
Drawing Our Love

Samuel Huang is a world famous surgeon that can cure any illness and do any type surgery with 100% of success. But this isn't what he wanted. He love to draw and fell in love with a beautiful girl, but due to the pressure of his family, he was forced to abandon his dreams and love to become a doctor. Just like that Samuel live his life in regrets and took it to the end of his life. When he is lying in his death bed waiting to die, the God Of The Underworld walk up to him and give him an offer that will change his life forever...

Duguo_Loner · Urban
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8 Chs

Painting 2: The Transfer Student Is A Beauty

"Alright that's enough joking around.", I smiled. "Stand up. We're all classmates here."

David quietly get up and walk back to his desk while clenching his fist.

Although he doesn't show it, I could already tell that this guy want a payback for what I did to him today.

"I'm quite surprise that you didn't stop me from humiliating my classmate.", I asked.

"I'm your teacher. I know what to do when someone is wrong or right. Plus I also hates his dad.", Ms. L replied with a smile.

You hate his dad? What are you, his dad's ex?

"Well, if there's nothing else then I'll be on my way. See you tomorrow Ms. L", I said.

"Where are you going? There's still 15 minutes of class left!", She yelled.

"I'm going to get my life back together.", I announced.

Now if I remember correctly, today is the day Bethany transfer to our school. Let's see was it class 11A or 11B? Whatever, I'll just search both classroom.

Bethany is the transfer student who later became the second goddess of my school and also my first girlfriend. Sadly, we didn't have a good ending due to my parents arrange marriage. But definitely not this life, especially with my memories of the previous life.

Here's class 11A, let's see if she is in here.

I open the door and walk inside and couldn't see her anywhere. I guess it's 11B then.

Let's see 11B...11B...Ah found it!

It's been 80 years since I last saw her. I'm a little nervous, but hey they say your first love is the most memorable love. Now...let's re-paint this broken canvas so that we can learn to love again!

"Hi Bethany, I-", I began as I smile in joy after opening the door.

Huh? Where is she? *Looking around*

After forcing my eyes to dig up every corner of the room, other than those piles of brats gathering up over there...wait why are they gathering?

I walk into the crowds out of curiosity and saw Himiko sitting on her desk with the brats surrounding her...but where is the excitement feelings? The love? The testosterone?

So that devil really did take away my emotions and seal my heart. Well, whatever. It's not like I'll need to feel something to make a girl fall for me. Love and testosterone? I don't need these to capture a girl's heart.

"My name is Samuel Huang from class 12C. Please go out with me?", I requested confidently. *Raise out my hand*

"Damn...did that senior really just ask our new goddess out?", A male student whispered to another.

"Haven't you saw the post? He's the one that finish his exam in minutes with a 100% score!", Another continued.

"That guy really is confident!", The blond-haired male student standing in corner smiled.

"Things will definitely be interesting from now on!", A Chestnut-haired female student said.

"That kid from 12C...he really doesn't know what shame is.", A white haired male student grinned.

That event only happened 10 minutes ago and the other classes already know about it? So this is the power of social media!

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!", Everyone yelled in unity.

Looks like regardless of boys or girls, they all want me to get rejected. Too bad for them, this old man both have 80 years of experience in life and getting a girl's heart. Let me show you kids how an adult get women.

We maintain each other reflection in each other eyes until she stand up from her desk.

She reach out hand to hold mine and nodded her head. Wait really? It isn't this easy back then.

"What she agree! Nani!", The entire class yelled.

You brats didn't expect this outcome did you? I'm definitely going to be the center of attention now. First is finishing an exam with a perfect score in 10 minutes and now I just score one of the goddess of my school.

"Really? This was easier than I thought.", I said in surprise. "I'll pick you up at 8 today."

After completing my confession confidently, I walk out of the classroom with a proud look on my face.

*Bell Ring*

Man I forgot how exhausting and boring this school is. Well, at least I get to go home to my mansion now.

As I was about to walk out of the school gate, a group of students jumped in and block my path. They don't look too friendly.

"Um...can I help you with something?", I asked with a 'I don't give a shit' face on.

"Rumors been spreading that you are messing around with my fiancé.", The one in the center began.

"Fiancé? I don't remember trying to take someone else girls before? Are you sure you got the right person?", I replied.

"It's him boss! That's the guy that asked Bethany out! He took her away from you!", A voice screamed.

Wait a minute...I recognized that voice anywhere!

"Ok, let me break it down to you big boy. One, Bethany isn't anyone fiancé yet. You are clearly hallucinating. And Two, why the hell are you believing in the word of a sly fox like David?", I explained.

"I just believe in what I see! Check the school's group chat.", He replied.

*Sigh* Why didn't I think of that? Something as surprising as that confession would definitely attract attention on social media.

"Ok, fine! I've ask her out, but dude, she doesn't belong to you. She's still single so what I did doesn't count as taking anything!", I argued.

"Bethany and I are made for each other. Our parents made an arranged marriage contract when we were little.", He began.

Oh god, not this crap again.

"Look young man. We aren't living in the 1800s anymore. There is no such thing as arrange marriage in the 21st century!", I replied. "Stop trying to hallucinate this arrange marriage crap and get back to the reality."

"Why the hell are you starting to sound like my dad?", He screamed.

"Look dude, we've been arguing for like half an hour now and you haven't told me who you are yet and this conversation is useless as well since the girl is the one deciding who to date. So why don't you calm down, shut up, and move out of my way so I can go home and no one get hurts. Ok?", I offered.

"Stop ordering me around!", He screamed. "Fuck him up!"

*Sigh* Are teenagers really this stubborn and simple minded? Well whatever, it's been 80 years since I last got in a fight. This might loosen up my muscle a bit. *Crack knuckle*

"Looks like you are having fun. Mind if we join?", A voice asked from behind.

"Are you guys with him too?", I replied. "Man, why is a cute girl having a boyfriend has to be so hard for you guys to accept?"

"Oh no, we are not here to fight you. I'm John Wang from class 11B and these are my bros.", He introduced. "Your confession really have cause a drama to the entire school. I'm impressed so I decided to be your friend.",

"Um...thanks?", I said. "Nice to meet you too. Why don't we just get this over with so I could go home and prepare for my date."

"Just what I wanted. Boys, let's get this party started!", John yelled.

Let's light it up!