
Dreams of the Fool

He died after being hit by a truck. A normal death, right? What is not normal is that he had been reborn and it was not what he expected. 'THE HELL? I AM IN HORIMIYA AS IZUMI MIYAMURA!

Arcanum_02 · Anime und Comics
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80 Chs

Chapter 9: Avengers Finale

Everyone stared in shock at Izumi's feat. Sounds of battle were still going on. This shook everyone out of their shock. The group spread out again. Thor was fighting the aliens with Erza and Tony after Loki escaped from him. Steve and Natasha were I. the ground with Kazuma and Kuroneko fighting the foot soldiers. Hulk was busy destroying the leviathans while Korosensei was speeding through the city decimating some Chitauri soldiers. Izumi was fighting hand-to-hand against some soldiers to recuperate some of his mana. That magic bomb took quite some magic to perform. While fighting, he came across the New York Sanctum. He could see the Ancient One and her disciples fighting a horde of soldiers.

"It's a fine day today for an invasion isn't it Ancient One?" he jokingly asked after joining her.

"Very true Mr. Miyamura," she replied after decapitating a soldier. She turned towards him.

"What can I do for you?" she asked.

"Call me Enigma in public Ancient One. I have come with new information about our universe invader." She raised her eyebrow.


"Yeah, it seems like we're dealing with an agent of the Outer Gods."

"Oh, dear. This is terrible. I have never seen this coming." The woman said in. shock.

Izumi nodded,

"We still don't know who it is, but I am fairly sure that they will make their appearance in this invasion."

After a pause, she spoke,

"I see. Thank you for the warning. The situation has become much worse if Outer Gods are involved in this. I will keep an eye out for any signs of this agent. Thank you, Enigma." she said.

"All right, I'll be going. Be careful." Izumi said.

"You too, Enigma."

Izumi left the Sanctum's protection under the sorcerer's care and left to fight more aliens all the while thinking about the anomaly,

'Where could he be hidden?' he thought when he heard a voice.

"Guys, I can do it! I can close the portal!"

On a roof, of an unknown building, a figure was seen observing the invasion and he was not pleased with the scene.

"This is not enough. I need more. More despair. More fear. More death. More terror. More Chaos!" He said maniacally. He thought that with the invasion he could bring more despair and chaos. Before coming here, he was a death row prisoner James Crook. His whole life revolved around being a serial killer. Men, women, kids, elderly, animals, he killed them all. The feeling of taking the life of something or someone, watching as the light of their desperate eyes leaves slowly. The feeling of blood running down his hands as he sliced them up, the feeling of bones breaking as he beat them up, the feeling of the cold bodies as their life was snuffed. The sound of the bullets penetrating their flesh. It was so much FUN! Until he was arrested and sentenced to a death sentence. He first served time in prison where he made a name for himself as the most bloodthirsty prisoner. He spent more time in isolation than in a cell. It was so much FUN! Making shivs out of toothbrushes and stabbing the others. Beating prisoners black and blue until they were close to death. It was so much FUN! When it was finally time for his death sentence, he was not even given a choice for the last meal and was electrocuted. The warden who oversaw his execution intentionally lowered his voltage to not kill him too fast, but even with electricity running through him, the prisoner dies with a wicked grin on his face leaving only a few words,


After the prisoner died, he awoke in a white place. The place was white as there was no speck of another colour.

"Hello? Anyone there?" As soon as he asked, a black miasma appeared in front of him. James backed away and stared warily at the miasma that was now, a sphere as black as the night with wisps of dark smoke escaping from it, floating in front of him without doing anything. Without a warning, a black tendril emerged from it and headed straight for his head. Unable to react, the tendril pierced James's head. But he did not die. Instead, information started to appear inside his head. He now knew that he had become a pawn of an Outer God. The Outer God that chose him was Nyarlathotep and it wants him to sow chaos and evil throughout the universe.

James gleefully accepted. It doesn't matter if he became a slave, it doesn't matter if he would be tossed away. He would be doing something that he loved. The black sphere was just a small servant of the Outer God.

This was now his first world. Spread destruction and fear using an alien invasion. When he first arrived he had assassinated a servant of a being that they called the Mad Titan Thanos and posed himself as his servant. When they found a lost god in the universe, James suggested the idea to use Loki to bring his army to earth. Since the Mad Titan wanted the Infinity Stones and James wanted destruction. He killed two birds with one stone. After Thanos approved his plan, he gave the sceptre to Loki and gave the Chitauri army to Loki for him to lead. Once the portal would open, he would escape from Thanos to go through it and observe his masterpiece. Unfortunately, it is not working.

