
Dragons are OP!

A place where magic exists. Even though I'm not an otaku I'm excited as heck. Wishes? I want to be a dragon, Cause they are OP Yes I also wish to be extremely handsome. What will I do in this new world? Get myself a harem of course. System will help me get stronger so I can even get Goddesses in my harem. Hahahahahah, My harem is open for all, as long as you are beautiful, you are welcome. And what gives me the confidence? Cause I am a Freaking Dragon! And dragons are OP!!!

Kimochiwarui · Fantasie
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13 Chs

11th step? not so strong

"Just a minute Mom" I walked out of the bathroom to see all the maids with red faces, looks like they misunderstood.. not like I'm going to clear their misunderstanding, it's fun teasing them.

"It felt great, ahh he skin was so smooth" I just wanted them to think that something happened between us, so I said that will walking out. any they blushed harder after listening that. Some of them even hod their faces.

"Alright then, I'll change my clothes now" I was now refreshed with the massages. I walked into the other room to get changed. Once I went over all the girls ran towards the bathroom to find what has happened. only to see an unconscious Ava.

"Ava!" they ran towards her. "Wake up Ava, did the prince do something to you. I never thought he was such a bad person, even though he's so handsome"

Once she woke up she said while blushing "it's not like that! I did not do anything else than giving him a m-massage." she averted her eyes.

"You massaged the prince?" they were dumbstruck.

"I was helping him relief his stress, nothing else.." she mumbled while blushing.

"That doesn't explain why you fainted" they asked.

"H-he said that he won't let anyone else than him be my man.."

"What!?" This shocked them out of their wits.

"N-nothing let's get ready for the banquet, it's about to start" she changed to topic.

"ahh yes I forgot" they remembered as they went to do last minute preparations.

Meanwhile, I was in front of the mirror. I looked way more handsome wearing these clothes. "You look really handsome my son" Mom said while hugging me.

This time I looked at her appearance with more focus. She was gorgeous, even for semi-dragons. I did not say it earlier but her name is Amanda and my father's name is Griffin. I don't know what is with the strange naming sense in this world.

"I am your son after all" I smiled.

"You are such a cutie" she pinched my nose.

"Stop it mom" I whined

"I am just kidding, and your friends are here" she said as she walked back.

"Hello A-Aaron, you l-look h-h-handsome.." Lumi blushed.

"Yes I know, you look gorgeous as well" I smiled at her. She was looking beautiful, looks like mom did their makeup.

"You two, don't ignore me" Amalia jumped in.

"How could I ignore my little fairy" I held her hands and walked forward.

"Do I look good Aaron" she looked at me.

"Yes you look cute" she looked like a small fairy.

"But you called Lumi Onee-san gorgeous" she pouted.

"Lumi is well developed while you are still growing." the bigger the better I thought.

"But I will have a bigger chest than Onee-san" she blushed a bit saying that.

"Hmm, is that so? Lumi has monstrous D cup size what about you child?" I swear I could use those buns as a pillow and it would definitely be comfier than a normal one.

"I can still grow, I massage my chests everyday. While Onee-san has stopped growing." She gave herself confidence.

While, Lumi was embarrassed and shocked listening to the conversation. "A-Aaron I haven't stopped growing, it's just that it's getting slower." she mumbled, but I could hear it clearly.

"They say, it grows in size when a person you love, massages it, want me to?" I whispered in her ears.

"I-I don't love you" she was definitely lying.

"Ohh, is that so? I thought you loved me.. I'm hurt now. Come on Amalia, your sister doesn't love me..." I acted hurt.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean that, just give me some time, I'm not sure about my feelings." she replied with visible sorrow in her eyes.

"It's okay, take however much time you want." I patted her back, she shivered a bit.

As we were walking into the hall, I suddenly heard an arrogant voice. "If it isn't the Crown Prince" I recognised this guy, he was Charles.

Luna's older brother and the crown Prince of Osfried.

"I see, it's you Charles. How come you are not with Luna?" I asked, even though Charles was the older brother he was always hiding behind his sister. A spineless person, the kind of person I hated.

"I just wanted to see how great the person sister is going to marry is."

"So, am I good enough?" I was quite annoyed by his behaviour.

"Yes, you are quite satisfactory. Oh who are these two? Your slaves?" he asked while looking at Amalia and Lumi.

"Watch your tongue, Charles, they are my friends. Any more disgusting shit from that dirty mouth of yours and you'll be a goner" I showed my killing intent.

"So what if you are the Crown Prince, my sister is better than you" he was obviously scared shitless but managed to use her sister's name to calm himself.

"Your sister is not here right now" I took a step forward.

"W-What are you doing, I am the crown prince of Osfried" he stumbled as he fell down.

"Aaron, stop it. Please don't this for us." Lumi seemed genuinely worried.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen to me" I gave her a real smile, unlike those normal ones, this had true feelings attached to it.

"Aaron.." she blushed.

"Stop flirting you two" Charles said while standing up.

"So Charles, why's don't you apologize to my friends." I looked at him with bloodlust.

"I am the crown prince, how can I apologise to such a low species as elves." he gritted his teeth while saying that.

"Who gave you the right to speak back, Kneel!" I ordered.

