
Dreaming in the Multiverse with no Limitations

Hello there this is my first novel! Original Title: dreaming in Danmachi with no limitations ——•——•——•——•——•——•——•——• After being ruthlessly kept in a lab for 14 years Arius is killed by a truck falling threw 1/2 a kilometer of ground just to reincarnate the lad! Follow Arius as he goes threw a multiplex of universes {primarily Danmachi} to forge his own path.

Arius_PenDragon · Fantasie
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16 Chs

Chapter 4 - getting serious?

The day was new, and Arius was up. While the forest was having no changes due to his arrival, the same could not be said for the goblin camp nearby was having a problem.

"Hdkrgcye, jrtufr, loqz hieyqy! Juwtdkd drjagckdhh!" ( human, DIS'tract, cave chief! They dangerous!) Stated a wounded goblin frantically.

{will straight up translate now}

"Human? Where is human filth now? Where? Where?" The goblin's chief threateningly screeched before killing the goblin.

After realizing he would never get the information he wanted, the goblin calms himself. "Someone, look around the forest for the human. Avoid cave chief."

"We fallow your will, great chief orbiz." all the remaining goblins chanted while kneeling. After some time they got up and prepared to search.


Some areas away, Arius crouched, planning without a clue. "Hey bro, what do you think of the first aid kit for 10SP?"

"You need something to heal yourself! You just need to hope it comes with an instruction manual." bro still worried about Arius's wounds, had convinced him to try and get some basic medical supplies.

"Well, since that's been settled, the only question is 'how do I get the SP for that?' I got none after that last battle." Arius was calmly thinking due to the ability [Pain resistance] H.

"Silly, just sell your extra clothes."

"Right. Thanks, bro you are an effort saver!"

"Hey don't think of me that way!"

Selling his clothes Arius found that they each sold for 5SP, except for the underwear, which sold for 2SP. *odd but understandable*.

Buying the first aid kit, Arius was lucky to find out, that it did have some basic instructions. After slathering excessive amounts of disinfectant on the wound, Arius tried... and failed, 3 times before he succeeded.

"Bro I thought this would be easier. Why did you make it sound so easy!" Arius wasn't truly angry, just kinda frustrated for wasting so many bandages.

"Dont blame me. Remember I only have limited info outside what you know."

"You do? You never told me that!"

"I'm sure I did! Here, I will check through your memories."

... Nothing for a few seconds

Then the realization came "sorry Arius, I guess I never told you that after all. Here, to make it up, I Will bring your full status sheet up."

[name: Arius

[race: progenitor, ???

[subordinates: 0

[Strength: I35

[Endurance: I50

[Dexterity: I15

[Agility: I25

[Magic: H110


[Blessing of Yggdrasil] SSS

[Pain resistance] G

[Guise of oblivion] SSS

[Greater will] H (locked)

"Seems like my pain resistance ability went up, Along with all my base skills, especially endurance," Arius said while observing his stats "why did that happen?"

"I think it's how this world represents growth."

Bro guessed "it might even be that what you did that determines how you grow."

"Good idea, but then how is my magic so high?"

Bro didn't respond, letting arius figure it out


It had taken a good minute for Arius, and in the end, he admitted "I have no clue."

"Well, it probably has something to do with the fact that you use source energy, while the world has its own lesser energy called mana. So your source energy will help that grow faster."

"Okay. Now that that's been sorted, I need some kind of GUI-"

[system quest]

[figure out the basics]

[after you have been attacked by a bear, you need training!


Learn how to use one weapon 0/1

Hunt 10 rabbits 0/10


scout the forest for interesting things 1/2]



New quest (optional)

"Ooh, that seems easy and good. But how am I to hunt rabbits?"

" Arius, you could try 'throwing' your knife' at some rabbits." Bro was starting to think that Arius needs to get better at thinking! How could one not think of throwing knives, even after reading all of naruto!

"But you can't throw a 12inch knife! Or would you like to tell me how!" Arius was slightly pissed about how bro was acting.

"Ah... sorry, I didn't mean to be a jerk. It's just annoying seeing you stumble threw things that are so simple to solve."

"Ok, I see your point. I know I'm kinda slow on the uptake, so I will try harder!" Arius stated, tempering his resolve.

While in Arius's head arguing, a bunny rabbit had appeared! Only now noticing the rabbit, Arius was trying his hardest not to scare it off.

*I gotta find a way to kill it!* Arius was practically yelling at himself. "Bro any ideas?"

"Sadly, no" bro responded while pondering.

* Wait! I have my knife, in my inventory!* Arius had an idea. *if I get ready to throw it, and do so while summoning the knife I might hit it.*

"Bro I got this!"

Arius started to move his hands as fast as he could to hit the rabbit. Mid throw a dagger appeared in hand ready to be thrown! By this time the Rabbit had noticed something was up and acted accordingly.

This was the moment, it all came down to how much Arius wanted it! The release, the arc, the hit! pinning the rabbit by the tail, he had hit it! If only by a smidge, it was still stuck.

Quickly, Arius went up to the rabbit pined it with his hand, took the knife out, and chopped its head off.

"Wait! Arius, we almost forgot about the MREs you bought!" bro hurriedly mentioned " You should sell the rabbit for points or something, not eat it"

"Thanks forgot about that. Arius replied.

Selling the rabbit, his SP came to a total of 42.

Enough to buy something...

"I don't think I'm cut out for knife throwing! I kinda want to use a bow and arrow." Arius told bro.

"Then sell your knife for a bow and 10 arrows!"

[Source point shop]

[Beginning pine bow 25SP]

[yang bow 150SP]

[cheap arrows X 10 10SP]

[Regular arrows X 5 10SP]

[total SP: 60

After selling back the knife he had only gotten 18SP BACK.

Post inspecting the prices, Arius had decided to buy a pine bow, and ten Reguler arrows. After all this, it came out to about 55SP, leaving Ariu with only 5SP left.

Onhis way back to the small clearing in front of the cave, Arius had made plans to practice with his new bow.


After hours of constant practice, Arius had decided to check his status.

[name: Arius

[race: progenitor, ???

[subordinates: 0

[Strength: I 97

[Endurance: I 57

[Dexterity: H 105

[Agility: I 45

[Magic: H125


[Blessing of Yggdrasil] SSS

[Pain resistance] G

[Guise of oblivion] SSS

[Greater will] F

[hidden presence] I

[hidden presence] I

If you stand still maybe nothing will see you...

Unless you're blatantly trying to kill them!


Once again sorry for the late chapters! Hope you like the story. I think Iwill aim for 3-4 chapters week! As always stay happy!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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I will do bonus 2500 word chapter of we hit 500 power stones!