
Dream Sovereign

The world of Alteria was once ruled by ancient gods, who created a harmonious existence between themselves and the mortals. However, when demonic gods invaded from multiple timelines, chaos and destruction ensued, leading to the "Ancient Last Battle" between the two opposing forces. Though the ancient gods ultimately emerged victorious, they suffered a significant loss and many of them were at the end of their lives. In order to avoid leaving behind a void universe and abandoning their faithful mortals, the ancient gods created 12 new gods to rule over Alteria. It is in this world that a young man named Alex finds a Relic of Ancient god and became Candidate To became a certain God and facing the challenges of navigating this new and dangerous reality.

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13 Chs

A Feast Or Adventure

Walking down the bustling streets, Alex observed the vibrant crowd. Faces adorned with radiant smiles painted the scene, as if everyone was leading a fulfilling life.

Because of that, it inevitably made the mood around the town very light and relaxing, which is perfect for unwinding. With each step, Alex's curiosity was piqued, akin to a child exploring a new city. It had been ages since he had the opportunity to roam freely without a care in the world. As he strolled leisurely, Alex remained mindful of his responsibilities and priorities.

While appearing to wander aimlessly, Alex was, in fact, carefully surveying his surroundings in the town. His purpose was to determine the ideal location for establishing his dungeon. In the fantasy novels and games he had experienced before his transmigration, dungeons were typically situated in caves or labyrinths.

However, Alex knew that setting up his dungeon in an open cave would make him vulnerable and prone to attacks

The Most dangerous thing happened when a name Dream Dungeon master attack him to take his title as The ruler of the Dream.

Additionally, dungeons were traditionally regarded as the domain of monsters in all the games and novels Alex had encountered. As an intellectual person, he saw no reason to establish his dungeon in a forest cave or a cave within the town itself.

Deep in contemplation, Alex continued his train of thought. "In any case, dungeons require adventurers to venture inside them and earn points for him. Establishing a dungeon within the town would be much more convenient, considering the abundant population" he mused.

As he rubbed the back of his head, Alex pondered further. "Converting a business establishment into a dungeon is indeed a clever idea. It would provide a perfect cover for my role as a Dungeon Master, and I could potentially amass a fortune by running a business.

However, the question remains: What kind of business would attract a large number of people?" Alex contemplated the possibilities, searching for an answer that would draw in the desired crowds.

After a prolonged period of contemplation, Alex found himself without a satisfactory idea. He shook his head, releasing a sigh of resignation. "Forget it," he muttered. "There's no use dwelling on it. Perhaps I'll stumble upon some inspiration around here."

As he continued his exploration, another thought crossed his mind. "Though," he pondered, "I wonder how to acquire skills. The black stone didn't provide any information about it. The system itself isn't a tangible entity; it seems to be a manifestation of the power of dreams. I used to dream about it constantly during my youth, long before the transmigration occurred.

"Isn't the system's interference looked like the a game he had played in his previous life" Sudden realization struck Alex that even the system's interference mirrored that of a game he had played". Ain't that mean If he just dreamed in his previous life of having the soul of an old man as his guidance, it will just work like that. Curiosity lingered in his eyes as he sought to unravel the mystery behind the per he got,. But nevertheless...' As thoughts generated in his mind, Alex continued wandering around while observing everything. After a few minutes of aimless wandering, Alex's attention was captured by a long queue of people outside a restaurant called Mary's Diner. Curiosity piqued, he approached the crowd to investigate further.

"For there to be such a large crowd waiting, it must be a fantastic place to eat!" Alex exclaimed cheerfully, his curiosity further piqued.As if in response to the tempting aromas wafting from the restaurant, Alex's stomach growled loudly,

Grrr ~~~Grrrr

A testament to his growing hunger.

He couldn't help but reflect on how different his current circumstances were compared to his past. Recalling the days when he had to fight for every morsel of food, enduring starvation after the passing of old man Wei, filled him with a deep sadness.

The memory of how the old man had sacrificed his own sustenance to provide for him, and how malnutrition ultimately led to his demise, caused Alex to question the very nature of humanity.

"Now, when I have the privilege of eating three meals a day, and he's no longer here," Alex murmured, "it leaves me feeling somewhat empty." The contrast between his past struggles and his present abundance weighed heavily on his heart.

Taking a deep breath, Alex joined the long line, prepared to wait patiently for his turn. The line was quite substantial, reminiscent of the queues he had seen during the launch of the Apple iPhone 16. "It seems like this wait will be worth my time," he thought optimistically.

After a half-hour passed, it was finally Alex's turn. Standing at the counter, he was greeted by a young girl with a wide smile adorning her face. Though her looks could be considered average, her cheerful personality endeared her to those around her.

"Welcome to Maria's Diner, sir. What would you like to eat?" she asked politely.

