
Dropped for improvementsss

What makes you believe that God is always silent? Are we truly alone in the God-created Universe? Is being born a blessing or a curse? Humans like to live only when they have something to lose. But... What about people who don't have access to that? Nathan was at his wit's end when an Angel arrived and revealed the mystery of God's creation...

Yoknow · Fantasie
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8 Chs

The Stranger

Angelica left the room with her Father after finishing her conversation with Father, thinking of a way to backtrack on her previous statement that she would find a man to marry. Angelica disliked the idea of marrying because she didn't want to lose her independence and be forced to sit in the house waiting for her death. She prefers to explore the world and learn more about it rather than merely listening to travelers' stories, which is why she enjoys accompanying Galand and the others when they explore ruins or a dungeon. Even though she's just dead weight on the Team, Galand and his companions didn't mind.

She then went to her chamber and grabbed her belongings because she wanted to get out of the city as soon as possible so that she wouldn't be humiliated when her father announces at the city's feast that she'd try to find a strong guy while adventuring. She wears light armor enchanted with the Earth element by the blacksmith to prevent her from being cut easily, as well as a sword made by Dwarves and enchanted with the Air element to make it light and deadly. After finishing her preparations, Angelica tried to sneak out of the Mansion, but when she was about to grab the doorknob her sister appeared of out nowhere...

"Oh, Sister, when did you become so cunning?" her sister wondered, helplessly shaking her head.

"Ekkkk!" she screeched, alarmed.

"You really outdid yourself this time," Her sister sarcastically responded.

"Oh come on Jezebel, if he simply let me join Galand's gang, I wouldn't have to say that," she whined.

"Oh, did you recall how you got those pieces of equipment?"Jezebel said,

Angelica blushed and lowered her head.

"You told him you needed it for future protection for your child," Jezebel hissed, "and the old man was overjoyed at the possibility of getting a grandchild, so he bought you those without hesitation."

Angelica remained silent but she was now even more blushing from that embarrassing memory.

"But now," Jezebel grinned, "you've truly outdone yourself." she then paused and then continues, "You now announced to him that you'll find a strong man to marry so that you may go traveling with Galand and the others."

Angelica was just listening to her sister scolding since she had just claimed that she would surely find a man to marry, which made her father hopes that she would finally marry and give him grandkids. Angelica was already 21 years old, and on the planet of Elpis, the average age for a woman to marry is 18. When a girl reaches the age of 18, she is eligible for marriage in the World of Elpis, and numerous admirers will approach her to ask her to marry. Angelica, on the other hand, turned down all of the suitors who sought her hand, which may be why her father mistook her for a lesbian.

"I only said that because he would never let me go with them," Angelica shouted, before going on to say, "I just want to be free and live a life full of surprises, which is why I enjoy traveling with them."

"And now you're free," said Jezebel.

"Yes, I can finally join them and have some genuine fun," Angelica replied, her eyes and smiles sparkling.

Jezebel giggled as she continued, "Free to find a spouse I mean."

"Fuck You!" Angelica shouted.

"I'm not sure what to do with you," Jezebel replied, shaking her head. "But please don't disappoint our Father too much."

"I know," she said regretfully.

"Okay then, you plan to head out correct?" Jezebel inquired.

"Yup, I'm going to join them at the Adventure's Guild as soon as possible so I can get out of here before the feast," Angelica responded.

"All right, just be cautious, and don't worry about Mother; I'll tell her you've already left," Jezebel advised.

Angelica then bade Jezebel goodbye and then hurridly rushed to the Adventurer's Guild to meet with Galand...

Every city in the world of Elpis had a giant tower in the middle; this was one of Archon Adonais's instructions, and it was deemed sacred by him, therefore no one except those in high positions on the Kingdom travels to the city's center. The Adventurer's Guild is located in the city's northeast corner, while the Estate of the House of Courtenay is located in the city's east corner.

Angelica had heard laughter in a voice she recognized as she arrived at the spot.

