
Chapter 2: Uncharted Path

Jin-su strolled through the city streets, his eyes scanning the bustling environment. He looked like an average adventurer, clad in simple attire, but he knew he was far from ordinary. His EX-ranked system gave him an edge that others could only dream of.

He approached a bulletin board filled with various quests. A new one caught his attention: "Delivery: The Dragon King requests the presence of the princess." The reward was substantial, enough to pique his interest. Tearing off the quest paper, a voice echoed in his mind, "Quest accepted. Find the Princess and deliver her to the Dragon King."

And so, he began his journey, traversing through the diverse landscapes of Elysium. Each encounter, each fight, was a test of his prowess. His attacks were lethal, landing with pinpoint accuracy. Yet, he was careful not to reveal too much. To everyone else, he was just another adventurer, charming and reliable.

But beneath that facade, Jin-su was a cold and calculating individual, using others for his own gain. Yet, there was an air of mystery around him, a secret that he guarded fiercely.

As he neared his destination, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement. With his unparalleled EX system, he was ready to face whatever Elysium had in store for him.