

WARNING : Includes self harming,Alot of dark and depressed stuff like sucide. If triggering then please don't read and if you do then please do vote and comment. Will be updated when I need to let some emotions out. Thought I was healing, thought I was finally getting it right,till I realized I was only just at the surface cause now it feels like am drowning,it's choking and I can't breathe .....and am scared I'll never be able to fix me.

Sophie_Davies_ · Bücher und Literatur
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19 Chs


Playing cool makes me lose my mind

my fake smile made them blind

I can't be someone I don't recognize

Is it worse for me if I show the truth

The truth that am broken to the root

I've been falling fast

No one sees that

The things I go through

I things I don't tell you

Body says take it slow

Eyes say hide don't show

Mind says don't let them know

Heart beats getting low

Playing it cool

Pain gets cruel

Am broken it's true

The things I want to tell you

But what could you do

At night it gets worse

Trapped in the lines I can't cross

She drowned,but she rose

What where she goes

Is a life she never chose


Keep the smile that is fake

Live on with the scar that ache

Hide your broken bones

Hide the spoken stones

Smile when the pain travels like a river to your bones

Laugh at the table so know one sees the pain

Cause at nights you hurt all over again

And on those nights I died

Cause it never changes no matter how hard I've tried

No matter how hard I cried