
Dreams of the Fool

He died after being hit by a truck. A normal death, right? What is not normal is that he had been reborn and it was not what he expected. 'THE HELL? I AM IN HORIMIYA AS IZUMI MIYAMURA!

Arcanum_02 · Anime und Comics
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80 Chs

Chapter 17: A Psychic?

"Come in," said a voice.

Izumi Miyamura opened the door and entered the principal's office. Inside, he saw an office with a pillar and a bust on top of it. Behind the desk, Izumi could see a short man in a suit wearing a pair of glasses and a growing case of baldness.

"Ah! You must be the transfer student Miyamura-kun! Welcome to PK Academy!" he said as he stood up from his seat. Izumi bowed and replied,

"Thank you for accepting me, principal Kanda."

"How polite. I hope you enjoy your time in this school." he smiled. He sat down and picked up a paper and handed it to him.

"Since the class is going to start soon, you may head to your homeroom in class 3. You may follow Matsuzaki-san as he will guide you to your class," he said as a man in gym clothes with short black hair and brown kin colour entered the office. The principal then introduced him to Izumi.

"Miyamura-kun, this is Matsuzaki-san. He will be your guidance counsellor and he will also be your gym teacher. Matsuzaki-san, this is Miyamura-kun, he will be a new transfer student in class 3."

"Hello Miyamura-san, welcome to Pk Academy." greeted the gym teacher with a gruff voice.

"Hello Matsuzaki-sensei, it's a pleasure to be here," Izumi replied as he bowed once again.

"Come we must get you to your class. Have a nice day Principal Kanda." the gruff teacher said and left the office with Izumi following closely behind.

"Have a good day Miyamura-kun." the principal farewells.

"You too, Principal Kanda" Izumi replied and closed the door.

As they were walking down the hallway, Matsuzaki asked some questions to Izumi concerning his life in general and the teen happily answered him. Of course, all the information was taken from the identities that he had created for this world. Soon they arrived in front of class 2.

"Wait here, I will inform Shima-sensei of your arrival." the man said entering the class.

He soon came out.

"Alright Miyamura-san, I will see you in gym class or if you need help you can see me as I am your guidance counsellor. Have a good day," he said.

"Ok sensei. Have a good day," Izumi replied with a smile. The teacher smiled and nodded before going away.

Izumi then heard his name and entered his new class.

Saiki Kusuo was seating in his class calmly while the other students were talking to each other.

'Yare Yare, I have found another psychic medium yesterday and I wonder if there will be more of them. What would my life be like if there was another one like me in this world? Would they be like me or would they be showcasing their ability? Yare Yare, just thinking about it gives me a headache and I don't get those very often.' Saiki thought. That's when he noticed something.

'Huh?' why is Matsuzaki-sensei coming here? Does he have an announcement? But who is he talking to?' That's when he noticed something strange. He could hear Matsuzaki-sensei's thoughts going like "Oh. So he goes there." or "That's where his parents are." and "He looks like a promising student." Usually, thoughts like that are for people you are reading something or talking to someone. Using his X-ray vision, he could see the teacher in question walking in front of a teen with black hair tied in a ponytail with what you could describe as a handsome face. Suddenly, when he tried to observe the boy, it seemed like his X-ray was not working.

'What!' thought Saiki in his mind. This was the first time something like this has ever happened. Usually, he could not stop his X-Ray vision except if he constantly blinked otherwise he would see past the clothes of the person he was observing. But this time, he didn't even need to blink and he couldn't see through the boy. It's like something was blocking his X-Ray vision.

"Who is he?" Saiki thought perplexed at this development. He saw Matsuzaki-sensei tell the boy to wait in the hallway and went inside the class.

"Shima-sensei, I brought the student," he said.

"Thank you Matsuzaki-sensei. I will call him in," she replied. The man nodded and left the class while the woman turned back to the classroom.

"Alright, everyone. I have an announcement. We are going to have a new transfer student today. Please be nice to him as he had been abroad until just recently."

The students started to get agitated and to talk amongst themselves.

"What? is it a boy or a girl?" one girl asked.

"I wish the new transfer is a handsome boy." replied her friend.

"No. The new transfer will be a girl! A pretty girl!" interjected a boy with green broccoli hair.

"Yeah!" agreed several boys in the class with him.

"Maybe he's a spy that came to gather information on me Jet Back WIngs. I must remain vigilant to not give anything away that the person may give to Dark Reunion." said a boy with light blue hair and a red bandage covering his right hand. His name was Kaidou Shun.

'Maybe I can be friends with that transfer student,' Saiki heard him think.

'Yare Yare, for the first time, I think you may be on to something.' Saiki thought.

"This person is lucky to be in my class. Because I am a beautiful girl, he or she will be lucky to gaze eyes on me. Why? Because I am a pretty girl who is loved by God.' thought Teruhashi.

'Will they really?' thought Saiki when he heard Teruhashi's inner thoughts

"Hey partner, let's go get ramen together after school." said a boy with a buzz cut and yellow mohawk.

'And there's Nedou who didn't even listen to the teacher.' internally groaned the psychic.

