

-11 years ago-

"Senki keep this egg safe from harm till of age. You young but I trust you with her as an Avalon knight. Now go and do not look back young one." A woman of some sort of royalty said to a small young boy that was holding a dragon egg that was half the size of his small statue.

"How will I kno.." the young knight replied shakenly as the door to the room they in was busted open as two swordsmen came in.

"You know when you become of age but now, you gotta go. Oh and tell your guardian that Imma miss him. Alga NOW!" The woman commanded. Second later a large white Fire dragon busted in and took Senki by the helm of his chain mail. Another second later, a black Fire dragon came and a magic seal appear at the end of the dragon's mouth.


"Jason wake up *no response*, Jason wake up or we going to be late." A girl said.

"Navvii.." a boy mumble in response but still haven't woken up.

"Akira!" The girl shouted.

"Skye, just kiss him and he should wake up, if not, you have my permission to use your halberd!" Another but older girl shouted in response. Skye instantly turned tomatoed and slung her halberd onto Jason.

"Senki you dumbskull, wake up!" Skye shouted as she broke Jason's bed with her strike. He instantly passed out from the strike and Akira carried him to her car. Skye followed behind with Jason's bags for the academy.

hope yall enjoy :)

i will try to update this every week with new chapters.

who is Navi i wonder?

Zia_Alexandercreators' thoughts
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