Galand was the culprit!

"I can't believe that's why young miss has been accompanying us," Galand added, chuckling.

"There are a number of strongmen around the adventurer's guild, and any of those men may marry the count's daughter," stated a man whose voice she didn't know.

"Galand, what if I marry your young miss?" suggested one guy.

"Care to introduce me to her?" added another.

The entire adventurer's guild was ecstatic because they had all been given the chance to marry the Count's lovely daughter. When they first saw her, they were intrigued but dismissed the idea since she was out of their league. However, the tables had turned, and the count indicated that she was searching for a strong man to marry.

A Strong man!

They all considered themselves strong since they have already fought more dangerous foes than those soldiers that were just sitting idly in the barracks. In order to become an adventurer, you first need to become a Tier 3 individual, or else they will reject you. The adventurer's guild's objective is not easy; it requires extensive exploration of unexplored lands filled with abomination monsters. These creatures are God's failed creations, but rather than reducing them to dust, God constructed a Dungeon to contain them. The elemental energy that the creatures emit has been shaped into crystals over time, which is why the Adventurer's Guild is interested in acquiring them. It's also possible that God left an Artifact behind.

Artifacts are weapons created by God, but, like the other creatures, they were a failure. However, in the perspective of other races, artifacts can elevate your power to new heights.

"No no," Galand said while shaking his head and he then continues."Leon will marry her"

Leon was a member of Galand's party, and he had previously saved Angelica several times because she was essentially useless. And it's possible that this is why Angelica wants to find a powerful man, at least that was Galand's idea.

Everyone immediately turned their attention to Leon, who had almost choked on his food after hearing Galand's statements.

"Do not assist him; instead, let him choke to death."

"If you want to die faster than choking, I'll assist you."

"Die, scumbag!"

When the other guys observed Leon choking, they all sneered at his demise but Leon quickly gulped a cup of water to clear his throat.

"I don't plan on marrying Lady Angelica, but if she wants to marry me It'll be rude to decline," Leon said while covering his face.

Leon was well-known across Miguelia's realm, but because his team is stationed in Ethyl, he exclusively operates there. He was known for his stealth, assassination, and strength; he was also one of the few persons in the whole kingdom of Miguelia to gain Tier 4 authority, yet he was just 26 years old, which is why so many people admire and fear him. He wears a black suit enchanted by Earth's power to protect him from heavy blows and Darkness to conceal his presence among his foes, as well as a hood that gives him the look of an assassin. He had a dagger and a sword around his waist, both of which were unique in appearance and design, indicating their high quality. He is also a three-element wielder with a reputation for proficiency in the elemental combination, and the elements that he mastered are Fire, Water, and Dark.

"Then that Young miss is mine, bastards!"

"It appears that you wish to die young."

"No, she's not yours cuz she will be mine!"

Everyone is still battling over who will receive the young miss' hand in marriage, but suddenly someone joined the Adventurer's Guild...

"All of you stop, "The Newcomer said.

They then sneered at the visitor and realized it was on the same subject they were fighting over...

"I simply said that so Father would let me join Galand and the others, so don't get your hopes up," Angelica remarked, pointing her tongue out at them.

"Do you think I'm not strong enough to fit your needs?"

"How can you say no to my handsome face?"

"Can you perhaps at least give me an opportunity to prove myself?"

They all interrogated Angelica, but she merely laughed.

Angelica giggled, "I don't plan on marrying anybody."

"Are you a lesbian then?" asked a female adventurer.

"Noo!!!," Angelica replied as soon as she heard that.

"Then why did you say that to your father?" another asked.

Angelica now had a grave expression on her face but Galand then stud up to answer,

"It's simple," Galand grinned, "you guys aren't worthy of her attention, and Leon is the only one who is."

"Nooooo!! He's not even my type, and as I already stated, I DO NOT WANT TO MARRY!" exclaimed Angelica.

Leon's heart shattered into a million pieces when he heard this, and he began to doubt reality.

