

The random voices are on my head on that day-- it stopped. Everyone heard it, and they said that it also stopped. Most of the adults and kids are not mentally/physically well after that day. People called them the Droops. The Droops don’t obtain any Power. Power? Yes, everyone except the Droops has unnatural abilities; it’s bad news for most people. Why? Most people are too strong, and somehow they can’t control themselves(not just the Power) because of it. The people who possessed Power are thirstily mercilessly killing every person if no one will take care of them. These abilities are giving a unique behavior to people that make them brutal. That's why these abilities/superpowers were called Power/s. Their killing behavior appears when they use their abilities frequently. Speaking of behavior, everyone doesn’t behave like they were before. People are trying to get their original behavior/personality; they somehow see it depressing to change. They could be aggressive, passive, sensitive, insensitive, and eccentric like animals. Of course, these changes in behavior could be linked to Power. Joining the city’s community service is the only way to found out the behind of these curtains. This facility is easy to set foot in because it’s voluntary. Their goal is to protect the Droops from people's murderous personalities and keep people from becoming homicidal people. What are the voices that seem to come out of nowhere? What exactly are Droops? Why are we endowed with these abilities? What are my responsibilities when I'm part of community service? What's going on? What's going on? What's going on? What's going on? What is going on with everyone?

Jehru_Tree · Fantasie
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2 Chs

Chapter 2: Power and Hotdogs

Tuesday, January 19, 2013,

- 07:31 AM.

Keep running. I had food on me because these people asked me to search for food. Actually, no, these people requested Isaac to search for food because she's powerful to protect herself from thirsty people. So I volunteered.

I'm rushing to my home; there's a bunch of stranger people waiting for me.

The streets of this city are still the same as before except for the wellness and number of people. We can still hear unusual sounds from all over the place; we can still hear booming sounds.

I'm home. I opened the door entrance, and the people look like hungry cats.

[???'s POV]

"Finally, you're here. Our stomach are *Censored* growling. HAHA!" Isaac teased and laughed while holding her stomach from hungriness.

"Is that the first thing you need to say?" Hobo questioned. "I mean, he risked his life to get food for us."

"If he looks fine, he's fine!" Isaac replied and high-fived Nach.

"Hey… here." Isaac crowed as he throws the hotdogs at me."Now, cook. I'm hungry as well, Ino."

I'm Inocencia Fuentes, 21, I'm in one of Micolop's cities, Aulog city, and I lived beside Nach's house. I shouldn't be here if six months ago didn't happen. I should go to my college; I should do my studies. I worked hard to go to college, and then the world goes to the unexpected route.

I never dreamed of getting Powers. I mean, I don't have thought of getting powers. Superpowers are more likely impossible to have before this disaster, so that's why I never dreamed about it. I will honestly love to have Powers if only everybody else besides me doesn't have one. Yes, everyone, except for the Droops. Powers? Yes, superpowers came out real. I can't believe people named these superpowers in simple words; they called it Powers. It should be called Abilities. But Nach said that the reason why the president of the community service called this supernatural to Powers was that people lose their humanity because of their superpowers. I don't have good details about this reason so I'll ask the president on my own. For me, they called it Powers because mostly everyone had superpowers that are too powerful, but still.

"Nach, can you get my frying pan in my house? These hotdogs can't fit in with your frying pan. I have an Idea later. I will not cook these hotdogs until you get it." I asked.

"How many requirements do you need to cook the tutting hotdogs? Dang it, I'll get it then." he nagged and left.

And then, he quickly returned and asked, " Wait, what is it again?"

"The *censored* frying pan! If you asked again, cook these hotdogs by yourself!" I ranted, and I slapped the hotdogs. He left once more.

Nach, my neighbor, he's 17 years old, 5 feet 7 inches, slim but not thin, and his hairstyle is always buzzcut. His head is always on the cloud; as a result, he's easy to forget things. I can't understand what he's trying to express when he gets emotional sometimes. These bunch of people and I stayed in Nach's house for almost six months. We grouped to protect each other from other people that kill innocent people. I don't know why people kill someone who didn't do anything unpleasant. They're like zombies but fully conscious.

"What's taking him too long?" Isaac nagged.

Isaac, Nach's closest friend, She's 19, 5 feet 7 inches like Nach, skinny, chubby face, has average chest, and has long wavy hair. Just like Nach, her head is always in the cloud. The difference between her and Nach was she's giving her ideas more than Nach. She's more talkative than us. She's arguing, joking, and trolling with everyone in the house. Even though she's annoying, she's the disco ball on this house. I can trust her; however, she's high-risk with her Power.

There's one guy that I also trust, but he looks suspicious. He's Claudio, a hobo. Nach picked him up because Nach said that the hobo looked confused. After one month, We found that Claudio lost his memories. He also showed his Powers to us for proof that he's safe to be part of the group. His Power is helpful to find if people should be trusted or not. He turns words on what people tried to say into antonym if only the person lied. Because of him, we found out that five people who were in the group before are trying to betray us.

"Good morning- gosh, it's hot today." Destiny whined as she and her husband, Juan, going down from stairs.

Everybody else in this house, Jeje, Juan, and Destiny, cannot be trusted yet. We met Juan and Destiny in the last two months; they're young married couples. They haven't shown their powers to us. We never asked their Powers because we are shy to ask, even Isaac. Shy? They have a Droop baby that needs to have good care. We can't just ask their abilities to show if they're safe to be in the group, right. I wanted to ask at first, but Nach said that it's unnecessary to ask because he accepted them to the group. Of course, Nach and Isaac have the right to welcome people in the group because they created this group from the start.

"I'll make him come back." Jeje stated and left.

Jeje, 12 years old, 4 feet 11 inches, and has curly hair. We met him last week, and he asked us to stay here for a bit. Yeah, he is too young to terminate us; however, people aren't the same anymore after this mysterious disaster. People are killing people for no reason; they're like animals. Don't get me wrong; I want to trust these people.

"I-I'm sorry. Your kitchen's faucet was on, and after that, your k-kitchen was flooded. But don't worry, I already cleaned it. Ta-da! Your frying pan. Hehe." Nach explained and swiftly handed me the frying pan.

"Hehe. Leave this to me, child," I smirked.

"Please, don't use your Power. It's disgusting." He crossed his arms.

"Well, I'm the cook, so I'm in charge." I stated.

My power is that I make everything longer when I'm pointing it. How about living things? Yes, I can make any living creature longer. I never tried it on everyone yet because it can kill them. Yes, any living creatures are getting killed if I pointing for too long. It splits any living creature in half. I tried it to ants and butterflies; It's so satisfying. I'm now confident to use my abilities to these hotdogs. I'll make hotdogs longer-- Huh, what's this?

"Nach! These are not the *censored* hotdogs!" I ranted.