That's why he is now enraged as his plan was not successful. Seeing these pathetic heroes destroying the army was making blood boil in anger.

"Fine, I'll do it myself," he said. He jumped and flew towards the Stark Tower as he saw a redheaded woman holding a sceptre.

"Guys! I can do it! I can close the portal!" she shouted through the comms.

"Do it!" ordered Steve.

"No, wait! Don't do it!" interjected Tony.


"There is a nuclear missile heading for the city and I know just where to put it."

Steve looked up,

"You know that's a one-way road right?"

"I know," replied Tony.

"No, it's not." interrupted someone.


"It doesn't have to be a one-way road. I will help you. Follow my directions."

"All right. I will trust you Enigma."

Izumi ran towards the empire state building. Arriving there, with a burst of mana, he jumped into the air and planted both his feet on the side of the building and started to run. He used a wind spell on his back to not fall and maintain the velocity to run on the wall. Arriving on the roof, he activated (Memory Partition) and (Thought Acceleration) as he was about to do dangerous calculations for Tony. He was, basically, given his life in his hands.

"Titania, Thor, can you hear me?" Izumi asked.

"I hear you Enigma," replied Erza.

"I hear you as as well young wizard." also replied Thor.

"I'm gonna need you to clear a path for Mr. Stark to put the missile.

"Okay" they both replied.

Izumi carefully let his mana flow to his eyes and applied (Reinforcement). He could see a spaceship beyond the portal. That was their goal. He took a deep breath and looked up. In the distance, he could see Tony underneath the flying missile waiting for his instruction.

"All right Tony, start climbing now," Tony activated jet boosters from his chest and started to rise in the sky with a missile altering its trajectory.

"Good, keep it going. Keep rising until you reached directly underneath the portal." He saw Tony continue to rise. Aliens tried to block his path in their flying vehicles, but Thor and Erza were there to stop them. Once Tony reached a parallel position from the portal, Izumi ordered.

"All right Tony stop pushing the missile and adjust to your right."

"All right." he did as told and a chitauri flying vehicle fell. Rapidly approaching, Tony saw a Leviathan about to block his path. Just as he was about to yell out, huge arcs of electricity came crashing on the creature, electrocuting it and killing it. In the distance, Thor could be seen breathing heavily.

"Now Mr. Stark adjust to your left for about 1 meter." Tony did as told. The portal was getting closer.

"Okay, Mr. Stark. on my signal, you let go and come back. Do you hear?"

"Yeah kid, but you gotta hurry up."

"3" The portal was getting closer and the ship in the space started moving.

"2" Some of the chitauri soldiers started to chase after Tony realizing what he had.

"1" The portal was getting really close as the ship started approaching the entrance to earth.


"AHHHH!" Tony shouted as he pushed himself off the nuke right at the entrance of the portal and flew down.

The missile flew like a shooting star toward the ship. Once it reached, it blew up. A huge sphere of fire and radiation was getting bigger and bigger swallowing the whole ship. The alien soldiers started collapsing as their mother ship was destroyed. Leviathans no longer had the capacity to fly as they fell down the sky.

"NATASHA! CLOSE THE PORTAL!" shouted Steve. The assassin pushed the sceptre hard and, when the tip touched the Tesseract, the beam keeps the portal open was stopped closing the portal. Luckily the shockwave and the radiation of the explosion did not cross to the other side of the gateway.

Everyone around the world cheered. The invasion was finally over! The Avengers sighed in relief, but not the members of the Multiverse Chat Group. Something was amiss.

'Where is the anomaly' they thought. The heroes went to meet up at the Stark Tower to capture Loki who was beaten down by Hulk.

"Puny god," he grunted. It would seem that it was easy for him to be.

Once the Tesseract and Loki were secured and they were about to leave, they heard slow clapping. Turning around, the heroes saw a lone person wearing a cloak.

"Congratulations O mighty heroes for stopping the invasion."

"I'm sorry, but who are you?" asked Tony.

"Ah right. I'm sorry for my rudeness." He removed his hood revealing a pale face with a piranha-like mouth and teeth and black eyes. He also had six fingers on each hand. Everyone stepped back, hands on their weapon and tensed.

"I am the Other the one who orchestrated this invasion."