When they say Leon that he was as pale as know they all laughed at him...

"That's what you get for acting soo cool and pretending to be humble about it."

"I'm guessing that he would no longer trust another woman's word after this."

"Bruh, I think he might even kill those women for simply just talking to him."

All of them were long-time associates so they were very familiar and friendly with Leon that's why they are not afraid of teasing him even if it's just a Lil bit.

But then Leon stood up from his chair and slowly unsheathe his 2 blades and enchanted them with the power of his Word his blade was now in flames and this knife had now been coated with paralyzing poison.

"Oh shit!"

"Run for your lives!"

"Damnn, he's really angry now"

He immediately dashed towards those who were laughing at him, bent on paralyzing and torturing them...

After Leon and the other adventurers left a young woman then waved at Angelica signaling her to sit beside them.

"Don't worry about them; they're only teasing you," the Woman explained.

"I know," Angelica said with a smile, "but I'm planning on joining you guys today, and my father has already agreed."

"Weeee already know that because your Father had announced to all of the city's citizens that you will be adventuring and finally finding a man to marry," Said a woman that has Long Ears.

"He WHAT!!" Angelica shouted.

"Calm down calm down, we plan to out before the feast starts anyway so it's nothing to worry about." said the woman.

Angelica now was now on the verge of tears after she heard that, she does not want to be embarrassed in front of the whole city. That's why she has to go exploring dungeons ASAP.

" Buttttttttt I don't know if we'll allow you to join this time though," said the long-eared woman.

The woman then stood up, got close to her then patted her left shoulder...

"You see, the place that we're going to go to is quite dangerous that's why my husband is even coming to help us this time," The woman said seriously to her.

"But Lydia, I promise to be careful and not be distracted," Angelica begged.

"The place is an ancient dungeon that was older than that dungeon that we had explored before so please stay," The woman named Lydia said solemnly.

"We can try to bring you next timeee" The long-eared woman said with a faint smile.

"But Tia I can handle my own and I trained a lot with Arthur, "Angelica explained.

Lydia wore a huge hat and a robe that covered all of her body figures, giving her the impression of a magician and she was Galand's wife, but unlike Galand, who was merely a part-time adventurer, Lydia was a full-time adventurer. Lydia is a Human, but she married a dwarf named Galand after he saved her in the past, and the two got close enough to marry. They were deeply in love, and she could simply ask Galand to help if she couldn't manage the assignment she'd been given. She was also known for her mastery of the Word; unlike other adventurers who use swords and bows, she solely utilizes the power of The Word and an Artifact in the form of staff to raise her strength to new heights. She is also near Tier 4, and her morals are the only thing holding her back.

You see, if you master the tier you're in, an assignment in the shape of a severed hand will emerge with instructions on how to complete your assignment in order to advance to the next tier. But the instructions aren't as straightforward as they appear; Lydia was assigned the task of killing 10,000 dwarf! This is why she refused to move to Tier 4. God is in charge of everything, and she began to doubt his judgment, but she quickly dismissed the notion, knowing that she would never have the opportunity to do so.

"If my wife or Tia was a tier 4 being then we would not have a problem of protecting you, "Galand replied at Angelica's insistence.

"But, but.." Angelia said then she lowered her head.

She had already known that Lydia couldn't accomplish her quest since it would offend her husband and maybe end their marriage, and Tia was nowhere near tier 4 because she hadn't mastered confining the elements and elemental combinations, so she had no option but to listen to them and stay here for the time being.

"Don't worry, you'll be able to join us next timeeee," Tia smiled.

With puppy dog eyes, Angelica said, "You guys promise?"

"Of course," Tia said, puffing her chest.

Lydia smiled as she responded, "Yes, I promise you'll join next time."

"Even if Lord Richard refuses, I will beg him to allow you to participate the next time," Galand assured her.

They all laughed over their antics, but then a stranger approached and asked...

"Can I join your party?"