lips.

"Oh, you're honest at least. You're an open book."

Her voice was not teasing, yet he could feel that hint of approval from her statement there, his eyes falling onto her chest for a moment, as he watched her, her hand reaching for his own.

"I'm- eh..."

She wrapped her arm around his and he felt her confident nature immediately assert itself. Not like the way that he knew Coco to act, but more mature, older and world-wise.

"Let's have a nice date tonight, and see whether we click. Now... let's go, shall we? I think that we can get to know each other better with a drink."

He followed after her, and he noticed that she seemed almost impatient, almost like she wasn't used to lead. It was something that he noticed, as the confidence seemed to be almost faked, like she was expecting something a little older.

'All you need is a bit of confidence.'

It'd be like the practice dates that he'd suffered through with his sisters, his steps a little more confident, as he went to the maitre d' and then asked about their reservation, a few couples on the dance floor, a soft waltz being played by an actual orchestra. The food here must cost a pretty penny, as he held out her chair for her, the woman's grateful smile not faked.

' As Jaune saw many different people from Vale and Atlas higher members even he can see council members off the court in the hallway there are many more people in the dance floor somewhere dancing some were chatting about some things so this is a banquet wow just wow ' he thought

"That's gallant of you, I am... ah, do take a seat, I am-"

He cut her off.

"My lady, I am here to be your date. Allow me to take the lead for a bit, that's the protocol for most upscale places in the world... or so I have it, based on the television."

He sat down, looking at her, wondering whether he would get an upset date or not, only to find her smiling at him.

"Of course, of course. Did you watch any that you would recommend?"

He didn't know who 'Not-Weiss' was, but he could give some recommendations.

"After we dance for a little bit, alright? I think we can order drinks and then get some strides in. I'll have you know, I'm a pretty decent dancer."

He would do the best he could with his dancing skills to impress her. No girl had to suffer through a bad date, that was not how the Arc family girl pack had trained him.

"Oh? I look forward to testing those words out, young man."

He felt a confident grin slip on his lips.

"Oh, I will make you eat those words, my lady. The name's Jaune Arc. Short, sweet and apparently, pretty good with the ladies, considering I've got seven sisters and one sister-in-law and now wife."

Her surprised face , Jaune had to admit, as she glanced away.

"Jessica... ah, the surname is not something I really put all that much value in. I was a Specialist in the Atlesian Military."

That was not something he does not knew much about.

"Nice. Let's get the drinks and then dance, I'm waiting to show you what I got."

He had confidence in his dancing skills.

"You're on, Jaune. I've had some dancing classes when I was younger."

'Great... competition.'

Jessica found herself enjoying his presence. There was no haughty veneer, no confident swagger of someone that thought themselves better than others in the room, just that stunned look of 'oh my Brother Gods' when he looked at her and asked for clarification that she was the date that he was waiting for.

'I'm not uncharmed.'

It was an honesty that her father would never be able to muster, as he seemed to be dazed by her presence, but when her arm touched his, the calm and warmth that he radiated just made her feel like he might be a lot calmer than her own natural temperament, fiery to say the least at times, as she guided him to the seat, trying to test his resolve.

It was a habit that she had gotten from being thought of as nothing but a Schnee, noticing that he seemed to be content with letting her lead, until there was that hidden glint of steel in his eyes, as he spoke of the traditional way of dancing.

She didn't like to watch television very much, but she would make good on watching some of those shows, if he recommended him. A new experience was a new experience, after all.

When he introduced himself back then, she left out her surname at first. Since she had joined the Mafia of the vale, she had cast away everything that was Walter, to make a name for herself, but she had that feeling that he was not at all concerned, when he challenged her to dance.

To say that it was different would be an understatement. She had expected him to boast, but when his hands clamped down on hers as he forced her to match his pace through the waltz, timing the motions to the exact minutiae, forcing her along through the steps that she'd always remembered to be a little slower than the tempo that it was supposed to be at, he was there with her, his blue eyes showing resolve, the passion for dancing, as she glided with him through the steps. Her whole body trembled at the feeling of being guided through that dance, and she felt how excited she was when they stopped, her breathing heavier than before.

"Let's get some drinks, Winter."

It was not the deference of a junior to a senior, or someone that was trying to goad her, as he wiped some sweat from his brow, offering her a handkerchief to wipe her own sweat off, her breathing deeper, as they found that their first course had been served already, time having flown by.

She was... perhaps... just a teensy bit impressed.

A young man that didn't care to ask more, whose hands had stayed exactly where propriety would remain...

'Oh... I think I can like you.'

"Here, let me get your seat."

