
Dreams of the Fool

He died after being hit by a truck. A normal death, right? What is not normal is that he had been reborn and it was not what he expected. 'THE HELL? I AM IN HORIMIYA AS IZUMI MIYAMURA!

Arcanum_02 · Anime und Comics
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80 Chs

Chapter 5: Avengers

Izumi woke up feeling refreshed.

'Today's the day. Today Loki is going to steal the Tesseract.' he thought as he got dressed.

For the past 7 days, the group has trained hard. Kazuma improved his control over his earth magic, Kuroneko improved her control over her Darkness magic and created multiple spells, Korosensei learned to use his Innate Time Control to slow down his body's degradation, and Erza has improved her control over her magic weapons and tried to limit collateral damage while using her magic. Izumi had a breakthrough in his magic, especially his magic circuits. For days, he was wondering how to increase his magic capacity, but he forgot one thing. The question was not "How to increase my magic capacity?", but "How to use more magic?". Therefore, instead of searching for a way to increase his magic capacity, he thought about how to use it more efficiently. Only one character from the Nasuverse came to his mind: Aoko Aozaki.

Aoko Aozaki is a Magician in the Nasuverse that uses the fifth type of True Magic: Magic Blue. She is the literal definition of " a car that runs 1000 kilometres with only 1 litre of gasoline" as she uses very little magical energy to perform lots of magic. Her secret is in the rotation speed of her magic circuits. Using this idea, Izumi tried to control the rotation speed of his magic circuits. Fortunately, he had absolute control over his mana making it easier for him to gain control over his circuit's rotational speed. Because he only recently gained control over his rotational speed, he hadn't had much mastery, but the results were very obvious. Before, using (Dragon Fire) cost about 40 units of mana, but now it used 34 units. A decrease of 15% is a lot!

Happy with his new ability, Izumi quickly got dressed and went out to eat. At the cafeteria of the monastery, he saw his group already eating.

"Good morning guys." Izumi waved at them.

"Good morning Izumi"

"Good morning Miyamura"

"Good morning young Izumi"

"Mornin' pretty boy."

Izumi went to grab some food and sat beside them.

"So you guys know that today is the day right?" Izumi asked. The group nodded.

"Are we going to stop Loki?" asked Kuroneko.

"No, we will not stop him."

"Why?" asked Erza.

"Because we wouldn't know who our real enemy is. Right, Miyamura," replied Kazuma.

"You're right. You guys have to remember that there is another force outside of this Marvel universe at play here. If it was only us, then the Ancient One would be able to see the future, but now she can't. Until proven otherwise, we will treat this entity as an enemy. Are we clear?"

"Yes," they replied at the same time.

"Then are we just going to let the people die when Loki comes out?" asked Kuroneko frowning.

Izumi smiled.

"Of course not. We have our solution right here," he said pointing at Korosensei.

The yellow Octopus pointed at himself.


"Yes, you," replied Izumi.

"With your stealth ability and your speed."

"Can you explain?" asked Erza.

"So here's how it goes. Korosensei will use his stealth ability to sneak to the base and wait there. Once Loki enters the scene, while everyone will be distracted by him, Korosensei will use his speed to carry the people before they die. They won't see him coming or going therefore remaining incognito and saving many people."

"Oh!" A small round of applause appeared within the group.

"Thank you. Thank you." Izumi received applause with a smug face. He then turned towards the teacher.

"Now can I ask you to do that Korosensei?"

The giant octopus with a huge smiley face, replied while forming a thumbs up

"No problem young Miyamura. Up until now, no one has been faster than me therefore I will save them before they even know what happened."

"All right. Let's eat then let's visit New York City and rest because all Hell will break loose tonight."


For the rest of the day, They visited New York and went to eat at restaurants. Fortunately, for the group, Izumi had brought yen and exchanged it for American money.

"Oh! How I missed you my dead Earth Food-chan" lamented Kazuma as he ate the hamburgers.

Erza wanted to raid the cake shops to get the strawberry cakes, but luckily Kuroneko was there to stop her. Unfortunately, Korosensei had to stay at the New York sanctum to not draw attention because of his unique physiology. With a tearful and dramatic goodbye, the group separated and the others promised him to bring souvenirs.