His legs out as he kneeled. this was all due to the title [Leader of dragons].

Everyone around us was shocked by the sudden change of events.

"Isn't that prince Charles? why is he kneeling in front of Prince Aaron?" people whispered about..

"What is going on son?" Griffin walked in with an old looking dragon, he was the same age as my father. He was Saraff the current king of Osfried.

"Charles! why are you kneeling?" Saraff was angry and shocked to see his son is such a state.

"I don't know father, I can't just get up" Charles was scared shitless.

"Aaron is this your doing?" Griffin asked.

"Father, he was disrespecting my friends, he deserves this" I was pissed of at this guy's behaviour.

"Whatever it was, forgive him" Griffin seemed happy that the idiot was put down.

"As you wish, father" I did not want to release him but there were too many people here, and I could beat him anytime.

I looked at him and removed the pressure.

feeling the pressure being removed he quickly stood up and ran towards Saraff. "Father you must take revenge" Charles

"Aaron may I inquire what my son has done to receive such disrespect." Saraff seemed angry.

"He disrespected my friends" I was really angry, both the father and son were stupid. the only reason Osfried was the most powerful Kingdom was because of the Queen who was smart unlike these two useless fools.

"That doesn't give you the right, he is your future brother-in-law. How can you do this for these lowly elves." Saraff scoffed.

For dragons, elves were just like any other species, weak. But that did not mean they could call elves lowly. If word got out, then the Elven queen would attack his kingdom. The elven Queen was as strong as an adult dragon that had mastered both of it's elements. So it would not be good for the kingdom.

"Lowly huh, let's see how high you are" I released an unimaginable amout of killing intent. I did not know why I was so angry, maybe because I wanted to protect them. My first friends. As Stella said earlier, I was frozen for 30000 years. with nobody to talk to I had no friends, that 30000 years of loneliness that I was unaware of was washed away by these two.

Everyone in the room was suffocating except of Amalia and Lumi. I did not focus my killing intent on them.

"A-Aaron, I'm scared please s-stop it" I finally woke up when Amalia pulled my sleeves.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to do that, I was just too angry" I apologized to Amalia while retracting my killing intent.

Shock, horror and disbelief all types of emotions flashed across Saraff's face. "What's going on?" A beautiful lady came in, she was different from the rest. She did not have scales, this indicated that she had reached the transformation realm. Her skin was white, her hair silver, eyes shining like the moon and under the moonlight she looked heavenly, Luna. That's the first word that came to my mind.

Seeing her father in such a state, she was shocked and angry at whoever did it. "Who was it?" she roared. Wrath, she was angry, I could feel the temperature rising in the room.

"Me" I raised my hand as I walked forward with a smile, that was neither happy nor sad.

"It's you? Aaron just because you have reached the transformation realm doesn't mean you will do that to my father!" I had heard 'Like father like son' but here the whole family was a bunch of idiots, except for the Queen. Actually, Luna was a smart lady, but when she became angry, she would lose her mind.

"Yes, I did what I should have, now if you listen to what happened that would be go-" before I could finish, I was attacked. This was my second time being interrupted while talking. I was pissed, even if she was a beauty, I couldn't come to like her.

A black shadow came towards me. I finally understood why many people couldn't see Luna often, she was a Void dragon! But this small attack couldn't do much to me. As soon as it touched my body a message popped up.

-2 Hp. So she is stronger than Lumi. I thought.

As I was thinking, there was an expression of disbelief plastered on Luna's face.

"Let's take this duel outside" I didn't want the common people to know my strength, not yet..

She dumbly nodded, still not believing her attack did nothing.

We walked into training yard under everybody's surprised expression.

"How did you defend against my attack?" she asked, surprised.

"Child's play" I scoffed. "What step was your magic" I asked, I was still unaware of the power levels. "8th step" she replied.

So even 8th step magic can't damage me. I thought.

"That's good, is it your strongest attack?" I asked. "No, I can cast 11th step, but it's forbidden to use in this Kingdom."

"Don't worry about that, you can use it on me, no one will find out" I wanted to see how power the attack was.

"Even though you did that to my father, I don't want to kill you" she was unsure of what to do.

"Don't worry, I won't die. 11th step is nothing for me" I smiled.

"you" she gritted her teeth as she chanted a spell.

"How long will it take" it took a lot of time to cast the spell so I asked her.

"Can't you shut up, it takes about 4 hours for normal dragons, but for me it's only 10 minutes"

"Fair enough" it wasn't long until a black ball the size of a house was formed above her head.

"Sun eater!" she shouted as she threw it at me.

"This is interesting.." I was smiling at the attack, I just wanted to test my limits, any maybe this attack could hurt me.

"Idiot" she was sure that Aaron would die.

There was not explosion or sound. The attack cleanly hit my chest and vanished.

-12 Hp

F*** why am I too OP

Luna was standing there with eyes popping out of her sockets, and mouth wide open.

"Hmm that was good, let's go" I dusted my clothes as I walked into the hall again. The place was isolated from the outside world so nobody could see or sense the attack. I reconnected space as I walked inside.

Luna was still in the field with disbelief in her eyes. I guess it was too much for her.


My stomach rumbled while I was writing this. Gotta eat food. :P