
dreams of magic

Ruth_the_bored · Fantasie
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2 Chs

Chapter Two: The Church's Challenge

Erian had always known that his pursuit of magic would lead to conflict with the Church. But he had never expected it to happen so soon.

It was a warm summer evening when Erian was confronted by a group of Church officials outside his home. They were led by Bishop Armand, a stern and unforgiving man who had long been suspicious of Erian's activities.

"Erian," Bishop Armand said, his voice cold and harsh. "We have reason to believe that you have been practicing forbidden magic. Is this true?"

Erian stood tall, his eyes meeting the bishop's without fear. "It is true," he said. "But I do not believe that my study of magic is inherently evil. It is a force that can be used for good or for ill. And I have chosen to use it for good."

The bishop scoffed. "Magic is a tool of the devil, Erian. It corrupts the soul and leads to damnation. You must renounce your study of it and return to the teachings of the Church."

Erian shook his head. "I cannot do that. Magic is a part of who I am. I cannot deny it any more than I can deny my own blood."

The bishop's eyes narrowed. "Very well. Then we have no choice but to take drastic measures."

Erian watched in horror as the Church officials began to chant and gesture, their hands glowing with an eerie light. He recognized the spell they were casting - it was one of the most powerful in the Church's arsenal, capable of stripping a mage of all their magic and leaving them powerless.

Erian knew he had only one chance to stop them. He closed his eyes and focused all his energy on a single spell - a shield that would protect him from the Church's magic.

As the spell hit him, Erian felt a surge of power coursing through his body. His shield held strong, deflecting the Church's magic back at them. The officials were thrown back, stunned and disoriented.

Erian knew he had to act fast. He raised his hands and began to chant, summoning a bolt of lightning that streaked towards the bishop.

The bishop raised his own shield, but it was no match for Erian's spell. The lightning struck him full force, knocking him off his feet.

As the other officials scrambled to help their fallen leader, Erian turned and ran. He knew he had only bought himself a little time - the Church would not rest until he was brought to justice.

But Erian was not afraid. He knew that his study of magic was worth any price. And he was prepared to pay that price, no matter what the Church might do to him.

For Erian, the battle for the future of magic had truly begun. And he was determined to emerge victorious, no matter what challenges lay ahead.