It was now time for operation Korosensei to the rescue. They were back at the New York Sanctum after saying their farewell and thanking the Ancient One for her hospitability.

"Do not worry. We will succeed in our mission to save New York." Izumi smiled

"I can only hope Mr. Miyamura. My disciples and I will provide full support during the invasion," she said.

She shook hands with everyone and the group went back to the New York Sanctum.

"Okay Korosensei, are you ready?"

"Yes, student Miyamura. Do not worry"

"All right, let's open the chat group and you start the stream."

Some time ago, they discovered the chat system featured a streaming and video chat system. They were going to use it to see Korosensei in action and watch the opening scenes of the Avengers movie.

Every member opened the chat and entered the stream room that Korosensei has created. A video was shown from Korosensei's viewpoint.

"It works" cheered Kuroneko.

"This is fascinating. Whoever created this system is a genius." stared Erza at the screen in awe.

Izumi frowned at the mention of the unknown creator. He put that thought at the back of his mind.

"It's just like Twitch, but 3d and holographic." described Kazuma.

"Okay, Korosensei. Try not to get caught by the satellites." started Izumi.

"Who do you think I am? I was known as the Reaper before being a teacher you know. Just me give the signal." Korosensei gave a smug.

"3" Izumi started to count backwards.

"2" everyone else joined in.

"1" Korosensei got ready.

"Go" and with that last word, Korosensei disappeared leaving only an afterimage which soon disappeared.

"Wow, look at him go!" shouted in awe Kazuma as he watched the live stream of Korosensei. Looking at the stream, everything was just a blur. Even if it was night, the scenery was changing rapidly until it became a constant desert.

When Korosensei arrived, he became unconscious as he began to blend with the surrounding. The rest of the group see him making evasive maneuvers as he avoided everyone until he reached a lab. Everyone could see the scientists and workers researching a blue cube that was held by a huge contraption.

They could also see Agent Barton aka Hawkeye hiding high above the ground. The blue cube was the Tesseract.

"You know..." Kazuma began.

"What?" asked Izumi.

"It suddenly hit me that we are really in a fictional world. That this system and the multiverse exist. That I really did die and reincarnated." the Konosuba protagonist finished with a sombre tone.

"Are you okay Kazuma?" asked Kuroneko.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

Izumi understood what he was talking about. He also went through the same existential crisis when he was reborn, but he had 16 years to get over it, whereas, Kazuma only had a few days.

"What are you going to do about it?" Izumi suddenly said.

"What?" asked back Kazuma.

"I'm asking what are you going to do about it? You died and that's bad. But you got another chance at life even if it was a "shitty" goddess." Izumi said using air quotes. "So I'm asking you, what are you going to do about your second life? Live as a Hikimori or grasp that chance and change your life and destiny." Izumi said as he stared at Kazuma.

Kazuma was contemplating his words and looked back at him.

"You're right. I have a second chance at life and I'm going to use it. No matter what, I will fight and experience my new life."


A comfortable silence was permeating in the room until broken by Kazuma.

"You know that speech was cringy."

"I know, I just came into my head and was shot out of my mouth without even processing it," Izumi said with a sigh.

The whole room burst into laughter including the two girls who were listening to the conversation.

"It may be cringy as you say Kazuma, but Izumi is not wrong. Plus, you have us as your friends now to help," said Erza

"She is right. You may be a Hikineet and a loser otaku-" started Kuroneko.


"But we will help you." she finished.

"Thank you."

At this moment, the voice of Korosensei was heard through the stream.

"My students, I think it is starting," he whispered.

[Izumi]: Ok be careful.

On the screen, the group saw that the Tesseract was starting to act differently, was starting to pulse and release a lot of energy. The workers were getting worked up and scrambling around to find the cause. A few minutes later, a general evacuation was called. Everyone started to evacuate. About one hour later, the Director of Shield, Nick Fury, arrived on the scene.

"Talk to me, Doctor. Is there going to be a problem?"

"Sir!" replied Dr. Selvig

"Is there anything we know about that?"

"The tesseract is misbehaving," the scientist explained as another worker pocked the cube with a metal stick before being pushed back.

