
Chapter 257: Comparing Rides

With no small amount of pleasure, Scott showed off his new baby to Blake. The fact that it was similar to Blake’s own plane tethered on the other side of the dock did nothing to dampen his enthusiasm.

“So, I took the plunge,” Scott explained. He and Blake had gone over every inch of the De Havilland Beaver. It was like Blake’s, but older. And it had been lovingly maintained by Eustace for years.

“In my off-time, I got my license. Then one night, I struck up a conversation with this old guy in a bar in Manitoulin. And he says he’s got this Beaver he can’t fly these days. His vision has gotten too bad. He offers to sell it to me.”

“It’s a beauty, man. He must have really babied it.”

Scott grinned proudly and swiped at a spot on the side of the fuselage. “Yeah.”

He sighed, gazing off into the distance. “I can’t do it anymore, bro. I’m burned out, dealing with the same punks, day in, day out. I’ve lost the passion for it.”