
Dream Sovereign

The world of Alteria was once ruled by ancient gods, who created a harmonious existence between themselves and the mortals. However, when demonic gods invaded from multiple timelines, chaos and destruction ensued, leading to the "Ancient Last Battle" between the two opposing forces. Though the ancient gods ultimately emerged victorious, they suffered a significant loss and many of them were at the end of their lives. In order to avoid leaving behind a void universe and abandoning their faithful mortals, the ancient gods created 12 new gods to rule over Alteria. It is in this world that a young man named Alex finds a Relic of Ancient god and became Candidate To became a certain God and facing the challenges of navigating this new and dangerous reality.

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13 Chs

Shadows in the Alley

Soon, Kara returned with another crystal ball in her hand, which was covered in dust. After carefully wiping it clean with a cloth,

she sat down and said, "Mr. Alex, I have found a suitable property worth 1 gold coin, just as you requested."

Alex's eyes lit up at her words. "Show it to me!" he exclaimed eagerly.

Nodding, Kara touched the crystal ball once again, revealing the image of an old wooden building inside.

"Since Mr. Alex plans to turn the property into a restaurant. I tried looking for a property with a big space that can accommodate a lot of people." she explained.

"Here is an image of a three-story building that has quite an amount of space which I think is suitable for turning into a restaurant

"This three-story building possesses a significant amount of space and is a one-of-a-kind option."

As Kara provided further details about the building, Alex carefully inspected it in the crystal.,

Truth be told, Alex had never expected to come across a three-story building in a fantasy world. However, his knowledge of ancient multi-story structures reminded him that they were not always the safest, as they could be susceptible to earthquakes. He would need to make some modifications to ensure its stability. Additionally, he noticed that the building's location wasn't highly sought after, despite the town being a bustling hub for merchant businesses. The instability of the building seemed to be the primary reason.

Thinking this Alex nodded in satisfaction "What would he expected from a one gold coin worth of infrastructure." Thinking this a satisfied smile for in his mouth.

Kara couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over her Seeing the Alex's expression. Kara heaved a sigh of relief.


However, hesitation soon appeared on Kara's face, causing Alex to raise an eyebrow.

"Hmm? Is there something you want to say?" he asked.

After a brief moment of hesitation, Kara finally spoke up. "Actually, this property is located on the outskirts of town, so establish a Restaurant could be quite challenging" she admitted.

"Furthermore, it is quite old and situated at a short distance from the slums, where law and order could be problematic."

"But!" Taking a deep breath Kara continue her speech

"I guarantee you that if you can properly establish the restaurant, it will draw people from both the slums and the normal areas. Based on my past experience I have a feeling this place has the potential to become a thriving establishment, meeting the needs of the locals. However, I understand the concerns about thieves and robbers."

Kara looked at Alex, her brows furrowing with worry. "It's true that this area is notorious for such activities. The city guards can be of assistance, but they usually require a bribe to provide protection. Are you willing ...…?"

"Who could live best in the slum and Notorious activist area other than me. As a Nomad it would be the best area of interest for him. But starting with something like this in this new world Is really quite concerning as he doesn't have any connection in here. Alex didn't see it as a significant concern. After all, being next to a slum didn't deter him."

Kara didn't finish her words, but Alex understood the implications. As she looked up at him, she observed his thoughtful expression, making her refrain from making any further comments, afraid of disturbing his thoughts.

Alex pondered Kara's words for a moment, a calculated gleam in his eyes. He leaned back in his chair, tapping his fingers on the table as he contemplated the possibilities. He had always thrived in the midst of chaos as a Nomads in his previous world, and the challenges presented by the slums didn't deter him. In fact, they intrigued him. Although it's not the best choice for other it is definitely a good for him."

After a couple of seconds, Alex broke the silence and said,

"It doesn't matter." He said,

"Whether it's near the slums or the noble district, it doesn't matter to me." "I've decided, I'll take this one

'As long as there are people who can enter my dungeon, that's the only thing that matters to me,' Alex silently reiterated in his heart.

With his confirmation, a smile bloomed on Kara's face. She stood up and said, "Then I'll process the documents for the property immediately, sir!"

Alex nodded, and Kara set off to complete the purchase of the property. After approximately 10 minutes, she returned with a paper document and handed it to Alex. "Mr. Alex, I have already finished the necessary paperwork for the purchase. To finalize it, all you have to do is sign this paper."

Alex picked up the document and carefully scanned its contents. Satisfied that everything was in order, after seeing that there was no problem with it, Alex picked up a feather pen and signed his name at the bottom of the paper.

Although he had to pay an extra 1 silver to get another paper due to his struggle with the feather pen during the first attempt to sign the document, but nevertheless Alex struggled a bit but still managed to successfully sign the paper on his second attempt.

As he set the pen down, Kara stretched out her hand towards him and said, "Congratulations for your purchase, Mr. Alex. I hope you continue patronizing our agency!"

