

HIATUS AFTER 21/4/21 FOR ABOUT 3 MONTHS. The discovery of Dragons has been swept under a rug and hidden for many years. This is the story of their rediscovery and their journey to be accepted into a dystopian society. The Dragons learn to take on a form we are very familiar with even today, cats. More about novel: Estimated Length of novel (when completed): 112,200 words. Part 1 chapters are 1,000 words minimum (10 chapters) Part 2 chapters will be 1,100 words minimum (20 chapters). Part 3 chapters will be 2,100 word minimum (30 chapters)

Stephy_Doe · Fantasie
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21 Chs

Chapter 1: Ericka and Lexi

It's been several years since the cats started appearing. Life has become so normal for the kids and their mentors. Granny even sets aside a dish of food and water for Esther and the Elder at night since they slept with the kids. Livestock have stopped disappearing at night. The cats have ensured that the rat population isn't a threat to anyone or anything.

"I think I'll go check," Ms. Patricia told Ericka between coughing fits, "myself into the home for," cough, cough, "a few days." Cough, cough. "I guess pottery class will be," cough, cough. "canceled until I get back." Cough, cough.

"It's okay Ms. Patricia. We can help out with the new little kids." Lexi said to them. "I mean they're just starting out. We've been at this for 9 years now. I think we can teach the kids for as long as you need to get better."

"I'll even come check on you every day if you want. I have the most training at the home." Ericka patted Ms. Patricia back which stopped her coughing fit. It was hard to believe that the little girls she welcomed into her life at 5 years old were now blossoming into young ladies at 14 years old. How mature they were to even be so concerned about her health!

The new kids were just walking in brought in by Granny for their first day. "This is where you'll learn about pottery. It's a lot of fun, but it's very necessary. Ms. Patricia teaches this valued art." Granny stopped suddenly when she noticed Ms. Patricia was holding her side in pain.

"It's okay, Granny. We have volunteered to teach the new kids." Ericka spoke before Lexi could say anything. Lexi was too distracted by looking at these new kids.

They were maybe 5 years old. There were all so bony. No wonder their parents brought them to this work farm where they could be guaranteed food every day and valuable skills. There was a little boy among the group. He had red hair and dark colored eyes. It reminded Lexi so much of Avery. Oh, she missed how much fun they had as little kids!

Ericka had noticed that there was a little boy, but she paid little attention to him. Her eyes were set on a little girl with dark skin and long dark brown hair. She approached the little girl who hid behind the boy. "Do you know each other?"

The little boy coughed twice before answering. "No. I'm Ben. She hasn't even told me her name yet. We just rode the carriage here together."

Ericka remembered how Lexi was at first. "Little girl, I need to know your name." She grabbed a red bird from a shelf, one of Lexi's birds. "This is a special bird. Whenever you feel afraid, you can hold on to it and it will give you courage. Lexi here makes them to give out to anyone who needs an extra hug and can't get one. You'll learn pottery with us for a week then you'll have to go do training at the home which I'll probably help you with. Lexi is a valued artist with her work."

The little girl's face was covered in tears, but she smiled. She muttered under her breath, "thank you Ms. Ericka."

Lexi came near the little girl. "I'm Lexi. Please don't feel the need to say Miss. We're only your temporary teachers and we'll be here to help guide you through this training since we've done it before." Lexi had wished so much that her and Ericka had had extra mentors when they were training, but at least they had each other. They had formed a sisterly bond and Lexi would be forever thankful for Ericka since she had no real parents or siblings. Ericka's family had even come visit once and welcomed Lexi into their family.

Lexi grabbed out a bit of clay and handed a bit to Ericka and kept a bit herself. "Okay so since we have two students and two teachers. I'll teach the little girl and Ericka can teach you, Ben." She sat beside the little girl and gave her a hug. "Do you want to make your very own little bird today or do you want to hold on to the red one? They have special powers if you make it yourself." Lexi coddled the little girl. "But you have to tell the bird your name and give it a name too." Lexi pet the red bird that the girl was holding. "I had named that one Scarlet, but you're welcome to give her a different name."

The little girl looked up at Lexi and smiled "Scarlet. I keep name. It fits her."

Ericka was sitting a few seats away with Ben at her side. "Pottery was a specialty that only girls learned before, but it is a very important skill that everyone should learn." The truth was that there was a sickness going around the adults and the now young teenagers had to take over. Esther had been watching this entire time from a corner of the room. Ericka pointed the cat out, "That's our cat. Her name is Esther and she'll protect you from any harm. She's usually attached to Lexi, but if Esther isn't around then there's plenty of other cats that will protect you. It's why they are welcomed in every building."

Ben sighed. "I'm not afraid." He took the bit of clay from Ericka's hands and started playing with it.

"Okay." Ericka winked at him. "Now, do you want to make a plate or a bird?" Birds were usually their first assignment, but she wanted to see if he was ready to move up instead. "You could give the bird to the girl."

He rolled up the clay into a ball and started fleshing it out into a bird. "I don't know."

"Well, first we make a bird to show you how the clay works." Ericka guided Ben's hands to make out the body of the bird. "There. Now, we must stick this in the kilt. That's an oven. It bakes it so it's hard. Tomorrow we'll paint the birds."

Lexi sat with the little girl making little progress on any talking, but they had made a little bird together. Lexi gave the girl hugs every few minutes knowing what it was like to go from being on your own to suddenly being around a bunch of people.

"I okay" the girl said finally. "I keep Scarlet tonight, right? I take new bird tomorrow?"

"What's your name?" Lexi asked again.

"My name? I don't know. They just pick me up…" she cried again.

"Okay then tomorrow, we'll come with a name for you. If you remember your real name, please let us know. Until then we'll come up with a name you'll love." Lexi hugged the girl again. Ericka grabbed the bird and stuck it in the kilt with Ben's bird as well.