

HIATUS AFTER 21/4/21 FOR ABOUT 3 MONTHS. The discovery of Dragons has been swept under a rug and hidden for many years. This is the story of their rediscovery and their journey to be accepted into a dystopian society. The Dragons learn to take on a form we are very familiar with even today, cats. More about novel: Estimated Length of novel (when completed): 112,200 words. Part 1 chapters are 1,000 words minimum (10 chapters) Part 2 chapters will be 1,100 words minimum (20 chapters). Part 3 chapters will be 2,100 word minimum (30 chapters)

Stephy_Doe · Fantasie
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21 Chs

Chapter 11: Opehlia and Sarah

The cat barn had come to life with all the pitter and patter of the tiny feline feet. Tim perched like a statue above the steps made by Avery for the cats to easily reach the second-floor loft of the cat barn. Tim watched and commented on his young dragon cadets in training to be cats. 'Use all four legs.' he told the dragons in cat training. 'And could you please learn to use the litter box or go outside?' he remarked on the stench of cat wastes.

Suddenly, he looked down at Ophelia. 'I need as much information as you can get from Sarah about that dragon that killed her family' Tim said to Ophelia, 'Esther says she can't get anything from Sarah. Sarah will only open up to you for some reason' Tim looked down at Ophelia. She was not even the best at being a cat, but for some reason Sarah had latched onto Ophelia despite that.

Ophelia walked away from a resentful looking Tim to go back to her charge, Sarah. It was nighttime and Esther and Vincent were keeping watch of the children for Ophelia's meeting with Tim. Ophelia rushed back to her spot above Sarah's head. Esther seemed happy to go back to Lexi's side. Vincent had never moved from his spot by Ben's feet. It was a shame they couldn't convince Francine to help out that night, but Francine was under orders to get strict training from Tim. Rumor had it that Francine was pregnant, but Ophelia had no time for the social order of the cats and dragons. She was only focused on helping Sarah out.

Ophelia lingered above Sarah's head before settling down to get into Sarah's thoughts. Sarah's breathing was erratic, another nightmare. The world faded as Ophelia was introduced to the horrible memory turned disastrous dream.

It was day, but the ashes darkened the sky to nighttime and made breathing near impossible. There were piercing screams. The last cries for any help that would never come. She watched helplessly as her home and village were burning to a crisp. The screams haunting her almost every night. Sarah saw her Dad as a hero when he stood up to the evil thing and tried to pierce it with a sword to protect the home, but the dragon scoffed at him and cremated her Dad in seconds. The sword falling to the floor with a slight clank noise. She reached out to grab the sword, but thought better of it. She ran back into the house.

There was a heavy smoke in the house. Her mother's hands picked Sarah up and rushed to a window to bring her outside to safety. There was the smell of burning. Then, Sarah was thrown out a window. She was left alone and abandoned as the terrifying screams continued. "Mom?" Sarah screamed repeatedly and banged on the outside of the house.

Ophelia licked at Sarah's tears and replaced the nightmare with happier thoughts, but the dream would flicker back to the flames in the house and her parents turning to ash before her eyes. She didn't see her mother get turned to ashes, but her imagination did plenty of work from seeing her father cremated to tiny ashes for trying to distract the evil snake with wings that was burning down their home. He was one of many men who were willing to sacrifice themselves to save the children. Sarah watched horrified as her young best friends were just swiped with claws and thrown into the creature's mouth. Their bones crunched in the evil creature's mouth, one crunch and her friends for her entire life were gone.

The man couldn't arrive fast enough. The claws grabbed her. Sarah could feel the long black talons piercing into her body. The man was still too far away. It threw her into its mouth. Blackness. Sarah jolted upright in the bed screaming. 'What did that evil creature with wings look like?' Ophelia tried to coax Sarah back into the dream.

"No!" Sarah threw Ophelia away from herself. "I don't wanna think about it!" Sarah quickly fell back asleep and Ophelia returned to the spot above her head. Ophelia retreated to Sarah's subconscious mind and got the information about a grey male dragon while feeding Sarah a pleasant dream about sweet fruits and playing with her new friends.

'Got good enough information, Ophelia?' Esther's fur stood up on end. 'Don't let her scream like that at night. Lexi needs sleep too.' Esther settled into Lexi's arms and fell back asleep.

'Don't forget that again. I know you think Sarah's so special, but so are our charges. Everyone needs sleep.' Vincent added quickly before settling back to sleep at Ben's feet.

'Sorry' Ophelia muttered before settling back down above Sarah's head and continuing to feed her dreams about running in a field with Ben, Avery, Lexi and bossy Ericka. They were petting cats and the cats would purr in happiness. They were eating juicy sweet apples that were Sarah's favorite.

Morning came all too soon and no one felt rested when Granny rushed in with breakfast. Lexi could barely open her eyes. Sarah's eyes were crusted with tears. Thanks to the cats, the kids couldn't remember being startled during the night by Sarah's screams. When Ericka opened the door to come for breakfast everyone turned away from the bright light. Soon after were the arrivals of Charlie and Avery followed by Tim and Francine.

Ericka cleared off the table. "I spent the whole night working with Ms. Carol. I'll probably spend most of my morning trying to work. I could really use your help Sarah today. Ben, I think you're going with Charlie today to work in the iron forge if you're up to it."

Lexi had set up the bowls and everything else for everyone to eat. Granny was quick behind her filling up the bowls with the usual gritty mixture of eggs and oatmeal. "I see no one's had a good night of sleep." Granny said to them.

"No. I don't remember how many times I woke up to Sarah screaming." Lexi said. Esther rubbed up against her leg.

'Don't be too mad at Sarah that she has nightmares. You were much the same when you first came here.' Esther told Lexi. 'Opehlia is doing her best to keep her calm at night and regulate her dreams, but sometimes it doesn't work. I remember doing the same with you.'

"Sorry Sarah, I didn't mean bad. I was like that too once. I just wish you could feel better and get a good night's sleep like everyone else. I hate that you suffer." Lexi said to Sarah. "Why don't you come sleep closer to Esther and I tonight instead of sleeping in a way corner all by yourself?"

"I don't want to wake anyone up if I have a bad dream," Sarah said to Lexi.

"That's why you should sleep closer to me and Esther. We could help keep you calm and I could wake you up if you start having a nightmare."