
Drowned hearts

"Your so ugly that I can't even look at you for three seconds without visibly cringing, I mean look a that, is that a piece of paper on your chest or what?, raisins?" The entire cafeteria erupted in laughter as she shrunk back fighting the already falling tears staring hard at the floor silently begging the ground to open and swallow her whole. And if she had her way, she wouldn't bother coming back out. "I suggest you just die and do the whole world a favour, no one cares about you anyways" he said with a scoff. Ms blonde bitch clinging so tight to his arm that anyone who saw her fingers would know that they would leave marks. I ran. I ran and ran and ran until I reached a bridge. Staring down at the deep and the endless blue darkness of beneath. Without a second thought, I jumped Falling... It felt like forever till I was engulfed by the wet mass that I was once above. Resisting from struggling, the sharp pierces of water in the wrong parts of my body stung. In all this there was silence.. Peace perhaps? I realized that was what I wanted Feeling something surround my waist, I blacked out into nothingness My last thought being...death? _________________________________________ Both come from places they don't take pride in but when their paths crosses but for yet the second time only the tides will tell. Avery and Ashton play a silent game of who falls for whom first into the air less waters of what they call love.

Nay0mi · Urban
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16 Chs

Rainy days

The last two days had been tense. It gets even more awkward when you live in the same space with someone you can't help but feel angry at.

mixed emotions were running through the veins of my heart as it beat rapidly in hatred to the sight of him

A month later...

"And that's a rap, any questions?"

"Yeah, I have one" Avery raised her hand

"Yes Ms Bolton go ahead" the lecturer prompted

"You said that showing off your work online is sometimes the best way to go about attracting the eyes of companies but how do we work with collaborators like copywriters?" She shot up an eye brow.

Avery wanted to become a graphic designer. It was something she enjoyed doing. Being creative was something she enjoyed doing and soon found out that would like to become a graphic designer.

"Well Ms Bolton, great question but that's were you come in. The point is that a unique work obviously attracts the eyes of many people and that's when you think to reach out to developers, project mangers and basically creating a name for your self, that way a phoney will be easily detected.

Avery nodded her head even though she already knew the answer to the question only asking to get his point of view. She was a scholar for a reason..

Her class had ended leaving her with only one thing on her mind. The love if her life....food.

Making her way to the exist of the building she was already fantasizing the melted cheese on brown juicy meat of her burger looking like it was marinated in cream and sauces. She licked her lips about to bite into the imaginary burger in her mind when..

"Hey!" Someone called out being her

Turing around she a boy bout 6ft, brown hair, blue eyes and the cutest dimples jogging up to her. He was dressed in a blue shirt with the arms rolled up and black trousers.

"Hey" he said slightly puffing "Avery right?" He gave a cute smile.


"Great I'm uh Kayden. Uh Kayden McCoy." What is it with this school and guys with fine ass names. Avery thought

"Well hi uh Kayden" Avery joked, teasing him with the stutter he gave out.

Kayden blushed chuckling slightly. "Uh sorry I get nervous when I'm around pretty girls" he mumbled the last part making Avery's heart do a little spin

"Well I was just- I just wanted to know whether you'd wanna like hang out, maybe grab some food or something" Kayden let out scratching the back of his neck in his nervous attempt to ask her out.

Avery couldn't see why not, after all she was waay to hungry to process anything right now and agreed making a wide grin appear on the boys face.

They stopped at Mc Donalds in Kayden's car and made their way in taking an empty table.

"So I uh- look- I actually- wait how do I say this" Kayden sighed making Avery laugh at his rambling.

"Just say it" Avery encouraged as the food came, Kayden paying immediately. Her fantasies becoming a reality as she bit down into the soft buns of her burger.

"I don't want this to be weird or anything but I actually wanted to talk about Chloe.."

Avery almost choked. "What?" She asked , sounding muffled cause of all the food in her mouth.

"Yeah I'm sorry I kinda made it seem like I was into you or anything, I just thought that at the party you seemed pretty close to her and figured you guys are friends and I could maybe asks you to you know...?" Kayden drawled

Avery sighed after swallowing. It wasn't the first time a cute guy came up to her asking about Chloe when she thought that she was the one who attracted them instead and sometimes she kinda felt a bit jealous of her friend.

Playing it off with a smile she answered. "Sure I can do that"

"Really?!, great thank you" he said all excited and reached out to check his phone and cursing afterwards.

"Um I'm really sorry but I have to go, I'll catch you later though." Kayden exclaimed as he made his way out of the restaurant not giving her a chance to reply.

Avery felt like she was punched in the gut. And the food in front of her wasn't as appealing anymore.

She watched Kayden's car drive in the opposite direction of which they came and she stood up ready to leave.

As if she didn't feel bad already, it started to rain and she cursed planning to take a cab and reached into her purse to get her money but was met without any feel of paper-like materials. "Fuck"

Deciding to just order an Uber well guess what?, the universe hated her so bad right now that there was no fucking service anywhere.

"Uuurrrggghhhhh" giving up after a few minutes of contemplation she decide to just go in the rain and get back after checking the whether report on her phone that stated it was going to be raining for a good five hours.

A few seconds in and she was completely soaked. Great. Just great.

Arriving at her dorm building well over 30 minutes later she sighed happy to be under a roof again.

By now her teeth were clattering and she shivered fumbling around looking in her bag for her key which by the way was equally soaked.

The door opened and she was met with the kissing faces of Asher and a girl. They didn't even acknowledge her as they continued kissing. A scowled gracing her face while moving past them to get to her room.

Over the week she didn't really see much of Asher. He was either out or in his room and the few time he was in the living space, he was either with some if his friends or kissing some girl. Not like it bothered her.

She stripped her wet cloths and made her way to the bathroom, having a nice warm shower and hopping out when

"Achoo" she sneezed.

Sighing she got under the covers of her bed and took a nap

Asher's POV

I was making out with some blonde..as usual when the door opened revealing a soaking wet Avery. I ignored how that sounded.

It looked like we didn't pay her any attention but the moment she stepped in I was actually concerned to why she was she looked like she came out of the ocean. (Mind me)snickered. 'Good one'. He said.

what?, we all have a voice or two in our heads now don't we?

Throwing us a glare, she scowled and made her way to her room and suddenly I didn't feel as horny anymore. I pulled away from girl No. 23 or was it 22?. It was bad enough that I never remembered their names and now I can't even remember their numbers.

"You need to leave" I sighed

"Why, is she your girlfriend?" So she had noticed Avery when she walked in.

"No but you need to leave" I stated getting up myself and going to the kitchen.

"Ugh, fine" I heard from behind me and a few seconds later I heard the door open and close.

Should I check on her? I thought

Maybe I should, she could be dead for all I now.

I gave a small knock to her door and when I didn't get a reply I was almost convinced that she was you know..dead. Opening her door just enough for my head to pier in, I saw her sound asleep and I let out a breath I didn't know that I was holding.

Leaving her be, I had just one question on my mind...

Why did I care?

Hey homies!

So that's that... Tell me what you think

Do you prefer soup or ice cream when you have a cold?

See you in the next chapter..


Nay0micreators' thoughts