"You? It was you who poisoned my brother's mind?" Thor asked as he was slowly getting angry.

"Oh please. Your brother only needed a push in the right direction and he would go like a dog running after a stick."

Thor roared in anger and tried to bring down his hammer on him, but he was swatted like a bug.

"Thor!" the heroes called him.

"What do you want?" asked Steve.

"What I want Mr. Rogers is to create Chaos and spread Evil and Fear everywhere I go." As soon as they heard the alien's reply, Izumi and his group received a notification.

[Anomaly detected!

Name: The Other (James Cook)

Status: Reincarnated

Master: Nyarlathotep

James Cook was a death row prisoner for mass murder and rape. After his execution, he later submitted to Nyarlathotep to do all sorts of evil and raise chaos.

Mission Updated:

Kill the anomaly before it causes more problems]

"Fuck went through the mind of the group members. Korosensei was the first to act. He sped toward The Other and lashed out his tentacles at him, but the latter already anticipated it and quickly jumped out of the window.

" Try to catch me. Meanwhile, I'll kill all those humans you protected." he declared while laughing maniacally.

"Quick after him!" shouted Izumi. Everyone chased after him. Izumi and Korosensei ran down the side of the building. Stark carried Steve and Kazuma down while Thor carried Barton and Erza carried Kuroneko. Hulk simply jumped down and created a crater on the road. When Kazuma saw James running toward one of the shelters, he called out his magic,

"[𝐄𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐁𝐨𝐱]!"

Four walls of asphalt rose around the servant of the Outer God before a fifth appeared from the upper side of the four walls completely covering the criminal. But, it soon proved to be useless as the walls were blown apart.

"You pathetic mongrels! Very well. I shall kill you first before enjoying my feast!" he shouted. Reddish smoke appeared from behind him and it soon started moving toward them. Ezra saw that anything the smoke touches was reduced to ashes.

"Watch out! The smoke turns anything to ashes!" she warned. Everyone jumped back to avoid the smoke.

'Since this is smoke, I should do this' Izumi thought.

He brought his hands forward and launched a spell (Great Breakthrough).

Wind spewed out and forward towards the smoke quickly dispersing it. Seeing the stunned look of the villain, Captain America seeing took the opportunity to throw his shield at his face and Natasha shot bullets at it, Clint shot some arrows and Tony shot his beams. All projectiles were blocked as the cloak expanded and hardened around The Other. Smirking at them, he taunted them.

"Nothing can hurt me! I was blessed! Little insects should know their place."

"This guy is seriously pissing me off," said Tony. They heard a roar and Hulk jumped at the villain, but the latter jumped backwards. Izumi who was observing the Outer God servant noticed something odd.

"Hey guys, is it me or does he not know how to fight," he asked."

"I have noticed that as well," replied Korosensei

"Me too," responded Erza.

"Well, it looks to me that he knows plenty on how to fight." objected Kazuma

"I don't think it matters if he knows or not. We still got to beat him." Kuroneko added.

"What I mean is that he doesn't know how to fight and use his power. Like that smoke thing, he could've used it in the building and kill all of us in one shot."

"Are you saying that it's his first time using his powers?" asked Kazuma.

"He must have been quite arrogant to not use his powers and plan an invasion," said Erza.

"Does that mean we have a chance at beating him?" asked Kuroneko.

"Yeah, but we still have to be careful."

Hulk punched and the cloak, but couldn't penetrate its defence with his strength. Seeing this opportunity, James brought his fist back. Blood-red energy gathered at his fist. He then punched hard making the hulk fly backwards. with the avengers in front, he launched his smoke again and they reduced everything in their path into ashes. Korosensei quickly saved the group with his speed. After saving them, he turned around and started to spin his tentacles in a helicopter fashion. gusts of wind started to form as he sped up his rotation of arms. To the group's surprise, the wind was ineffective.

"What!? How?" asked the shocked Korosensei. Without waiting for a reply, he grabbed the four heroes and sped away. Izumi quickly cast another wind spell since it worked with him. As the spell and the red blanket of smoke, the smoke was quickly dispersed, but James took control of the smoke and brought it back together. Izumi came to a realization,

"It's magic! The winds made of magic is the counter of that ability!" he shouted.

"Then you're the only one who can counter it," said Steve.


"Than I shall be of help." a voice said. He quickly turned around and saw a bald woman in monk clothes.

"Ancient One!"

