
Asking You

Ryan closed the suitcase after putting in the last clothes. He really made it happen—the plan to honeymoon with Hellen. There is a lot of hope embedded, that they will be able to go through all the obstacles of their marriage.

Not only Ryan, but Hellen also has the same expectations. Getting married to a man is never easy. And now when it has been going on long enough, everything is almost ravaged instantly, then she will not let it happen just like that.

What they build is not based on coercion.

Hellen and Ryan attended the same University, just different majors. Ryan, who had never hung out with the opposite sex before, immediately fell in love when he first met the woman in the campus library.

For a long time, he could only look from a distance, finally, Ryan dared to get closer. The woman with flowing black hair accepted his date invitation.