She sat down, as he sat down opposite of her, giving her that warm smile that had her heartbeat beating just a touch faster, the drink downed with greedy gulps, so that she wouldn't have to look at his face.

'Get a hold of yourself. This is a younger man.'

Without reserve, her mind went to the time when she'd actually caught one of her teammates in bed with a man. They had just continued on without a care, without an observation of the rule that all such visits were to be booked, and she had remained silent. It had been her team leader, Everclear Julep, and she knew that in the hierarchy, this was important.

"Do you want to have a go with him, Jessica? I'm sure he's ready to get you moaning like Kardemom does when she's getting stretched out."

She had denied it, of course. She was not someone that would allow the casual sex to be a defining trait of her life. She had kept most of her subordinates at arms' length. She hadn't seen a man naked since her days in the Academy, when showers had to be quick and there was no time for anything to be said but 'pass the soap' and 'the teacher's wanting us in five minutes, hurry up'.

It was when my military life without attachments. Getting the offer to have a partner for some companionship was a bonus, since it had been through General Ironwood's initiative.

"I am quite pleased to find that you are a dancer of some skill, mister Arc."

The smile got her. The smile was so warm and genuine that it made her feel the heat in her chest, her heartbeat rising, undoubtedly due to their exercise, as the world seemed to be a little brighter, her eyes lit up, her head turning down.

"Seven sisters, Jessica. You wouldn't believe how many dancing lessons I had to take, and then there were the dances. If they couldn't get a date, guess who was dragged out and dolled up in a tuxedo, huh? Me."

She laughed, without intending to laugh. It wasn't that funny, yet the look of displeasure on his face sold her on it, taking a sip of her drink. It was something fruity, sans alcohol. She didn't drink and she knew that he didn't drink.

"Trust me, wearing a dress is much different from wearing a tuxedo. My uniform is a little bit like that."

He looked at her, a smile on his lips.

"No matter what, I bet you look as gorgeous as- Oh, I'm sorry, I know girls don't want to be complimented like that, I'm not- you're beautiful, I'm not- I don't want to-"

She decided to tease him a little, her hand setting the glass down and then doing her best to mimic her mother during 'girl class', where she'd been getting some hints at how to make a man look at you. Back then, she had still not had her full puberty, only a modest C cup, like her sister had been. Her mother's bust was grander than her own, which was due to pregnancy hormones, according to the lady herself.

"Oh, Mister Arc? Do you perhaps want me to arrest you for slandering an officer, hm?"

She had no authority to arrest, but he looked spooked, her lips curling into that half-smile that would hint at things, if she recalled it well enough from her mother's facial expression.

"Or... have you been a naughty young man and done something illegal, hmm?"

She expected a sly joke, maybe an entendre that she could respond to.

"Ah... eh... maybe?"

He was so honest. There was guilt in his eyes, something that made her feel like investigating this further. He had obviously got the qualifications to get into Beacon, even being promoted to Leader of his team. That meant that there was something in his past that wasn't quite right, or something that he'd done that would cause him guilt.

Father knew how to lie very convincingly. He'd kept up the ruse for sixteen years, after all.

Mother never had been the same again, no longer the warm, loving woman that she was before, always willing to share a little moment with the four, and soon, two, of them.

"Is it dangerous, Mister Arc? Will it hurt people?"

She had training in interrogation, as he definitely was off his ease. It wasn't like he was lying, but his eyes weren't going to her, showing reluctance and fear.

"No, I'm... Alright, honesty is the best policy. I... may have forged some documents to enter the Academy. I've always felt like I need to live up to my family's legacy, I'm-"

His face showed hesitation, as he looked with that expression that she'd seen in the mirror a few times, one that held despair and yet, a will to take what had been out in front of her for ages.

"It's hard, you know? The only boy and all my sisters are just going 'yeahhh, beat that shit up! Girls are amazing and boys need to wear dresses' and- and I want to show to them that I can be what I want to be, a- a hero. Someone people can look at and go 'he's amazing, I want my son to be like that' or 'He's improving the world.'. I'm... Professor Ozpin let me in, I mean... He must've either stamped them wrongly or not noticed it, and-"

For a moment, he didn't sit there, but rather, a bearded man, looking at her with blue eyes, a smile on his face as he laughed at her, the armor that he wore perfectly polished, with the family crest visible on it.

"You know what, Jessica? I think that's a great idea. No matter who applies, they can all make something of themselves, as long as they are willing to put their life on the line for the mine. Now, I do support those families of the brave men and women that were lost, as death comes with accidents in the mine. Never forget... A man isn't worthy of any of my daughter's children if he's not willing to die for his dream. Well, not so much about your father, though. I have been having my doubts..."