"Hello again, Mr. Enigma. Quite the troublesome enemy you have there. I hear that magical wind is a counter for that fog."


"Then let me." she raised her hand and a magic circle appeared in front of her.

"By the (Wondrous Winds of Watoomb)!" Wind once again came forth from the magic circles and countered the smoke.

"Go!" she told Izumi. With a burst of mana from his feet, he quickly reached the villain and landed an elbow at the defensive cloak. With (Reinforcement) empowering him, he used (Mana Burst) to add strength to his strike. Blue energy burst out and the combination of the elbow strike with magic struck the villain blowing apart his cloak and making him fly away. The villain skidded on the road before slumping onto the ground. The Ancient One cast another spell when she saw him fall to the ground.

"By the (Crimson Bands of Cyttorak)!"

Read circles appeared around before closing in on the villain and trapping him.

The group approached him and was about to arrest him. Looking at that, Izumi frowned. It was too easy, he felt that even though he was inexperienced, as a servant of an Outer God, he is supposed to give more fight. That's when they heard a chuckle. The advancing group froze and went into battle mode. The chuckle transformed into giggling then into a laugh and then into a full-blown laugh. Kazuma who saw this lost his temper.

"What are you laughing for you bitch!" The laughter slowly died down before eyes filled with insanity and lust for evil looked at them.

"I'm laughing because you think you've won."

"Is that not it? You are surrounded and trapped. You have no way out." said Steve.

"You see I haven't even used my trump card yet." Everyone tensed at his words.

"Let me show you as I bring a portion Of Nyarlathotep on this earth. Gaze upon its form and die knowing you couldn't; do anything.!" he said as his skin started to wriggle.

It is as if millions of insects were crawling under his skin. Kuroneko felt like vomiting seeing that. Black liquid started to come out of each of his orifices. Ears, mouth, eyes, etc. Then the wriggling under his skin stopped. Silence reigned in the atmosphere.


Suddenly, the villain exploded as a mass of black and red flesh grew and consumed its body. The whole time the villain was laughing hysterically until it only the roars of the creature could be heard. The creature started to grow at a very rapid pace. Pink, red, black flesh grew everywhere as tentacles started to form with a mouth filled with razor-sharp teeth. A last, the creature was now as tall as a 20-stories building and rapidly growing


Anomaly has called upon a small portion of Nyarlathotep's power. To defeat it, destroy its core! Do it before it gets too big to eliminate!]

"Son of a bitch! Does it never end!?" swore Tony.

"Oh my god," whispered Steve.

"Motherfucker! What the hell is that!?" asked Fury who was watching the fight.

"I don't know sir."

"Then find out and find a way to kill this shit!"

The heroes ran as the disgusting creature was growing. Consuming everything to aid in its growth. Kuroneko froze. She couldn't move as she was paralyzed in fear. Erza tackled the girl when a start piece of concrete was about to fall on her.

"Wake up Kuroneko! Now is not the time to get scared," she shouted at the girl


"It's okay. We will get through this." Erza had to remind herself that this was Kuroneko's first fight in her entire life. Kuroneko calmed herself, took a deep breath and nodded.

"Y-Yes. We'll get through this. We will defeat this monster. No monster can put the Queen of Darkness down." she said with a shaky smile. Erza smiled at her and both went back to fight

"Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!" Kazuma kept on swearing as he ran all the while sending spikes at the creature. He saw that the creature couldn't swallow the spikes he created, but since it only pierced it, the creature regenerated the flesh lost.

"USE MAGIC ON IT! AND FIND ITS CORE!" All the members tried to use magic on it. Korosensei tried to create a bounded field around it to slow it down. Kuroneko used Darkness blast with a corrosion curse on it. Erza covered her weapon with magic to slice off its limbs. The Ancient One was using dimensional energy to deal damage. The creature only regenerated the flesh lost. The only thing slowing it down was Korosensei's bounded field, but he will run out of mana soon As they fought, Izumi was trying to find the core until he saw it.

A stray spike from Kazuma pierced its flesh and exposed an orb. a glowing blood-red orb was stuck inside the flesh before it quickly regenerated.

"There! At the center of the creature! The core is there!" shouted Izumi. Everyone listened to him and tried to shoot everything they had. Thor's divine lightning, Kuroneko's Darkness magic, Kazuma's Earth Magic, Erza's swords, etc. Seeing no effect, Izumi came to a decision, he was sure that his magic would be shot for a minimum of a few days, but it will be worth it.

