
Dream Sovereign

The world of Alteria was once ruled by ancient gods, who created a harmonious existence between themselves and the mortals. However, when demonic gods invaded from multiple timelines, chaos and destruction ensued, leading to the "Ancient Last Battle" between the two opposing forces. Though the ancient gods ultimately emerged victorious, they suffered a significant loss and many of them were at the end of their lives. In order to avoid leaving behind a void universe and abandoning their faithful mortals, the ancient gods created 12 new gods to rule over Alteria. It is in this world that a young man named Alex finds a Relic of Ancient god and became Candidate To became a certain God and facing the challenges of navigating this new and dangerous reality.

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13 Chs

The Scattered Pieces

'I thought my old habits were gone from my previous world, but it seems they've worsened since coming here,' Alex whispered to himself.

After running for a while, Alex found an empty spot and decided to rest there for a bit. He settled on a relatively flat rock under a tree and took a moment to catch his breath.

Although he didn't care much, Alex's attention returned to his character panel... (ugh, even my strong digestive system couldn't handle this).

Staring at his talent, Alex experienced mixed feelings.

Based on the information he had received, he learned that everything in this world was ranked, whether it was items, equipment, weapons, skills, or talents. However, unlike his own system, everyone had to learn their talents or weapons through specific means and items. The rankings in this world ranged from E to Ex, with SSS being the highest achievable rank. Alex had hints about even higher ranks, but he hadn't fully grasped the details yet.

With his talent being derived from the power of the gods, the stone had bestowed upon him limitless potential. Currently, his talent was ranked as D in power, but if he could gather all the other sixteen scattered pieces, he would become the absolute ruler of dreams as one of the seventeen kings. It was an unusual circumstance, having seventeen scattered pieces, but Alex chose to ignore the oddity and focus on his goals.

Just the thought of it made him excited, but at the same time, Alex couldn't help but feel uncertain about whether what was happening to him was actually real or not. The fear of disappointment loomed in his mind, and he wasn't particularly fond of it.

Lying down on the rock, Alex gazed at the sky above, partially obscured by the leaves of the tree beside him. "I really am traveling from world to world, huh..." he muttered to himself.

A brief flash of determination flickered across Alex's relaxed face before fading away. After a while, he sighed and sat up on the rock. Since this world could be considered a second world for him, he knew he needed to make a plan for how to proceed.

Picking up a random stick, Alex started writing on the ground. "First thing in my plan should be to create a dungeon," he thought aloud.

"But what kind of dungeon?

Yeah, should be disastrous one."

The question remained as to which location he should choose.

"The second thing in my plan should be to buy at least 4-5 types of vegetables or meals as a backup," Alex continued. His fridge was completely empty, and if this world turned out to be real, having those supplies would come in handy for both himself and his companions.

Although he could have three times a meal thanks to them. But its also true that they had to share their food for several cripple person on the group, that's why they becoming vigilant toward him And start to questioning his leadership. And also, they envy him. Afterall, he pay his tuition fee for school from their money and also having a three times of meal where most of them get one meals a day. And going school means his life already better from him. So it would be much more beneficial for him to buy some meals with him to regain their loyalty and Trust.

Pushing the second option aside as a side quest, Alex shifted his attention back to his first plan. "Game or real life, I came here to enjoy the time I've got and pursue what I truly want," he mused. "I don't want to burden myself with unnecessary responsibilities."

From the information he had obtained from the stone, Alex knew that any place could be turned into a dungeon as long as a Dungeon Master proceeded to do so. It could be caves, labyrinths, towers, prairies, or even open spaces. Even normal houses, stores, or other establishments could become dungeons. The only requirement was that the place needed to be safe.

With the Dungeon Core in his possession, people and monsters would be unconsciously drawn to it, attacking him in the process. Creating a dungeon as a ruler of a specific realm was even more complex, considering he had sixteen other subjects under him. If any of their core get host than each of them will have their own Dream Dungeon.

As the King, Alex knew that he had sixteen other subjects under him, each with their own Dungeon Core. If any of their cores were to find a host, they would likely become hostile towards him. After all, no one likes to be ruled over and ordered around by someone they consider their equal or inferior. In their own Dream Dungeon realms, they would challenge his authority.

However, Alex held the true power of the King with his Dungeon Core. No other Dungeon Core besides his own possessed the full authority and strength of the King. Any other Dungeon Core with the title of Dream had either been separated from the real Core or had been granted that title by a previous King who willingly relinquished part of their rule. Unfortunately, at this point, all of the holders of the Dungeon Cores had become aware of Alex's presence.

These thoughts weighed heavily on Alex's mind as he continued to write his plans in the dirt. He needed to be cautious and prepared for any confrontations that might arise from his status as the King and the holder of the Dungeon Core. Building his own dungeon and consolidating his power would be crucial in asserting his authority and defending himself against potential threats.

FIGHTING BOTH OUTER AND INTERNAL THREATS COULD BE QUITE DIFFICULT, which is why Alex knew he had to find a place that was truly safe for him. It had to be inside the town, as setting up a Dungeon outside in the wilderness would be a risky proposition. The town provided some level of security and potential allies, even if they were temporary or conditional.

"My first and second priorities are set," Alex thought to himself. "Now, my third priority should be raising my strength as much as possible. As a Dungeon Master, my strength will automatically increase if I focus in that direction."

However, he also understood that merely relying on his Dungeon Master abilities wouldn't be enough. He needed to push his physical body to its limits in order to fully harness the power of the Dungeon.

"There's no time to waste," he said firmly. "I must hurry and realize all my plans as soon as possible."

Leaving the empty park behind, Alex made his way back to the bustling street near the Fountain. The sight of people going about their daily lives brought a smile to his face. It had been a long time since society accepted him in this way, and he relished the feeling.

Clenching his fist, Alex couldn't help but have high expectations for his future. With a gleam in his eyes, he whispered to himself, "Someday, I will stand at the top of the hierarchy. Even kings, dictators, or any kind of ruler will have to bow their heads to me."