Her grandfather, who had passed from Dust Lung when Rebecca had been two, young enough to barely remember the man, had told her that when Sasha had barely been a year old, playing with her while Father was working in the office.

"And I just- She activated my Aura and-"

Her thoughts were interrupted as she realized that.

"One moment, Jaune. Did you say that your Aura was only unlocked during Initiation?"

The affirmative answer she could see, scrawled all over his face. The implications of that were astounding. It hadn't even been a full year, but a fresh civilian recruit that had managed to work himself up to the level of a Leader, scored by experienced teachers and allowed to become a leader...

'Oh my...'

A genius.

She sat at a table with a young man that was a genius, who had managed to climb to the middle rankings of his year with sheer determination and natural aptitude.

This was... unexpected.

Merit promotions were a thing in the Atlesian military and Mafia, so she would not report this. If you could back your claim up with your strength, then all was forgiven. Humanity did not have enough people as it was to fight, so his sword arm would be welcome, if he did use a sword.

"What weapons do you use, eh, if you don't mind me asking?"

He might've used a rifle. Those tended to be used by those people that were chosen as leaders for their team, But she join the mafia they only had swords knives or hand cannons but due to the overview that they'd get from using a scope or a weapon like that, usually at the back. The General preferred his two handguns, and father a shotgun but she preferred swords and her semblance.

It was best to cut your enemy down while you had the chance, rather than to rely on something finite.

He wouldn't be using a sword or something, because that'd be a death wish for any leader. Her grandfather had wielded a sword himself, like a knight of the olden days.

"A sword and shield, but I can put the shield as a sheath for my sword, and- Oh, it's a family heirloom, so it's not- it doesn't have a gun or anything. It's not- My partner, Pyrrha, says that I should go for a rifle or a gun or something, but I like the classic. It's- it's my heritage."

Another man, saying something similar to her.

"Why would I trust something that I have only a limited amount of ammunition for? You can't rely on a rifle in a Dust mine, Jessica But. Imagine blowing it all up! Close combat, with a sword, and you'll be able to tackle any Grimm that come from the walls. Now, let me tell you about a mining expedition I led back when your granmother mother was still going out with me. Quite an affair, let me tell you, haha."

She had loved her grandfather's stories. Her mother had told her that they might be a little exaggerated at times, yet she had listened to the man no matter what he'd said for her to just have that feeling of adventure.

"Oh, I can see why you'd be proud of it. I can respect a man that would go and have a family legacy to live up to."

It wasn't like her father would have much to live up to, since he'd taken her mother's last name, his name no longer used, as the Walter arms Company was now under his stewardship. She found herself grabbing his hand in an unusual sign of boldness.

The question came to her mind, as she found him looking at her, the boyish smile on his face making her realize that she was caressing his hand, her hand not quite stopping with the gentle touch, as his other hand laid on hers. It was warm, overly familiar and she didn't really find herself minding it to her own shock.

"I'm of the, eh, Arc family. Remember Arthur D lion Arc? Brother to Julius?"

She couldn't, not quite a history buff.

"He actually my grandfather and brother the king of vale He was this big guy in the war, though you'd not hear of him very much, since he was generally at the battle of Watery Fields, where the Mantlean First Legion clashed with the Valean First Force, and he was in charge of leading the defense. I'm- I don't want to be helpless. I don't want to sit behind a wall and hope that someone else becomes a hero. The people deserve better than that, and I am going to be damned if I let someone else suffer for my own protection. I lead from the front, as my father and his father, and my great-grandfather have said."

Jessica was found herself a little without breath, aware that the figure of her grandfather was saved by the boys family they have protected her family and family of vale for generations until Jonathan's death and this young man seemed to overlap for a moment. The beard wasn't there, neither were the wrinkles, but the honesty and daring will that laid behind those blue eyes caught her off her guard.

She didn't look at him, his hand still holding her hand captive, his grip firm, yet gentle. It wasn't even like he seemed to be trying, yet she could tell that if he gave his word, he would be keeping it.

"Well... I must say that I am quite charmed. That was... that was more than I'd expect from a seventeen-year-old man. You are quite brave."

There was a look in his eyes, something that made her feel like she wanted to cry, something that seemed to hold hope and dreams, a confidence and a lack of confidence that warred with each other.