Alex chuckled and replied, "Well, after standing in line for half an hour, it's hard to say, miss."

The girl responded matter-of-factly, "What can we do, sir? This town only has one Maria's Diner."

Smiling, Alex said, "Oh, I see. Well, could you recommend the best dishes available? I'm actually new here."

"You do look new," she remarked, "No one in town has black linen pants or a torso like yours. Please take a seat, sir, and your food will be ready as soon as it's finished."

As Alex sat somewhat awkwardly at the table, he couldn't help but realize that the receptionist had engaged in conversation with him primarily because of his outfit. She hadn't shown the same level of attention to other customers, leading him to believe that she considered him a wealthy patron.

"Well, when she found out I am actually breaking what will be her kind of reaction." Thinking of it make Alex smiles wryly.

While he waited, Alex glanced around the diner, observing the other diners who appeared to be relishing their meals with delight. Their satisfied expressions hinted at the deliciousness of the food served here. However, he also noticed that there seemed to be a limited selection of dishes, as everyone seemed to have the same meal on their tables.

As a couple of minutes ticked by, Alex patiently awaited the arrival of his food. His thoughts revolved around the anticipated taste, considering how the customers around him seemed content while eating. Eventually, a waiter, likely the father of the cheerful girl from earlier, approached his table, delivering the eagerly awaited meal.

"Enjoy your meal!" the server said before moving on to attend to other patrons.

Finally, it's here! Let's see what we have." Waiting nearly a hour for a meal really tested his limit.

Looking at the food in front of him, Alex smiled. "It's finally here! Let's see what we have here. A Bowl of white soup with potato and carrots, A plate of beans with tomato sauce, and a piece of bread.

Alex raised an eyebrow, "is this really it? This look so simple. Even a one federal dollar bad cup noodles have much more ingredient than this.

Glancing at the other customers once again, Alex noticed their continued enjoyment of the same food, their expressions radiating satisfaction. Turning his attention back to his own plate, he sighed and said, "Well, I guess I'll just give it a try."

Taking the wooden spoon in hand, he dipped it into the soup and took a cautious taste.

Slurping the soup with a puzzled expression, Alex couldn't help but notice the lack of flavor. It was as if no condiments or seasonings had been used, leaving the dish disappointingly bland.

"Did they give me the wrong food?" Shaking his head, Alex tried out other food and realize that they also didn't taste good. There is scarcely amount of seasoning spice condiment and salt.

With a growing sense of confusion, Alex tried the other dishes, only to find that they too lacked taste. The soup and beans were devoid of flavors, while the bread was hard and rough in texture.

With confused face, Alex muttered, "This doesn't taste like anything I expected. But how come they look so happy this bland food?"

The idea of them being actors attempting to deceive people crossed his mind, but as he observed the genuine expressions of enjoyment on the customers' faces, he quickly dismissed the thought. If they were indeed actors, their talent would be enough to dominate Hollywood.

For Alex, Eating is one of the few enjoyments left in his life. Previously accustomed to a comfortable existence in his former world, he now finds himself shattered and broken in this unfamiliar and challenging reality. The exact cause of his mental turmoil eludes him, but he carries a profound awareness of his fractured state.

Despite his financial limitations, Alex always endeavors to create the best meals possible with the limited ingredients available to him. Though meager, these culinary endeavors provide him with a sense of happiness. However, being served such flavorless food in the diner dashed his hopes and left him disappointed. Letting out a sigh, he observed the expressions of the other customers and noted that their delight appeared genuine.

"This can only mean one thing," Alex surmised, a mix of resignation and realization in his voice. "For everyone here, this might indeed be the highest standard of food available. This bland fare could be the pinnacle of their culinary experience." Understanding the circumstances, he couldn't help but feel a tinge of sadness for the locals and the limited options they had for satisfying their appetites.

Realizing his initial mistake of expecting futuristic world delicacies in a medieval setting, Alex couldn't help but feel a sense of embarrassment. After all, necessity is often the mother of invention. The driving force behind culinary innovation isn't even invented really. If people were content with the existing food options, there would be no motivation to invent new and more delicious dishes.

As this realization struck him, a spark ignited in Alex's eyes. He had a newfound understanding of what he could bring to his dungeon.

"I know exactly what I'll do with my dungeon!" he exclaimed, a sense of determination in his voice. The concept began to take shape in his mind, fueled by his culinary experiences.

Breaking the bread and submerging it in the soup, Alex started to eat, savoring the combined flavors. He couldn't help but smirk and address the imaginary Maria's Diner, "Well, from now on, Maria's Diner won't have to handle such a large number of customers. After all, you're the only one here." He chuckled at his own jest, envisioning a future where his dungeon would offer a dining experience far superior to the current standard.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Alex continued his meal, contemplating the possibilities that awaited him as a dungeon master who would revolutionize the culinary landscape.