
Dream Sovereign

The world of Alteria was once ruled by ancient gods, who created a harmonious existence between themselves and the mortals. However, when demonic gods invaded from multiple timelines, chaos and destruction ensued, leading to the "Ancient Last Battle" between the two opposing forces. Though the ancient gods ultimately emerged victorious, they suffered a significant loss and many of them were at the end of their lives. In order to avoid leaving behind a void universe and abandoning their faithful mortals, the ancient gods created 12 new gods to rule over Alteria. It is in this world that a young man named Alex finds a Relic of Ancient god and became Candidate To became a certain God and facing the challenges of navigating this new and dangerous reality.

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13 Chs

Unleashing the Power Within

Deong~ Deong~ Deong~ Deong~

As the sound of the alarm-like bell rang, students rushed into their respective classes in a hurry.

Inside the classroom of 12-B, Alex scribbled on his notepad while waiting for the class teacher. The classroom was a marvel of modern technology, featuring a class board that functioned as a built-in computer and each student's desk equipped with an inbuilt tablet.

What amazed Alex the most was the use of light particles for transferring information, known as LiFi, which made the process lightning-fast. The desks were personalized for each student, allowing only them to access their device.

Every day, classwork was directly transferred to their personal devices. Although Alex only had a ten-year-old third-generation super tablet, he still managed to keep up with the latest technology.

The classroom fell into silence as the students took their seats. Just a few minutes ago, they were cheerfully chatting with each other. This sudden change was due to their teacher, Ms. Gonzales, who was feared by most of the students because of her strict demeanor, intimidating appearance, and overweight figure, along with her glasses.

"Okay, class, today we will have a test. Let's see how much everyone has learned so far. I want to make it clear that this quiz will heavily affect your final exam. Mark my words. There will be two more quizzes like this before the final exam. So, good luck if you haven't studied. Start studying!" she suddenly yelled.

Hearing her announcement, the students voiced their complaints.

"Ehhh, a quiz? How am I supposed to answer that? I haven't even touched my book since the last exam!" "Bro, did you study?" "No, bro, I've just been playing games with you the whole week." "Ugh, another quiz..." "But the last quiz was her own decision. This one will be added to our CGPA." "Why does our class have to be part of the first experimental sacrifice?" Ms. Gonzales muttered to herself in silence.

Despite their complaints, they look more than prepare for this.

Except for one boy, who will it be if not Alex?

Alex, who was sitting at the back of the class, found himself in a dilemma. With a furrowed brow, he muttered, "Damn, I've been wasting my time going to the garbage dump these past few weeks. I can't even remember the topic she discussed last time!"

Noticing his situation, Nabila, his seatmate, looked at him and said, "What's the matter, Alex? You haven't been studying again. You don't even pay attention in math class."

Sighing, Alex replied, "Those math problems are easy, but I've been busy trying to earn some money for tuition fees this past week. I didn't really get time to study."

Nabila is the of the closest Friend in the school of Alex. Although its not level of best friend they still hangout sometimes. Truth be told Alex First approach the girl to use her as her father is a good and rich entrepreneur. But thing go south He became in somewhat in friend jones of her adding fuel in flame she is looking interest in another silver hair Rich girl.

Since Alex is poor and Don't have Parents most of the friends of his think she dump him because of this. Although him being more stylish and attractive.

When Nabila heard his answer, she sighed and said, "This is why I tell you work within my dad's company. He will definitely give you a job."

Upon hearing Nabila mention working for her father, Alex stopped talking and pretended not to hear. This was always his response whenever she brought up the topic, and she had become accustomed to it.

As the students finally received their quiz questionnaires, Ms. Gonzales instructed them to begin answering. Alex stared at his paper with confused eyes and scratched his head. "Ugh, even the first question is something I can't answer. How am I supposed to finish this whole set?" he murmured.

"Even if I read the question properly, I couldn't even dream about answering all of them."

Alex's mind started racing with an idea. "Wait, dreams! My powers are not just related to dreams. According to my previous research in my world, dreams are a part of the subconscious mind. Couldn't I basically read their thoughts?"

A mischievous smile formed in Alex's eyes as he contemplated this possibility. He immediately opened the talent page on his character panel.

[Talent: Dream Manifestation] [Rank: D (Growth)] "You're not just a dreamer; you are the embodiment of the dream. Among the seventeen kings, you are the chosen representative of the Dream Realm. However, the universal law has stripped you of your power, leaving only the enigmatic realm of Weird Dreams. To reclaim your throne, you must reunite with your original dreams."

Talent Skills:

Dream Bestower – As a master of dream manipulation, you possess the power to bestow and control the dreams of others. Cost: 20 DP/minute

Dream Manifestor – As one of the seventeen kings, you possessed the power of manifestation. As a holder of the Dream Inheritor title, you had the ability to bring any dream and its items into reality. Cost: 100 DP/minute

Alex saw that he had 100 Dream Points and smiled. "This is definitely enough to test my power."

Seeing the class genius, Miranda, effortlessly solving the answer paper, Alex immediately knew she would be the subject of his experiment. Without hesitation, he used his Dream Points to activate his talent skill, Dream Bestower, on Miranda.

Immediately, Alex felt himself being pulled into a deep void. He felt confused, and suddenly distant laughter echoed in his ears. But before he could grasp anything, the scene changed completely to a large pillar of math problem-solving. Without wasting any time, Alex began consuming the thoughts in his mind.

The scenarios kept changing rapidly, from a chemistry lab with blurred surroundings to solving another question. Alex's consciousness seemed to transplant into each scenario.

He found himself being thrown into a world where he had to perform a magic show to solve a series of math problems. But as he progressed further, his consciousness became clearer. Alex soon realized he was not just seeing the thought process of Miranda, but also her dreams.

The scenarios kept changing rapidly, from a chemistry lab with blurred surroundings to solving another question. Alex's consciousness seemed to transplant into each scenario. Sensing that it was time to leave, he saw his body sleeping on the table before the scene changed once again. This time, he came out the bizarre unconscious mind of Miranda.

Returning to the classroom, Alex was taken aback to see Ms. Gonzales standing in front of him. "Mr. Alex, after the exam, please come to my office!" Her anger was evident as she somewhat shouted at him. Knowing he was in for a rough time, he sighed to himself out of pity. Glancing at the questions on his test questionnaire, Alex didn't want to waste any more time and focused his attention on matching the questions he saw in the dream realm. Although he had to solve some questions based on the topics he gathered from Miranda's thoughts, she hadn't fully solved them herself.

Not long after, Alex put down his pen and turned off his Dream Manifestation state. He looked at his paper and smiled. "Done, as easy as that!"

However, when he observed Miranda still meticulously solving her questionnaire, Alex became confused. But soon enough, he realized that Miranda was solving her problems using her actual conscious mind rather than her unconscious mind.

But there was still more to learn about navigating the complexities of his newfound power.