

Through the silence of the night, a black car pulled over by the Lincoln's residence. Xavier, a man in his late thirties said a silent prayer for all to work out. pulling out his gun, he checked and made sure it was locked and loaded. His partner seated beside him, doing the same, nodded to him and said in Sicilian,

"It's time". he nodded back to Hesidro, he dreaded any form of communication whenever he was about to do a job. He was itching to get this over with.

'storm the house and nab the girl', he kept repeating in his head, he wasn't nervous at all, he was good with what he did. He took out his binoculars to view the premises, after few seconds, his brows furrowed.

"Something's wrong" Xavier abruptly said.

"What?" Hesidro asked, "let me see" taking the goggles from him, he viewed through it. The compound was well lit and was parked with cars, not to mention more arriving. The guards outside we're few but Hesidro knew the Lincoln's well enough to know that there are more guards. The guests kept arriving.

"I think they're having some sort of social gathering" Hesidro said.

" It's a party," Xavier said, after a pause he continued, " the boss won't like this "

" How unfortunate that they planned a party on the night we planned an attack" Hesidro said. Xavier was typing something on his phone.

" what are you doing?" Hesidro asked.

" calling the boss". Hesidro freaked out.

" But he said we shouldn't call him unless the jobs done, besides he just came back from Sicily and needs his rest",

" too late, calls gone already" Hesidro held his breath, he was terrified of the boss Don Polero Lican.

The boss's silent breathing could be heard on the line, picking his words carefully, Xavier said "there's a problem sir, the mission's been halted"

" Get the girl, kill whoever gets in your way and bring her to me, I can't see the problem in so simple a job". Came his eerie response.

" they're having a party, too many people. Nabbing the girl won't be a walk in the park". There was a long silence as Polero carefully analysed what Xavier just told him. He couldn't risk crashing the party, there could be a scandal which could be linked to him. He already had enough problems with the United States law enforcement agencies. He knew he had no other option. What an ill luck he had, he had waited for the right time for long and when the time felt right, it was actually a wrong time.

"boss are you still there?" Xavier asked.

" You guys stay and keep an eye on the house, attack when the party is long over, don't fail me, we have to do this today, clear?

" very well sir, you'll have Anna Cassius serves to you on a silver platter by tomorrow".

" good" Polero put down the phone and stared at his hand, he was missing two fingers, he smiled a malicious smile.

" Anna Cassius, you are doomed".