
Dream Trip { HIATUS! ]

the daily life of a Supreme Being. English is not my native language. I like Mc Op . . DO NOT TAKE THIS STORY SERIOUSLY.

Biggubosu · Anime und Comics
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76 Chs

(≧ ω ≦)

( Ban ) Hey, Merlin never told me his boyfriend was a god.

( Merlin ) Well... you wouldn't believe me even if I did.

( Dreyfus ) Why wouldn't we believe you, Merlin-dono?

( Merlin ) When Noa introduced himself before to the team, nobody believed him, including me.

( Dreyfus ) He's not your lover, why didn't you believe him?

( Merlin ) Would you believe a person who fell from the sky and calls himself God?

( Merlin ) Or rather in his terms, a True Deity.

( Hendrickson ) Like the clan of goddesses?

( Merlin ) I don't know... Why do you ask him directly?



This little ball wasn't bad, but it tasted like lemon.

Arriving at my side Merlin was the first to speak '' Noa, this is for me? '' she said this while pointing to the bottle where was the commandment of altruism.


( Noa ) Just give me a minute to remove the curse and it's all yours.

( Merlin ) What's the curse? Is it complicated to remove?

( Noa ) It's not complicated, the only problem is the curse erases all your memories, feelings and sense of self.

( Merlin ) That's quite disturbing ...


A slight manipulation of reality to remove the curse and give her the bottle.


( Merlin ) That was easy enough ...

( Noa ) Yes, the creator of these Commandments is too weak to be a challenge to me ...

( Merlin ) Another thing ... they want to know the difference between a true deity and a god .


> Skip Time <


It's been an hour since I revealed a little about the difference between a God and a True Deity ... of course I haven't revealed much, after all if I said that all existing Gods are not considered gods but false gods.

And there are only three True Divinities ... and they are totally indifferent to all creation, having twice erased all realities just for sheer boredom ...

The first to destroy all realities was "Death", she got bored after a few billion years with nothing new happening.

The Second to destroy all realities was the "Father of Magic", there was no particular reason for him to destroy all realities, things were going too slow in his opinion, so he just erased them ...


There were also days that he and "Death" would get bored and fight and destroy some planets, nothing remarkable, they were just some planets that hadn't even formed consciousness.


On several of these planets the races that inhabited that planet thought we had a great hatred for each other or love ... but it was nothing like that, after all it was boring to do nothing for a few billion years, we were either fighting or having sex like crazy on top of those planets.

My true form was that of a totally golden humanoid male being, with long golden hair, golden eyes, my body was totally made of the purest magic .

While "Death" she was totally the opposite of me.

She had a humanoid female form totally pitch black with dead stars inside, beautiful curves, breasts neither too big nor too small was perfect, her body being of pure death magic .

In my eyes she was perfect... after she created a human body, she managed to be more perfect than she already was ... her new form fascinated me so much that we ended up having sex for a few thousand years ... not having enough of her, the more I had her the more I wanted her ... almost got her pregnant ... she had become quite angry with me .


> End of Flashback <


Seriously these people have no shame ... one can no longer take a bath in peace these days .


( Meliodas ) So in short ... your lover killed Fraudrin, took away your Commandment, and you took Grayroad to use as a guinea pig.

( Meliodas ) You also destroyed the castle totally, the city was partially destroyed, and you repaired it along with the castle.

( Meliodas ) Is that all that happened while I was recovering?

( Merlin ) I did restore the buildings in one night ... although ... it was me who destroyed them anyway ...

( Merlin ) But the damage was only superficial .

( Escanor ) Superficial?

( Merlin ) Even if I restore the buildings ... Those who were killed will not come back to life .

( Merlin ) You can't heal people's hearts.

( Merlin ) Still, I'm sure that at the end of this war, victory will be for the Seven Deadly Sins?

( Merlin ) So can't we just relax a little, Captain?

( Meliodas ) Hmm? yes... you're right, Merlin .


Watching them leave the bathroom and thinking how shameless these people can be, to not be embarrassed by two naked people relaxing in the bubble bath.


( No ) Merlin, are you sure you'll win?

( Merlin ) Yes, you've already killed two of them and made them all afraid of your strength.

So yes, I'm sure we'll win.

( Noa ) What if I join the other side?

( Merlin ) You don't intend to do that, do you?

( Noa ) No... it'd be too much work.

( Merlin ) Saving energy?

( Noa ) Yes ...

( Merlin ) If you're going to sleep, sleep in bed.


Seriously ... I had to accompany you until dawn to rebuild the whole city and not even a thank you ... such ingratitude.


( Noa ) I can't sleep without my pillow.

( Merlin ) I'm not your pillow.

( Noa ) Yes, you are.

( Noa ) It's in the contract.

( Merlin ) What contract?

( Noa ) This one.


. showing him the contract that had his name signed and his magic signature.


( Merlin ) When did I sign this?

( Noa ) Don't worry, I signed it for you.

( Merlin ) You signed it for me...

( Noa ) Yeah, the contract says that Merlin/Jade, must let True Divinity Noa, use her as a pillow whenever he's tired.


( Merlin ) You even used my real name ...

(Merlin) Forget it's not going anywhere...


While we were chatting away, I had already given the little ball a few different flavors depending on luck, it was quite funny to see that she all get the taste of grass or earth, the only problem in this was that every time this happened she returned me the ball, which had already reduced in size to the size of a fingernail.


( Merlin ) We should leave soon, my skin is already getting wrinkled.

( Noa ) Ladies first.

( Merlin ) Yes, yes.


Closing the book he was reading, getting up and letting me see his body in all its glory, ''tsk'' look at the anime logic acting to screw me. The foam had to cover the most important parts... damn anime logic.


( Merlin ) You've seen it all and touched every part of my body, so there's no need to throw a tantrum.

( Noa ) You're my wife, I have the right as your man to see your body.


Ignoring her, she had already got out of the tub and was waiting for me to use my magic to dry her off ... how audacious .


I stand up and let her see my whole body, seeing her expression of longing and looking at my member with her face slightly flushed and not able to divert attention, I could not let this chance escape.


( Noa ) Did you like what you saw?

(Merlin) Hmm... That thing really was inside me...

( Noa ) Only 70%.

( Merlin ) You didn't put it all inside me?

( Noa ) Yes, I didn't put it all inside you. Being your first time, it would have hurt you for sure.

( Merlin ) Thanks for the thoughtfulness, I don't think this monster can fit inside me.

( Noa ) We can try...

( Merlin ) Not now ... later.