
Drunk Yet Sober

a bully and bullied relationship in highschool, Diana Raven who is bullied constantly by the queen bee of highschool Sofia Rose, Diana moved after graduation and studied abroad, years pass by and they met again as boss and employee, how would their story go News about a psycho roaming around the neighborhood killing men without anyone's notice, what is this mystery person's role in their lives

IceKohei · LGBT+
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13 Chs

Chapter 1 - (un)pleasant surprise

Diana's POV:

I woke up to the loud noise coming from my alarm that I eventually throw out of the window, and I just bought it yesterday what a shame

"So, it's your first day today huh? Goodluck dude and also remember to wear some protection when you do it alright" my bestfriend who is also my half sister chuckled and I just throw some paper tissue on her face

"Shut up, and also don't forget to clean the couch after you do the deed with your hoes here alright" she just chuckled once again and so I left here and head out to my workplace

So I arrived at my workplace and then meet up with my coworkers and then got along just fine with them

"Hey, so your name's Diana right? My name's Jessica, and I'm also in this department so I hope we can get along well" she smiled at me so I smiled back at her and shook her hand

"Nice to meet you as well Jessica, let's talk more in lunch because I still have a lot of stuff to do" the girl named Jessica left with a smile

I watch the news about this mysterious killer who killed 5 men in an alley with a poisoned knife and with tasers with high voltage

I hear gasps and frown reactions from my coworkers and heard the other say

"Omg, a psycho is roaming around the neighborhood" or "what? Are they fine, or are they dead...do these men have any problems with the culprit" and "oh no, we must be careful at night then...it's scary to be walking alone now" I nodded at their responses because I too feel scared but I just shrugged and try forgetting it by continuing my tasks at hand

"Hey, um, you're the newbie right? It seems that you're being called to the boss's room" a guy who's in his late 20's with average built and brown eyes and a brunette

"Okay, thank you" I stood up and went to the room the guy said

I knock on the royal blue door and there was no response so I knock again and I heard a stern "come in" so I then open and went inside

Then I saw a goddess in front of me and all I can do is just stare at her but she seems familiar just can't pinpoint who

"So it really is you huh? Such a small world isn't it" I was out of my trance after what she just said because it left me confuse and lost

"Um, I beg your pardon?" I look at her for answers and she chuckled lightly with her left brow raise

"You really don't remember this face? It is I the one and only Sofia Rose, a.k.a the queenbee of Saint Rose academy

My eye immidiately twitch at the mention of the name of the one I really dislike at highschool, the woman who always give me cuts and bruises due to her stupid antics

"You must be mistaken ma'am, but I don't remember such a name and it would be an honor if I did went to your highschool, but as far as memories goes what did you call me for if I may ask?" I look at her unfazed and look at her like I'm confused

"Are you really not the Diana "pussy eater" Raven" she looks at me with a face full of disgust

"W-woah, no ma'am I'm certainly not that kind of person and also I never seen you my entire life till today so it would be very impossible" I look at her with embarrassment

"Fine, fine.. but you have to be here at 8 am sharp and not a minute late or you will face consenquences, you're going to be my personal assistant, got it? Now go" I just simply nodded and go my way after she shoo me away

===== TIME SKIP =====

A fox-masked person throw a man in his late 40's in a garbage with visible cuts on it's throat and and his lower region is burned and a letter with words written with its own blood


The masked person then left the scene after a minute or so

Sofia's POV:

It's been hours and yet I can't still get it over my head about that certain newbie, she definitely resembles that freak and they share the same name, I'm pretty sure that it's her

I am currently driving to my parents house the drive is only 15 minutes away if you use a vehicle while it will take longer if you just walk

I then park my car in the available space and get off of my car and went to the door and knock a couple of times

"Mom, Dad it's me Sofia"as I said it a soft yet loud enough to hear "come in" was heard, so I then open the door and let myself in

My dad and mom smiled upon seeing me coming closer to the dining table and then a took a seat in front of my mom since dad is in the middle

"So, how did your first day as a CEO go? was it troublesome? Hard? Easy?" My dad look me in the eye waiting for my response as he pick up the fork and munch on the food

"Well, it was so-so the employees and their work too, not that special but I can see they're hardworking (I also saw some employees who resemble like a dog in heat on how much they're staring at my cleavage and legs = =)" He nodded and just smile softly

"Well, me and your dad knows that you will  handle the company well even without our guidance, but as parents we will support you in the shadow so you can really establish and make it grow more through your own hardships and with your own potential" my mom smiled at me and I smiled back at her and then continue to eat my meal

I then finish my meal and talk with them for a couple of hours and it was getting a little bit dark so I told them I would be going now so I hug them before going home

I start my car and went to the convenience store 5 minutes away from my apartment to buy some stuffs for daily use I then park at the parking space and went inside the store and pick out the items I need to use

I then saw someone with a weird attire, a full black hoodie with jogging pants and boots with a mask that looks like a fox or something buying beer

(I don't know why but my eyes would always tail the masked person, maybe because I'm sensing he could be a theft or a killer, he then went to the counter and pays for the stuff so I guess he ain't a thef at least)

I then continue picking up the items that I need then proceed to pay them and went out and then at the far corner I saw the masked person behind a tree it's really dark but his mask is making him visible he the open a bottle of beer and starts drinking and then my eyes grow wide at the next thing he did, well he just take out his dick and starts stroking it so I hurriedly went to my car when I saw him look my way and drive off to my apartment

I facepalm myself because I might be in danger now

Hi! Author here I just want to thank you guys for picking up my book and I hope you enjoy it, please do follow and comment what you guys think I would appreciate it all.

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