
Drowned hearts

"Your so ugly that I can't even look at you for three seconds without visibly cringing, I mean look a that, is that a piece of paper on your chest or what?, raisins?" The entire cafeteria erupted in laughter as she shrunk back fighting the already falling tears staring hard at the floor silently begging the ground to open and swallow her whole. And if she had her way, she wouldn't bother coming back out. "I suggest you just die and do the whole world a favour, no one cares about you anyways" he said with a scoff. Ms blonde bitch clinging so tight to his arm that anyone who saw her fingers would know that they would leave marks. I ran. I ran and ran and ran until I reached a bridge. Staring down at the deep and the endless blue darkness of beneath. Without a second thought, I jumped Falling... It felt like forever till I was engulfed by the wet mass that I was once above. Resisting from struggling, the sharp pierces of water in the wrong parts of my body stung. In all this there was silence.. Peace perhaps? I realized that was what I wanted Feeling something surround my waist, I blacked out into nothingness My last thought being...death? _________________________________________ Both come from places they don't take pride in but when their paths crosses but for yet the second time only the tides will tell. Avery and Ashton play a silent game of who falls for whom first into the air less waters of what they call love.

Nay0mi · Urban
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16 Chs

The reveal

Avery's POV

Music blasted through the speakers as I moved my hips onto the beat.

After a while of dancing, I got a little tired and decided to take a break by the bar and grab a drink. I swear if it wasn't for the alcohol invading my senses, I would've past out by now.

"Heeeyyyy babyyyy, you were killing it out there." Chloe appeared giggling like a child on sugar rush. She was never really good with alcohol.

"Thanks but I think your keeping someone waiting" I stated jerking my head to the side behind her to a guy staring her down. Woah pervert much.

She giggled some more. "Well I guess I'll see you later, I got to go unloose some screws if you know what I mean" I chuckled. Well that was what you get when you mix Chloe and alcohol- crazy talk.

"Hey, what're you doing on your own" I turned around to meet Kayden. "You look hot tonight by the way" he continued.

"I bet I look hot every other night McCoy"

"Well your damn right about that" he smirked

"I don't hear you stutter anymore McCoy."

"Oh uh.." He nervously rubbed his neck before playing it off. "Like I said, I only stutter around pretty girls"

"So I'm not pretty tonight? "

"Nope, your ravishing"

I didn't notice that through out this conversation we had gotten a little closer and just enough for our lips to be inches apart.

"You know a lot of people say I'm bad news" he whispered and I could feel his breath on my lips.

"Well lucky for you I like them bad." And our lips met.

It was nothing special and there wasn't any fireworks but damn he was a great kisser. Allowing him access into my mouth, things got a little heated and he pulled apart.

"How bout we take this upstairs"

I bit my lip. Did I really want this?


"Come on, it'll be fun" he pressed

"Well I -"

"You know you want me"

"No she doesn't" another voice sounded

"Stay out of this Woods" Kayden said with an eye roll. "Now come on" he

Said gesturing to me.

"She's not going anywhere with you" Asher pressed and that pissed me off.

Who the fuck does he think he is to think he could just come here right now and order me around like its not my life.

"I'm going with McCoy and this doesn't concern you so please stop invading my business" I snarled and grabbed Kayden's hand, pulling him in the direction of the stairs but then Kayden was ripped from my grip by Asher who glared at him and if looks could kill, McCoy would be six feet under.

"What the hell!, what's your fucking problem woods?!"

"My fucking problem is you. Your my fucking problem McCoy"

"Would you two shut the fuck up!"

By now the music was toned down and a crowd formed around us, Jake's eyes met mine. This pissed me off even more. I hated attention when it wasn't needed.

"Asher this has nothing to do with you okay?, its none of your God damn business if I decide to go with McCoy so stop embarrassing yourself and leave me alone" I said quite irritated.

"Oh you want to talk about embarrassment?" Asher chuckled. "Well then let's talk about how he was going to sleep with you, record it and then post it on the God damn internet!"

"Dude you have no right to make such accusations on me" Kayden protested

"Accusations?! "



I paused. He's never called me my name before. I don't have much time to think when I saw him stalk over to me, pick me up and put me over his shoulders walking out of the party.

I kicked and punched but it was of no use as he held me firmly.

After a few minutes, he put me down. All the blood rushed back down from my head and I could finally see clearly. We were only a distance away from the party.

"What is wrong with you Avery?!" He asked

"What is wrong with me?" I scoffed. "what is wrong with you Asher, why did you do that?!"

"I did that because he was going ruin your fucking image. Don't you see?!. I met him and his friends talking about you and they made a bet that he could sleep with you tonight and they said to record it for evidence and probably upload it online!!" He was full blown shouting at this points.

I opened my mouth to say something but he cut me off.

"You think that I just go around getting defensive over just anyone? I could've as well left everything thing the way it was and watch with you as your future life in business, getting a job or starting something up crumble beneath your eyes but I didn't and what did I get in return? Embarrassment. I mean what did you think this is?,  high school? And don't ask me why I care so much because I have no fucking idea, there's - there's just something about you that drives me mad and I do everything to make you feel better but you push me away. Why do you fucking do that?!. I have feelings you know"

I scoffed. "Feelings. FEELINGS?!. You want to talk about feelings then let's talk about the way you put me in a locker overnight or the way you broke my nose when you tripped me when I was just trying to return a book or the way you and your friend put me in that garbage truck and I had to walk 20 miles home.

At this point he looked so confused and opened his mouth to say something but I wasn't having it, cutting him off I continued.

"Oh and let's talk about the way you reduced my self esteem that even a grain of sand was bigger than it and throughout all this time tell me. Did you once think that I had feelings too?!.

And don't you dare say you don't have any idea what I'm talking about and if you don't then let me remind you. My name is AVERY FUCKING BOLTON."

His face paled.

I was trying to keep the tears in my eyes. He wasn't going to see me cry. Not now, and not ever again.


Ahhhh. Oh my gosh, that was exciting.

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