"Are you trying to be funny?" Fury frowned.

"I'm not being funny. Not only is she active, but she's also misbehaving."

"So we pull the plug."

"She is an energy source, sir. We tried to shut her off, but she powers back on."

" If she reaches peak level..."

"We've prepared for this doctor. Harnessing energy from outer space."

"I know sir. It is not like my calculations are complete. She is emitting interfering-radiation throwing off our calculations. It is only low-level gamma radiation, nothing harmful,"

"That can be harmful. Where is Agent Barton?" asked the director of SHIELD.

"The Hawk? He's up in his nest." Dr. Selvig replied as he pointed at the person mentioned.

"I gave you this detail so you could keep an eye on this." Fury told Barton.

"Sir, I see better from far away."

What sounded like a cool line was broken by Kuroneko as she asked,

"Is he farsighted?"

The group broke into chuckles as they continued watching the stream.

"... There is nothing here. If there was any tampering it must not be from this end." Barton finished his report.

"This end?" asked Fury.

"Yeah, the Tesseract is a doorway to the other of space. Doorways open from both sides"

As soon as he said that, the cube started pulsing even more. The people backed away and waited as the scientist were figuring out the cause. The cube started to power up as arcs of energy escaped from it until it shot a blue beam at a raised platform forming what looks like a distorted space. A few seconds later, the built-up energy was released, creating a shockwave and knocking down the tech and the people. Once the blue energy dispersed, the place where the distortion in space happened was replaced by a person in green holding a sceptre.

[Izumi]: Loki has arrived Korosensei, be prepared.

"Roger that student Miyamura," replied Korosensei.

Loki stood up and looked around with a full-blown evil grin.

"Sir, please put the sceptre down." called out Fury.

Loki looked at his unexpected audience then at his sceptre, before quickly firing a blast at them. The blast reached the tech resulting in an explosion sending the people away. Unseen to everyone, a blur passed, caught the people and put them somewhere safe. Loki continued to fire magic blasts at the crowd. In the chaos, another blur saved the soldiers before the blasts even hit them. Realizing that he is killing no one, he launched himself into the crowd to stab them, but, once again another blur got the soldiers out of the way. Frustrated, Loki turned around and saw that most of the people were gone except Barton, Selvig and Fury and a few unconscious soldiers. Korosensei, specifically left them so that the story stays the same with minimal casualties.

As Barton tried to attack Loki, he was brainwashed by the latter and the god of mischief continued brainwashing the

rest of the people. Meanwhile, Fury tried to take the Tesseract but was stopped by Loki.

"Please don't, I still need that." the god said.

"This doesn't have to get any worse," replied Fury.

While Loki was explaining his grand plan, Korosensei evacuated everyone out of the building before it collapses. now he was just observing the situation.

[Izumi]: Good job Korosensei. Now just observe the situation and then come back when Loki escapes.

The octopus teacher gave a thumbs up. Soon enough, Fury was shot, and Loki escapes with the Tesseract and his brainwashed soldiers.

Once in the stolen vehicle, Loki thought about the mysterious blur saving everyone.

After the building collapsed because of the unstable portal, Fury contacted Hill.

"Hill, how many did we lose?"

"That's the thing, sir. We've had zero casualties."



"How is that possible?" asked Fury bewildered.

"I don't know, sir, the ones that were saved just described him as a giant yellow blur.

"All right Hill. Coulson?"

"Yes sir" Coulson replied.

"You have 2 missions. Find Loki and secure the Tesseract and find the yellow blur.

"Ok. What about you sir?"

"I'm going to start up the Avenger initiative."

"Are you sure sir? The project was scrapped."

"We don't have a choice anymore. The moment Loki took the Tesseract, it was war."

"Very well sir."

Fury gazed at the wreckage and thought about the events of today, meanwhile, the very yellow blur was sipping on coffee at the New York Sanctum after being congratulated by his team.

"That was awesome Korosensei" complimented Kuroneko.

The group was holding a small celebration until Izumi spoke.

"That was great Korosensei."

"That was nothing for me, my dear student," replied Korosensei with an ever present smiley face.

"Now that this part of the mission is done. Let's move on to the next phase."

The others nodded.