"Calm down everyone, the person will introduce himself you can then ask him questions later." Said the teacher and turned towards the door.

"You can come in," she said and the door opened with the boy coming in.

"Kya! It's a boy!" shouted the girls excited

"Shit! It's a boy." shouted the boys angry.


When Izumi entered the class, he saw the class divided into three: the girls, the boys and the uninterested. He walked to the board and picked up the chalk. He then turned towards the board and wrote: Miyamura Izumi. Putting the chalk back, he then turned towards the class.

"Hello everyone! My name is Miyamura Izumi and I am 17 years old. It's a pleasure to meet you guys," he said as he bowed to the class.

"If you have questions, you may ask him. But nothing too personal." the teacher said and the students exploded with questions.

"Which school did you go to?" asked a girl.

"I did not go to school in Japan because, until now, I was in the US with my parents."

"Then why did you come now?" asked a boy

"I wanted to study in my country of origin and my parents let me."

"Do you do sports?"


"Do you have a girlfriend?"

"No." And so for the next 5 minutes, the students took turns asking questions and Izumi answered each of them.

The teacher then clapped her hands to gather attention.

"Ok! Ok! I think that's enough questions. You can ask him later during the break. Miyamura-san, you can seat next to Teruhashi-san in the back."

'Next to Teruhashi. How lucky!' thought several boys in sync.

"Ok sensei," Izumi said and started walking down the row. When he walked past by Saiki's desk, he felt a slight pressure on his mind like something brushed past it. He stopped just beside's Saiki's desk and looked at the pink-haired boy. The latter also did the same and looked at the black-haired boy. They stared at each other.

"Is there something wrong Miyamura-san?" the teacher asked. Izumi shook his head,

"Nothing sensei." he then turned towards Saiki and asked,

"I'm sorry, but may I ask your name?"

"Saiki." the psychic curtly replied.

Izumi nodded and said,

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, Saiki. I hope we can be friends." Izumi said with a smile before going to his assigned seat.

Now they both knew that they each possessed a supernatural ability.

"Yare Yare, just when I was thinking about another psychic, here comes a new one. Is having supernatural powers now a trend? I can't even read his mind now." Saiki thought looking like he was done.

'What was that? Does he have supernatural power? Is it mind-related? Did it work?' thought.

His thoughts were interrupted when a female voice was heard.

"Hello Miyamura-kun, my name is Teruhashi Kokomi. It's a pleasure to meet you. I can share my books if you don't have yours." she said but her thoughts were different.

'It's the boy that I saw three days ago. Maybe I can get him to say "Oh!" now. Then he will be like " Oh! It's the girl I saw three days ago. It's like destiny made us meet each other again." and swoon for me. Why? Because I am the most beautiful and kindest girl that has walked on this earth,' she thought with a radiant smile.

'She already met him? And he didn't give an "Oh!" This just gives more proof that he is a psychic because no one can resist Teruhashi's aura.' thought Saiki when he heard her mind.

"It's a pleasure as well Teruhashi-san, but I must say no to your offer because I already have my books. Still, I thank you for offering me your books" Izumi said as he showed her his books.

'The more I stay away from her, the better. Who knows what she will do?' Izumi thought.

Teruhashi turned grey as a statue in shock at the denial.

'W-What? Why did he not say "Oh!" why did he not swoon? Why is he still in my head? is he like Saiki? Saiki-kun also did not fall for my charms and I heard that the more you think about someone, it means that you have feelings for that person. Does that mean I have feelings for Saiki-kun and Miyamura? Noo! It's not good to cheat Kokomi. You can only choose one.' thought Teruhashi as she tried to shake her thoughts away.

If Izumi could hear her thoughts, he would've sweatdropped at the absurdity of this girl's mind and would think that someone dropped her on the head when she was a baby. Unfortunately, for her, someone heard her thoughts,

'Oi! Oi! Oi! Calm down Teruhashi-san! What kind of conclusions are you jumping to? You are going way too fast. You just met the suspicious guy less than 2 minutes ago and you just saw him three days ago.' thought Saiki as he sweatdropped hearing Teruhashi's mind.

The bell for lunch had finally rung and students started to flock around Izumi asking him questions and the latter answered them happily. Soon, he had to leave the classroom to go get some lunch, when he was going back to class after getting his lunch, he saw that he was alone in the hallway. Sensing a movement, he turned around and saw Saiki Kusuo moving toward him. The pink-haired esper stopped in front of Izumi and just stood there staring at him.

"Hello, Saiki-san do you need something?" asked Izumi as he looked at the shorter boy.

Saiki simply stared at him and Izumi once again felt a slight pressure on his mind, but nothing major.

"Who are you?" he asked with his mouth.

"Didn't I already present myself? My name is Miyamura Izumi?" the taller boy replied in confusion.

"What are you?" Saiki asked curtly.

Izumi raised an eyebrow and asked back,

"I don't quite understand what you are talking about?"

"You're not an ordinary person."

"Is that a statement or a question?"

"A statement. You are not an ordinary person because you have a supernatural ability." Izumi now raised his eye in surprise.

'This guy goes straight to the point, doesn't he?' thought Izumi when he heard Saiki admit that he was unordinary.