Alex shook her hand and replied, "I will definitely return if the opportunity arises, especially since this town only has one agency." Even though Alex had some reservations about Kara's behavior, he didn't voice his concerns at that moment.

" Even though Alex had some reservations about Kara's behavior, he didn't voice his concerns at that moment.

After exchanging a few more pleasantries, Alex finally bid farewell to Kara and left the Golden House. As he stepped outside, he noticed that darkness had already descended upon the town. Gazing at the clear, starry sky above, Alex let out a sigh. "I didn't realize I spent so much time just purchasing a property," he muttered to himself.

"I guess I'll put off heading to the property location for now. I should go back home to my world first." Alex thought to himself. But before that, he needed to purchase some ingredients from the merchants.

Even if he bought leftover items, his culinary skills and knowledge of food would allow him to turn them into delicious dishes.

In his younger days in the futuristic world, he had faced situations where he had to make the best of far worse ingredients than just leftovers. It was during those challenging times that he honed his ability to create flavorful meals from whatever ingredients were available with his previous world. The leftover restaurant dustbin meals and ingredient are definitely worser than Leftover Market Meals. Also, this is One of the reasons He always bought meals when its almost

Afterall during in his younger times in the futuristic world he was forced to eat and cook with much bad ingredients than leftover ones.

Leaving the premises of the Golden House, Alex made his way towards the Fountain of Cupid. He bought a variety of leftover skewers (Cooked and raw), as well as some vegetables like carrots and cabbage. He also wanted to buy beans, but he realized that he couldn't put them into his inventory for some unknown reason.

Perhaps maybe the game is system based on had a limited to the number of items he could store or maybe it was because he had can't believe whether his inventory could hold a packet of food with more than 99+ beans.

With his left hand carrying around 5-6 kilograms of fresh beans and his right hand holding the skewers and vegetables, Alex made his way towards a nearby alley.

Unbeknownst to him, a group of thieves had taken notice of his attire and the extravagant number of items he had purchased. In a town where most people lived hand to mouth, it was unusual for someone to buy such a large quantity of goods.

As Alex looked for a place with no one around and finally decided to go to a nearby alley and immediately put down vegetables in his inventory. Holding the bag of beans, he chanted "Leave"

What he didn't notice was that after he left the market, a few thugs not far away started following him with malicious intentions. However, when they arrived at the alley where Alex had gone, they found nothing but a dead end ahead.

"Ha? Where did that kid go?" the thugs wondered in confusion. Despite searching around for a bit, they couldn't find a trace of Alex and were left with no choice but to return to their previous location.

"That kid is definitely from the novel society. And he must have used a teleportation spell. How else could he vanish into thin air like that?" one of the thieves speculated.

"The others nodded in agreement, recognizing the possibility of Alex possessing Mana scroll."

"Yes, we should definitely keep an eye on this place. We can't let the sheep slip away if it comes knocking on our door," another thief remarked with a laugh, relishing the challenge that lay ahead.

Earth. Alex's house. It was silent and peaceful, as if the world was in perfect harmony.

But this tranquility didn't last long.

Suddenly, the figure of Alex appeared out of nowhere on the empty sofa. He looked around at the familiar walls and decorations, letting out a sigh of relief.

"Phew~ I'm really back," Alex said, feeling the comfort of being in his own home. He sat on the sofa for a while, enjoying the familiar surroundings, before getting up and heading to the bathroom.

After a refreshing bath, Alex casually cooked dinner using the cabbage and oysters he had bought earlier. It was already his fourth meal of the day, but he didn't mind. He ate his meal and then went to bed, lying down on his old, slightly moldy bed. He stared into space, lost in his thoughts.

"Everything I experienced today feels so magical... I really went to that world, where even vegetables and beans have their own lively marks," Alex muttered, still finding it hard to believe that it wasn't all just a dream.

After relishing the things that he experienced for a while he said "Again with old hellish day", Alex finally drifted off to sleep. A calm night passed without any signs of disturbance.

The night passed peacefully, without any disturbances.

The next day, Monday, Alex woke up feeling refreshed and began preparing to go to school.

Alex is currently a senior in high school, in his final year. If everything goes according to his original life trajectory, Alex will graduate from high school this year and find a regular job in the city. He will become an official citizen, living in a big city house within an advanced society.

He's just an average student who understands subjects like chemistry, physics, biology, and coding languages pretty well. If he not transmigrated from the earth he will not perform as an average student as he don't even study properly. But he still have an dream to go into an College.

But going to college? It's not something Alex can afford right now. Money is a big obstacle for him. Scholarships aren't an option either, as they're not available for nomads like him, even after becoming a citizen. Finding a sponsor to support his college education is a real challenge. However, the Dungeon Core changes everything for Alex. It offers him the opportunity to grow beyond his wildest dreams and reach the top.

With the Dungeon Core in his hands, Alex feels a sense of relief about his future. He finished getting ready and had a simple breakfast with some leftover oysters. It was time for him to head out to face the day ahead.