"I don't... think. I'm not the best person to ask about Huntsman things. I know how to dance. I know my way around the kitchen, and I have a sweet bun that is to die for, if you ask my sister. If I don't stand up and defend them, who will? Who will take up arms to defend the helpless and the weak? I'm... Sorry, that's not a positive ideal to have. My partner, eh... she's a famous fighter, or so I heard, she's got this issue with her confidence at times. She's- She can beat everyone down flat, but she isn't someone that likes it. For people like her... those who can fight, but who would rather not..."

There was a heavy look in his eyes and Winter guessed that he'd realized something about his partner.

"I chose to do this. I said to myself, 'this is what I want to be. She never had a choice. She was told that she was amazing, that she was invincible, and she never had the ability to say 'No'. We... we get to hear about that in Leadership classes, you know? I'm sure you know all about it, being a Specialist and stuff, but- But she didn't have a choice. Now she's stuck in it, and I'll be damned if I let a friend suffer."

He was gripping her hands with a firm, masculine grip, like her grandfather would've had. For a moment, she could see her mother and her father and their situation. Her mother never had a choice, Jacquees had brought her that feeling of joy and had betrayed her in the cruelest of ways, leaving her a shell of a person stealing whatever we had and gone to marry a schnee woman.

Jessica felt like she was vulnerable, as she looked him in the eyes and then gave a very warm smile.

"We all have things that we regret, Jaune. She is here to do her duty and-"

A squeeze to her fingers, nothing to a seasoned huntress like her, but his eyes blazed.

"Screw duty. If she wants to be free, then I shall set her free. She is doing it because it wouldn't look good to her sponsors, to her public brand and- and I say screw that. If she wants to escape in the middle of the night and go and live in a dingy hut out in the wild, being some housewife or something and wear nothing but an apron- that's something I'm going to be doing. I'll drum the whole team up, send my two teammates to cause a distraction, blow up the kitchen and then put her on a flight to that little hut out in the middle of nowhere."

He was definitely mad for thinking that such a thing could be done so easily, since people were obligated to study at an Academy once accepted, but still...

She was charmed by that will. It might be the memory of her grandfather, or her own recollection of things, yet she was... not against the feeling that he gave her.

'Is this what devotion is like?'

She did obeyed the General because he knew what was the best cause to fight for, but she could see something in this young man's eyes, something that told her that if someone he cared for was in danger, he would fight like a madman to free them from said danger.

For a brief moment, she imagined him storming into the Schnee manor and then kicking her father's door in and declaring that he was going to take his children and wife and the families you have destroyed taking his wealth away from him because they deserved to be free from corruption.


He seemed to calm down, the blazing flame turning to a mere shimmer, a flicker of light, as he breathed in slowly.

"A dingy hut out in the wild, as a housewife who wears only an apron, Jaune? You wouldn't be the one that would be benefiting from this, just to sate your-"

The flame blazed to a higher temperature, as he inhaled, her fingers feeling almost crushed, as she realized that she had upset him, yet the words died in her throat as she stared at him.

"I respect her as someone that is amazing and kind, generous and very skilled, Jessica . Don't think that I'd ever do anything to hurt her. She's too good for me, and I know that she can just snap her fingers and poof, there's some guy that'll marry her. She's- Don't think that I'd do anything of the sort to lie to someone, that just isn't right."

It wasn't eloquent or broadly spoken, but he fixed her with a look that made her feel rooted to the spot. Her heartbeat was pounding, as he seemed to be cast in a flaming aura, as his eyes blazed with that bright blue flame.

"She's amazing. She's my partner, and even though I think she's beautiful, she deserves someone better. Nora always says that there isn't anyone better than me, but I think she's just flattering me to get out of doing laundry duty. Not that I mind doing that, but..."

She couldn't speak. She felt her heartbeat thump like she was running through the tundra with a pack of Sabyr on her heels, as she could see why he would have been the one selected to be a leader.

'Self-deprecating, unaware of what such a thing does to a woman's heart.'

If this 'Nora' girl was sensible, she'd keep close to this young man. Jessica wanted to say something, her throat dry, as he held her transfixed, like a deer caught within the lights of an armored attack vehicle, her breath quietly slipping through her teeth as he continued.

"I'm just trying to do what I do best. I'm not perfect, but- but I'm not intended to be perfect, like her. She's- she's so skilled and great, and- and I'll be better. I know I'm weak, but I'll make sure that I can fight harder, learn to be better. I'm... I'm sorry. I think I went and rambled on. Sorry for treating you like the psychologist."

She felt how her whole body tingled, her gaze still caught by him.

"It is... it is quite alright. Shall we dan-"

She realized that the musical instruments were already being packed up, and that most of the patrons were already going home, or had left. They had been talking and the staff looked impatient.