"What makes you say that?" he asked trying to find out more about his fellow superhuman.

"I couldn't read your mind and I couldn't see through you."

"So that's what that pressure was," said Izumi as he nodded before he froze.

"Wait? What do you mean "see through me"?" he asked a little disturbed.

"My X-ray vision didn't work on you," bluntly Saiki replied with his deadpan expression. Izumi then had a horrified expression before trying to cover his body with his arms.

"Are you some kind of pervert? What kind of person just tried to look through someone? I didn't know you used your powers like that." Izumi replied with a scared expression and slowly tried to inch his way away from Saiki.

A tick mark appeared on Saiki's face and he raised his balled fist.

'I want to punch his face. A pervert? Me? Using my powers for perversion? Ridiculous!' thought Saiki.

"No, I just can control my abilities so I just see the bones of people after a certain time of staring at them. I can't control my mind reading since it's passive. Therefore, I am not a pervert," Saiki corrected Izumi as he gritted his teeth. Izumi sighed in relief.

"Oh. You should've said so. I know I'm handsome so I must be vigilant of perverts." Izumi said as he scratched his cheek.

At that moment, Saiki wanted to punch his face. He took a deep breath to calm himself and said,

"Come with me." Izumi saw his serious expression and stopped joking with him.


"Somewhere private." the psychic replied.

The two looked at each other before the black-haired boy nodded.

"Ok. Lead the way."

Saiki then started walking, passing some students before climbing up some stairs until they arrived at a pretty isolated area right next to the staircase. There Izumi could see that another student was already waiting for them. There stood a boy with messy purple hair tied in a bandanna wearing the school uniform and an unbuttoned gakuran. He also wore sandals instead of school-assigned shoes. Izumi recognized him when he read his file. It was the transfer student who arrived at that same time as him and his name was Toritsuka Reita.

"Master! Master! Why did you call me here? I was telling others about their guardian spirit when you told me to come here." He turned towards Izumi.

"And who are you?" Izumi didn't reply and turned towards Saiki before pointing at both students,

"Is this some sort of weird role play whereof is the master and the other is the slave?" Multiple tick marks appeared on Saiki's forehead.

"He is not my slave and I am not his master," he said through his teeth.

"Oi! Don't ignore me! Saiki-san has only one disciple and it's me! Also, you never told me who you are?" fumed Toritsuka. Izumi cleaned his ear before blowing it and asked,

"I'm sorry did you say something?"

"AAAHHH!" yelled the other transfer student. Izumi chuckled before saying,

"I'm just kidding. My name is Miyamura Izumi and I am a new transfer student in class 3. Saiki asked me to follow him here and didn't say why."

"Ah. My name is Toritsuka Reita and I am also a new transfer student, but I am in class 2" He turned towards Saiki and asked,

"So Master, why have you brought us here?" Saiki pointed at Izumi before saying,

"It's because he is like us.' It took Toritsuka a moment before getting it.

"EEEHHH! He's a psychic! I never heard of another one! They never told me!" he shouted in shock.

Izumi narrowed his eyes at that statement,

"And who didn't tell you?" he demanded.

"Uh, the ghosts!" Toritsuka quickly replied when he saw a scary expression on Izumi's face. The latter's face changed into confusion,


"Yeah! I am a psychic medium and I can talk to ghosts," he said with a proud expression.

"Oh. That's cool.' Izumi said with a deadpan

"Oi. What's with that expression?" Izumi ignored him and turned towards Saiki,

"And you what can you do?"

"I can do a lot of things like psychokinesis, teleportation, clairvoyance and many more," he replied. Izumi whistled in awe,

"Wow, you have a lot of powers," he said.

"Wait! we can call ourselves the psychic Trio since there are three of us."

"Nope we are not calling ourselves like that." rejected Izumi

"I second that motion" Saiki agreed

" Overruled! Now we will call ourselves the psychic trio." Countered Toritsuka by making an X with his arms. Saiki turned to Izumi.

"What can you do?" he asked. Izumi grinned, he held up his palm and dark particles started appearing on top of it floating in a circle.

"I can create a substance outside of the world's law of physics called that I call Dark Matter," he replied.

"Wow." Toritsuka let out when he saw the ability being used. On the other hand, Saiki frowned,

"Dark Matter, like the one that composes the space?" he asked. Izumi shook his head,

"No, not that one. Because what I create does not exist. And I don't mean that it has not been discovered, but that it has not existed until I created it. Therefore completely violating the laws of sciences."

'Yare Yare, what an overpowered ability and I am saying that."

Suddenly, they heard the bell ring.

"Well, I guess we have to go back to class. Damn, I never knew we could have another psychic. See you later! Go Psychic Trio!" Toritsuka said before heading to class.

"Well, I guess we have to go back to class," said Izumi as he got up after finishing his lunch.

Saiki nodded and he too got up.

They then started walking to class when Izumi suddenly asked,

"Hey, Saiki, why don't we find a place where we can practice our abilities together?"

'Yare Yare, does he what to see my powers? It might not be a bad idea and I also want to see his powers too.'


"Alright, just tell me when and where. Ok?" Saiki nodded and they both entered the class.