
Dream Sovereign

The world of Alteria was once ruled by ancient gods, who created a harmonious existence between themselves and the mortals. However, when demonic gods invaded from multiple timelines, chaos and destruction ensued, leading to the "Ancient Last Battle" between the two opposing forces. Though the ancient gods ultimately emerged victorious, they suffered a significant loss and many of them were at the end of their lives. In order to avoid leaving behind a void universe and abandoning their faithful mortals, the ancient gods created 12 new gods to rule over Alteria. It is in this world that a young man named Alex finds a Relic of Ancient god and became Candidate To became a certain God and facing the challenges of navigating this new and dangerous reality.

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13 Chs

Dream's Guidance

You had to know that the unconscious brain deliberately helps the main brain by assisting in calculations and providing guidance. The experiences Alex had were actually Maranda's unconscious memories, revised and transferred by the unconscious brain to her conscious mind. This explained why he also understood several math problems and unrelated information during the process.

"I properly understood one ability," Alex said, forming a big satisfied smile on his face.

Meanwhile, Nabila on the side has been watching the whole the time. Seeing the satisfied smile in Alex's face Nabila felt speechless.. She was about to say something but eventually shook her head and focused on her own paper.

After finishing and looking at his paper with satisfaction, Alex shifted his attention to his status screen.

[Dream Points: 20]

He sighed, realizing that even though he tried his best to finish quickly, he still wandered in Maranda's unconscious mind for four minutes. He remembered that Ms. Gonzales had asked him to go to her office because of those four minutes of unconsciousness.

"Maybe she thought I fell asleep," Alex pondered.

Dream Points were limited, and he had no clue where to acquire more. The decrease in his Dream Points caused a slight pain in his heart.

He sighed, realizing that even though he tried his best to finish quickly, he still wandered in Maranda's unconscious mind for four minutes.

He remembered that Ms. Gonzales had asked him to go to her office because of those four minutes of unconsciousness.

"Maybe she thought I fell asleep," Alex pondered.

Dream Points were limited, and he had no clue where to acquire more. The decrease in his Dream Points caused a slight pain in his heart.

"But it's worth it if I can get admitted to a good university."

"Forget it, at least I got through this quiz. I just don't know how many points I will get."

With nothing else to do, Alex rested his head on his desk and closed his eyes. Soon, 20 minutes passed in the blink of an eye.

Ms. Gonzales stood in front of the class and announced, "Okay, class, put down your pens and pass your papers."

After collecting all the papers, Ms. Gonzales gathered her things and said, "I will check your papers later and return them tomorrow. Now, see you tomorrow. Mr. Alex, please meet me at my office."

"Goodbye, Ms. Gonzales," Alex replied.

Once she left, the next teacher entered, and the class proceeded as usual.


The day passed normally, with no significant events apart from Ms. Gonzales' life lessons during lunch break. Before leaving, Nabila hurried toward Alex.

"Hmm? Is there something?" Alex asked.

"Let's leave together," Nabila suggested.

Alex agreed, and they walked out of the classroom while chatting about random topics.

Under the orange glow of the setting sun, students walked out of the school gate, chatting with their friends. Some felt lonely, while others laughed and made fun with their companions.

Alex and Nabila also left the school and were now walking towards Alex's house. "Are you really planning to come to my house with me?" Alex asked, furrowing his brows as he looked at Nabila.

"Last time, I was the one causing trouble, but now I'm the one suffering," Alex thought to himself. "Damn it, it feels really awkward."

"Yeah, why? You won't allow me?" Nabila asked, a fierce look on her face.

Shaking his head, Alex replied, "No, I was just wondering why a rich tomboy like you would be interested in my dilapidated house. What kind of fetish is that?" Alex asked, exasperated.

Nabila's expression softened as she took a step closer to Alex. "It's not about the house, Alex. I care about you. I want to understand your world."

"And isn't it because I want to know more about my great friend and his little gang camp!" Nabila said matter-of-factly.

"Hey, don't say it so loud! The police would catch me if they hear you."

"Oh, now you're worried about the police. Then don't send me away like a little thief. Besides, according to my father, there are more than 1,000 gangs roaming around the city, just like yours. And the average death ratio of a gang is more than 60%. So, I estimate your gang will start having disloyal followers soon. Why don't you stop doing this?"

Upon hearing that, a betrayed look covered Alex's face. You really researched properly.

"Hey, don't make that face. I genuinely want to help you and others," Nabila said earnestly.

"What are you going to do then?" Alex asked, curiosity tinged with skepticism.

"Nothing much, just want to donate some money," Nabila replied casually.

"People mostly donate like this to enhance their college applications, you know," Alex retorted, adding a touch of comedy to his response.

"I'm really trying to help you, dummy!" Nabila exclaimed, her tone lighthearted. Saying that, she started walking with him.

Hearing that, Alex decided not to dwell on the topic any longer.

The two chatted about various topics that people their age typically engage in, delving into conversations about their favorite games, discussing the latest shows they were binge-watching, sharing amusing gossip from school, and much more.

Mostly, it was just Nabila who talks while Alex just listens to her.

After walking for less than 10 minutes, Alex's house finally came into view.

Walking a little further, they reached Alex's house without encountering any obstacles along the way.

"Hu~, it was really hot outside," Nabila remarked, visibly relieved, as she settled onto the nearby sofa.

Alex glanced at her, using a cardboard to fan himself with his left hand, and asked, "Do you want some water?"

"Yes, please!" Nabila replied gratefully.

Alex grabbed 2 glasses of cold water from fridge and also opened the only electric fan in his house, pointing it to Nabila.

Feeling the cool air, Nabila closed her eyes and enjoyed it,

"Ahh~ that's much better."