

"I am very dangerous and I can kill you this very moment" he said with his deadly cold voice, trying to make her run for her dear life "As long as it's you, I don't care" she said smiling brightly at him. What!!, is this girl in her right senses, she was in front of death and she was still blindly offering herself. "Do you know what I am, I am a werewo..." "I know, take me with you" she interrupted him. Aidan couldn't help but gasped in awe at this frail, weak and stubborn creature in front of him. "I can't, only if you want to experience hell with me" He said staring emotionlessly at her. "I want to experience hell with you" She said to him without hesitating. Aidan:"..." "What a brave little cat, sorry but no matter what you say, I can't." Aidan turned around to leaved, but before he could move a feet, the girl made an unexpected move... ~-~-~ She couldn't believe what she saw, the man in front of her transformed into a very big wolf that she couldn't even imagine. She could not even scream, run or even ask for help, it was as if words got stuck in her throat and her body was frozen in place as if she was under some kind of a spell. She could not help but stare into those beautiful eyes, after his transformation only his eyes were still the same, those eyes that she can't avoid to look at even though she avoided it, she always thought there were some kind of spell bounded in those eyes. She walked forward to him despite her heart beating fast in fear, he was growling at her like a wolf would whenever they were threatened by their prey but he stopped when she lifted her hands to caress the fur on his cheek. The wolf purr like a cat and looked at her eyes intently, his gaze was no longer hard on her. The two remained like that until they heard the other werewolves call, he looked sideways in the direction of the call and looked back at her before he ran off still in his wolf form. Immediately she lost contact with him, Dani woke up from her dream panting softly. Disappointed, she walked out of her bed to her laptop, she turned the lamp on walked to the window, the moon was still up. "It wasn't even long this time" she pouted and turned away from the window, but what she saw in front of her made her gasp. "Aidan!!"...

SassyQuinn_ · Fantasie
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19 Chs



Dani felt her blood boil while the maids were getting her dressed, what was happening now was getting her nervous and scared and at the same time angry.

This wasn't part of Heanad's deal, he did not mention the part about her getting married to a werewolf prince, and now he did not even show up to tell her what these was all about or figure out a solution.

Putting all the bad thoughts behind her, she stared at herself in the mirror, the maids were silent as they spent hours preparing her.

She was wearing a white and golden dress, and her brown hair was combed to a side and held in place with golden pins.

When the maids were done, they were informed to escort her to the chapel, when she stood up, she realized that the dress was almost too long for her liking, but she didn't complain.

'It's just for the mean time' Dani thought and walked out of the room with the maids.

Dani noticed gazes on her as she followed the maids to the chapel, she felt nervous and uncomfortable.

At last, they were in front of the door leading inside the chapel. Dani's finger were clutching the sides of her gown out of nervousness, she felt as if she was really getting married.

She didn't want this, was she under some kind of a spell of that witch, or was he taking advantage of her for that princess?.

For goodness sakes she only wanted to help them even though she was taken against her own will and she had no other option than to comply with whatever happens because she has no powers unlike the witch and whatever creatures that exist in this magical world.

Dani felt betrayed, she felt like she can't go back to her own world and achieve her dreams again, she just have to accept her fate. But she wondered about what fate had in store for her here.

She sighed as she thought that nothing was happening in her favour, at all. She is just like a queen on a chessboard under the check of a knight.

She tried her best not to let her emotions take over her. With the situation on ground, even if she told everyone that she isn't the person they thought she was, they would not believe her and even if they did, nothing is going to change, some might even think that she is lying to stop her marriage with the werewolf prince.

When the doors in front of her open, Dani's heart stopped beating for a while, she was looking down praying that it was another dream but it wasn't.

Few minutes passed by and then she started walking forward, she slowly raised her head to look ahead of her but what she saw made her feel some kind of lightning in her chest.

Five men were there standing and staring at her from where they stood. The king, the crown prince, but she didn't know the other three men.

'Wait, where is the groom' Dani thought. Thinking that the wedding must have been called off or some situation came up. Dani's heart jumped in joy that the wedding would not take place anymore.

She didn't stop walking, but halt in her steps when someone spoke.

"Finally, the princess is here. What are we waiting for" Aidan said as he walked down the stairs of the altar while Bryan and Clyde followed behind him.

When Aidan was in front of Dani, he looked at her for a while as if expecting her to say something or react but she did none.

Dani looked at the man who was looking at her, she felt as if those eyes looked familiar but how could she know a stranger.

Without wasting the next seconds, Aidan took Dani's wrist in his hands surprising Dani and everyone else except the two behind him.

"I think I am done here"

Aidan said and began to walk out of the door still holding her wrist, Dani didn't even know when she started following behind him while he was still holding her wrist.

It was as if he did something to her body and now it was under his control. He had an expression that no one could read.

'Oh no, this must be the werewolf prince, and where is he taking me. What about the wedding' Dani thought.

She looked back at the crown prince and his father , they only stood there watching her. They didn't even make an attempt to stop the prince, she knew how helpless they felt at the moment so she could only give in to the situation.

"Hey" Edward called when he realized the doors were about to open, and his sister was leaving.

Aidan stopped and looked back at Edward with a questioning look.

"Promise to keep her safe, healthy and happy" Edward said, his voice echoed in the chapel.

Bryan and Clyde were surprised by this request, they looked at their prince expecting his answer.

"I promise" Aidan said and walked out.

Of course, his response surprised Bryan and Clyde because their prince have never promised anything to anyone.

What happened to him, now.