
Chapter 34: Initiation in the Stream

Emile drove to the other side of the forest and parked on the side of the road.

He then made his way to the river by using his flashlight. If he wanted his magic tricks to work he had to follow all Urella’s instructions.

“Now, all I have to do is take a dip in the cold waters of the stream and I can dry myself afterward,” he told himself. He was carrying a bag with a towel and a change of clothes. He was not going to bathe in the river naked.

“I can’t afford to be found naked if anyone showed up by accident,” he told himself.

He felt bad about having to leave Julietta and Elliot behind, especially after Elliot had apparently fainted in the forest.

“But I have to make sacrifices now because it will pay off in the end,” he reassured himself as he walked through the forest. “It will only be for now and then I will have the power to paint beautiful girls and date them as well.”