"Guys, buy me 3 minutes!"

"At this rate, 1 minute won't be enough!" retorted Tony.

"You have a plan?" asked the Captain.

"Yeah, I only need 3 minutes." He nodded.

"All right. 3 minutes it is." the group of heroes attacked with more vigour. Meanwhile, Izumi started to speed up the rotation of his magic circuits. An engine-like noise started to be heard as his magic circuits were glowing brighter. He took a deep breath, excelled and said his first words.

"I am the Fool with many dreams."

Izumi started releasing a lot of mana. He kept concentrating on his next line.

"From the beginning until the end"

"Izumi started to feel the strain of the magic he was releasing. Using (Thought Acceleration) and (Memory Partition) he let them concentrate on the magic he needed

"There is only never-ending potential"

With that third aria, a foreign knowledge appeared in his mind. In a trance, his finger started to glow and he started writing runes in midair.

Thor who was frying the creature with lightning saw the runes written by Izumi.

'Runes! But, only Father has the knowledge of runes! Let's not think of it now.' he thought.

Still, in a trance, Izumi's finger blurred as Norse runes. There were many runes such as

Thurisaz whose meaning was Strong one, Conflict, Weapon, Defense. Izumi used it to increase the strength of his spell

Fehu whose meaning was vigour, initial condition, mana. He used it to attract the mana of the atmosphere.

Kenaz whose meaning was controlled fire, knowledge, craft, etc. He used it to create the fire necessary for the spell.

There were many more runes repeating and connected to form three huge magic circles stacked in front of each other. When he finally finished, Izumi woke up from his trance just in time to see his magic circle glowing and about to be used.

"GET OUT OF THE WAY!" The others didn't need to be told twice. They all hit the deck as the magic circles reached a critical level. The creature finally noticed the circles and was about to turn away, but it was too late. Even if it was a portion of an Outer God's power, it was still made from the villain and its weakness was magic therefore this was the final attack against the monster. A huge torrent of fire came forth like a tsunami and raced toward the creature. Due to its huge size, it couldn't move very fast and was soon swallowed by the flames. It tried to regenerate, but the fire burned all of its cells and not even its ashes were left. Everyone held their breath as they saw the fire incinerating the monster and finally they could see the core. But even the core couldn't resist the fire and was incinerated until nothing was left. The fire soon died down and everyone was left struck speechless. The aftermath of the fire was insane. The sides of the building were charged and the metal was melting like lava, the concrete was in ashes, and the road turned into a pool of lava. This stretched about 100m in length and 25 meters in width.

The silence was reigning around them. Everyone was waiting for a surprise attack and was waiting for the creature to regenerate. They waited for 1 whole minute as the entire world was in silence. The civilians who felt the heat tried to watch the news as they held their breath. Fury and his agents were silent on their Helicarrier as they watched through their cameras for an attack. The entire world was transfixed on their TV as they awaited another surprise. They were silent until one hero started to move. Enigma painfully approached the now-cooled road and searched for a sign of the enemy. After what seemed like an eternity, he looked back at the group and slowly, but surely raised a fist in the air. At that moment, The entire world roared. Tony and the Captain fell to the ground with a smile. Natasha and Barton were smiling at each other, Kuroneko and Erza were hugging each other as well as Kazuma and Korosensei. Both were openly shedding their tears, but whenever asked they would deny it. Thor went to get Loki who was now awake and tried to run away but was caught by Thor. Everyone at Shield was cheering with Fury smiling. The hidden civilians were all cheering for the heroes who save the day and the rest of the entire world released a breath they were holding.

The heroes heard a sound and they saw the emergencies and police were arriving on the scene to help the civilians. This day will be remembered in the history books of the world where a group of heroes stood up to a literal army of aliens and fended them off.

Izumi was looking around with a smile when all of a sudden, he felt immense pain in his body. It felt like his body was tearing apart and then being stabbed with a red-hot metal directly at his nerves. Blood started leaking from his mouth, ears and tear ducts. Letting a horrifying cry, he collapsed on the floor and convulsed then he passed out.



"What's happening to him?" asked a crying Kuroneko

"I-I don't- k-know" stuttered Kazuma bewildered.

An orange portal opened in front of the group with the Ancient One right beside it.

"Take him in here." Without hesitating, the members of the group chat took him through the portal.

"You too come in," she told the American heroes.

Without question, they all entered and the portal closed behind them.