
Drown Me

Chloe was considered an orphan for most of her life until the appearance of a mysterious man, who claimed her as his own. After deceiving Chloe in the hopes of making her stronger, her adoptive father brings her back with one request. As she gets entangled in the world of drugs, guns, blood, and affairs, her only escape is the pool located in her apartment.

DaoistjINpfJ · Urban
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7 Chs

How it Start part II

"You die to become a new, and become a new to die"- Chloe Barbaro

A group of ladies stood in front of the house, their heads hanging low. By the looks of their clothing, I could tell they were maids.

"Welcome back, Mr. Barbaro," they spoke in unison, earning a hum from the man before he left.

"Let me show you to your room Lady Y/n," said one of the maids, causing me to jolt.

"Yes," I replied in a slight stutter as I followed her.

The house looked prestigious, even prettier than those shown in the movies. It had a hint of classiness, but no matter how clean something is, you can never remove its pasts stains.

Stopping at a white door, the maid bowed before leaving, not uttering a single word.

'Wai.." I mumbled as she disappeared.

A sigh left my mouth, and cautiously I opened the door, revealing a beautiful room.

A king-size bed lay in the middle of the room. On the side stood a wide bookshelf and a set of chairs. A group of windows were set in the corner of the room, giving me a view of the outside world.

A feeling of wariness overcame me at the thought of this luxury.

After all, nothing came for free. Even life comes at a price.

Setting down my bags, I walked over to the bed before hesitantly sitting. It was perfect. Today was my first time having something that was mine other than the necklace my mother left before she abandoned me.

To those who knew her, my mother was a kind woman whose existence lit up the room. Despite all the kind things people said, she seemed to me like anyone else, another human with selfish desires.

For that reason, I never questioned why she left or why she never looked for me.

Standing up, I looked around to find something to distract my thoughts. A grin appeared on my face when I saw the bookshelf.

I practically ran over, only for my jaw to drop at the selection of books. Limited edition novels stood right before my eyes. Tracing my finger down the line of books, I pulled one out.

"It starts where you end," I mumbled, reading the cover.

Just as I took a seat, a knock emitted through the room. Standing up, I lazily opened the door, revealing one of the maids from earlier.

"We would like to inform you that dinner will be ready in an hour," she spoke, her head hanging low as her gaze fixed on the ground. "In the meantime, Mr. Barbaro has ordered us to prepare us."

Pushing me aside, she entered the room.

"What," I questioned, unable to comprehend her last words.

"If you excuse us," said the maid, ignoring my words.

A set of arms interlocked with mine on each side, making me unable to move. Dragging me to the bathroom, I doused in warm water.

And before I could react, they were done.

"Shall we go," asked one of the maids, earning from me a soft nod.