
Dream (Ambition)

Dreams become reality.... Would high school life be good if there was a killer in your midst, or maybe you were the killer?

HXF · Teenager
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1 Chs



The story follows a high school girl with the peculiar ability to have her dreams come true and a mysterious high school boy with a hidden past. As time unfolds, secrets are unveiled, and the mysteries surrounding them deepen. The tale kicks off on the first day of a new year, bringing with it a series of unexpected surprises.

A reunion marks a turning point in their lives, raising questions about whether it will bring improvement or chaos. The beginning of the year is marred by a series of unexplained murders, and the girl's dreams start to take on an eerie significance, repeatedly asking her if she can save the victims.

Amidst all this, confusion sets in as the characters find themselves inexplicably drawn to one another without comprehending the true nature of their connection or why they continually find themselves entangled. The passage of time sees their days passing by, one month after another, yet they remain in the dark about their identities and destinies.

Ultimately, the characters converge once more, and a pivotal decision awaits them: to choose themselves and their individual paths or continue living within the confines of the lives they've known so far. The story explores themes of fate, destiny, and the enigmatic forces that bring people together, weaving an intricate narrative that gradually unravels the mysteries of their intertwined lives