

Jenna still silenced Blake until the next day. He was still angry, but not hateful either. Wouldn't it be fine if he kept quiet until his anger subsided? Instead of all the fuss and complaints about the man, about his flaws, even all the things Blake might never have done to prove his love for Jenna.

Of course Blake loves Jenna, everyone knows that. In fact, it became a weapon for some people who wanted the two of them to separate when they were still in school—where the love they knew was only monkey love.

For Jenna's sake, Blake was even willing to let her hate him. He goes and fixes everything, becomes the best version of the man he is, then returns to pick up his lover.

However, that was just the story behind the story that Jenna knew. Even if he explained it, it might not calm the anger in the girl's heart. And like it or not, Blake had to get used to it all.