'We didn't even eat all that much...'

She had eaten a plate, but they'd mostly talked.

"I am... It's eleven already?A hotel stay had been included' .

Jaune looked at the glass in front of him, still half-full, drinking it in a single gulp.

"Will you escort me to the hotel, Mister Arc?"

He was... more than she could expect.

She had worn The Lingerie. It had been a gift, something to wear below the dress that had been a 'mandatory expense' from her mother, to wear for a... pleasant night out.

'Oh my Brother Gods, I am actually asking a married man to go to a hotel with me to spend the night.'

She would suspect that she was drunk, but instead, she could only feel a faint throb in her loins.

'Who cares that he's married? I want to.'

She'd blame it on... something. He was a man that she could see herself with, in the future.

"Are you alright? Oh... oh, you were drinking, so- Of course, let's get you to a room, and then I'll go back to my house."

She faked a stumble when she got up, like her mother did when she'd had a little bit too much for her system. He caught her handily, once more affirming her own thoughts.

'It's now or never.'

"Thank you."

She had rarely thanked someone from the bottom of her heart like this, but the feeling inside her body was something that she could barely describe.

"I'm your date for the evening, right? Now, let's get out of here, and- okay, here's the app... Hotel booking, where's the hotel at. I'll get you there safe. Nobody will be taking you somewhere to do bad things to you."

'I will be taking you to do bad things to you, mister Arc.'

She was actually going to seduce a man. Her teammates would probably be screaming in horror if they found out that Winter 'Ice Empress' Schnee was actually planning on doing all sorts of things with a man that was definitely not a high flyer in the financial department.

"How gallant, mister Arc. Do you say that to all the ladies that you bring to hotels to get laid, hmmm?"

She made her voice a little huskier, trying to imitate her mother's half-growling whisper that she made when the whiskey burned her throat, trying to mimic it, feeling him firm his grip on her.

"I've not... I only lost my virginity a week ago- no, two weeks ago, I'm- I'm not someone that people think is great. There's this girl, Weiss... Yeah, she thought I was a creep and- Well, that doesn't matter. No talking about other women when I am with a date, Girl Rule Number Two. Sisters... heh. They never got lucky with dating."

Jessica wanted to kick winter her sister's ass. Weiss that bitch was really blind to reality if she let a gem like this collecting dust. No matter what the young man had said, looking past those flaws would be something that a Schnee should do. Her father had taught her that, simply by being scum of the earth.

"Well, I think you are pretty lucky to go out on a date with me."

He was humble about his own lack of experience, as Jessica tried to muster some fortitude to deal with the fact that she most certainly was getting her seal popped.

"Yes, I mean... I want to meet interesting people, see whether we can have fun. I mean, it's been fun, I swear, I'm having a lot of fun. You remind me of W- ahem, that girl I spoke about. Not in a bad way."

'Well, we are related.'

She would keep her ancestry a secret, though. It was... perhaps a little telling to see that he did not judge her on her heritage.

They walked towards the hotel, with him walking street-side, guarding her as a shield from any passing vehicles, her steps steady, as she observed him. He was not looking at her in an untoward manner, nor was he giving her any hints that he would wish to engage in something like kissing.

'I am...'

She found herself desiring a moment where he'd pull her into an alley and then force her against the wall, kissing her and claiming her mouth as his own. To show that she was desired, and... and that frightened her a little.

It frightened her because of how the thought made her feel a surge between her legs, like electric Dust firing off a jolt.

"I think you are one of the few people who isn't checking my chest out, Jaune."

He looked at her as if he was offended that she'd said that.

"You're more than just your body. I'm... I'm not sure whether we would really match, but... but I would like to keep in touch, at the very least. Just... just so we can talk. You're an interesting person and- and I'll be at Beacon before the last flight, so..."

She put on a drunken smile, as she leaned against him.

"Oh? Not going to do wicked things to me?"

Her voice was an attempt to be sultry, like one of her teammates had tried to be for most of their career as students in the Academy, before she had gotten booted out of the program due to a lack of adherence to the rules regarding fraternisation.

'Oh... That is a thing.'

She grew more determined to make sure that it would be a night to never forget.

"You're drunk. I'd never take advantage of a drunken woman. You're- you're too beautiful for someone like me to tarnish. You deserve someone better and- and I'd protect you."

'I don't think I need protecting.'

A sly smile appeared on her lips.

"Oh? Guard me from any hoodlums then, Jaune. Ensure that I get to my room intact and I might just kiss you."

The drunken giggle that she imitated from her recollection of her mother was a bit higher-pitched, only to feel him tighten his grip on her.